Item:Gauzy uaro's'sugi of delicate Elven snowlace

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Incomplete Item
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  • Item Type, Infobox entry on items hidden

gauzy uaro's'sugi of delicate Elven snowlace
Look: A length of soft fabric, it is meant to be wrapped about the head, face and neck to protect sensitive areas from harsh, desert winds. The intricate Elven snowlace comprising this garment has been attached to a translucent gossamer backing.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 625,000 Kronars500,000 Lirums <br />451,000 Dokoras <br />625 LTBpoints <br />625 Tickets <br />625 Scrips <br />
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item hides unknown objects and/or features.
  • This item is styled or has special functions for S'Kra Mur.
Sources: Source is Ang'hhsmus

  • STUDY: You study your gauzy uaro's'sugi closely, and come to the conclusion that you can do the following things with it:
You're pretty sure if you wound the gauzy uaro's'sugi around your head and then RAISED it, the item would hide your face as well as anything you are wearing on your head.
  • WEAR: You carefully wind your uaro's'sugi around your head and neck, leaving your face exposed.
  • REMOVE: You deftly unwind your uaro's'sugi from around your head and shoulders, taking a moment to shake out the wrinkles.
  • RAISE: You adjust the folds of your uaro's'sugi, your face hidden but for a narrow strip of fur around your eyes.
Changes appearance to: A gauzy uaro's'sugi of delicate Elven snowlace is folded to obscure <Person>'s face, hiding all but a narrow strip of <skin/fur> around her eyes.
  • LOWER: You rearrange the folds of your uaro's'sugi, revealing your face.
  • PUSH (lowered): You adjust the folds of your uaro's'sugi, settling it comfortably around your head and neck.
  • PUSH (raised): You adjust the folds of your uaro's'sugi, taking extra care around your eyes.
  • PULL: You unwind the end of your uaro's'sugi, tightening the fit before securing it again.