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Item:Embossed parchment

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Incomplete Item
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Incomplete Tags
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  • Item Type
embossed parchment
Look: Great lengths were taken to put the ink to this piece of parchment -- not a single splotch or smear mars its surface.
  /                                         / \
  | Greetings,                             |-,|
  |                                        |_\/
  | Your assistance in a matter most dear  |
  | to the Estate Holder Council is        |
  | requested.  Your past service to our   |
  | needs has been recognized, and we once |
  | again require your unique talents.     |
  |                                        |
  | A meeting, closed to the public, is    |
  | scheduled for t.. .ay of the 6th .o..h |
  | of Arh.. t.e .i.r.e Lion within the    |
  |'s ..mber..  Council members    |
  | will be present to discuss more details|
  | about the coming arrangements.  Travel |
  | will be required for those accepting   |
  | the offer.  Compensation will be in    |
  | accordance with past arrangements.     |
  |                                        |
  | Should you be able and willing to      |
  | assist us again, please make all due   |
  | effort to attend.                      |
  |                                        |
  | Sincerely,                             |
  |                                        |
  | Councilor Quidan                       |
  | Overseer of Estate Holder Functions    |
  |                                        |
  | Councilor Lavieska                     |
  | Overseer of Merchant Arrangements      |
 _|_______________________________________ |
/                                        /\|
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: Unknown
Appraised Cost: 18 Kronars14.4 Lirums <br />12.989 Dokoras <br />0.018 LTBpoints <br />0.018 Tickets <br />0.018 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Fenwyrthie's Curio Shop