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Item:Fluffy brown towel shaped like a large squirrel

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fluffy brown towel shaped like a large squirrel
Look: Complete with a trailing bushy tail, the squirrel-themed towel is set with a pair of googley eyes and some large felt teeth.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 7 length x 4 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Togs for Togs (3), Togs for Togs (2), Togs for Togs (1)
  • STUDY: You think you can rub the brown towel to dry off, and you can also wring or wave the towel to dry it. You can also kiss, clean and hug the brown towel.
  • RUB (dry): But you are not wet!
  • RUB (wet): You vigorously rub your legs with a fluffy brown towel shaped like a large squirrel, drying off as much water as possible.
  • WRING (dry): You wring a fluffy brown towel, knotting it into a ball.
  • WRING (wet): You squeeze a damp brown towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.
  • WAVE: You playfully snap a brown towel about in the air.
  • KISS: You hug and kiss your fluffy brown towel.
  • CLEAN:Bugged. verb is non functional -Linett
  • HUG: You hug a fluffy brown towel tightly, feeling all warm and cuddly.