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Guide to Musparan Cuisine (book)
A Guide to Musparan Cuisine
by Ruoigi Sranalho, Royal Chef to King Arhhdan
Many visitors to our fine city have asked me about
some of our unique ingredients, types of foods, and
the delicacies we serve here in Muspar'i. It was
from this questioning that I wrote this guide, to
explain about some of our delicious foods.
I should also mention that most Musparan foods are either very hot or very sweet -- these are the tastes we most enjoy. The natives also prefer (though we are not limited to) soft foods. In this blistering desert, there is more than enough *crunch* from sand getting into everything.
Hhyssk'et Berry
Hhyssk'et is a nut-like berry. Its name means "bitter fire," and this fruit is aptly named indeed. The hhyssk'et grows on a thorny ground cover of the same name. Injury from the thorns produces an instant "chill-numbing" like effect that lasts for a few seconds before a burning sensation erupts at the site. Imagine a single nerve ending on fire, then magnify that by all the nerve endings around the injury site. It is, as I am sure you are now imagining, quite painful. The 'seeds' go from a leathery shell to rock-hard as they become ripe -- it is similar to a coconut shell. This protects the hhyssk'et berries from the yeehar, as those lumbering beasts are known to have quite the sweet tooth. The berry is about the size of a plum. The shells are carefully peeled open to obtain the thin membrane that lines the inside. The fiery hot membrane is then carefully removed to maintain its shape for stuffing with a highly sweetened fruit and meat mixture. The choice membranes are colored from a bright red to a deep burgundy.
Hhyssk'et Juice
The hhyssk'et juice is just the opposite of the membrane and is very sweet when the seed is fully ripened. It is said to often be an ingredient for making poisons palatable. The clear juice appears inside after the membrane "dies off" and become a deep, glistening onyx-colored lining on the inside of the shell. Only the texture of the exterior shell reveals the inner contents. When the shell is leather-like, there is a pepper membrane, and when it is rock hard, contained within is sweet juice.
Hhr'pao Bread
Hhr'pao is a flat bread. The dough is formed by hand in a flat circle about 6" diameter, then placed on a flat rock to bake all day in the sun. This served as the traditional bread for the nomadic tribes, as its recipe was handed down from mother to daughter. With the introduction of civilization, ornate mosaic tiles were created to be used for the same purpose in the more influential homes so that, when not in use, they are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and blend with the home's decor.
Iroepi Root
Iroepi is a crisp root vegetable, shaped like a turnip, and containing a very spicy sweet taste. It is very durable, and requires special treatment to make it softer and more edible, where it is used as a flavor enhancer to almost every dish. Because it is so sturdy, though, the root grows virtually everywhere in Velaka, making it a staple part of S'Kra meals.
Three Brothers Stew
The three brothers stew is a popular dish. The stew is tied into popular folklore, relating to the legends of the three brothers and the maiden that formed S'Kra civilization -- Zaarin, Mhalush, Dhrakhh, and Norayaz. It is made by a mixture of three different types of meats, each meat representing a different brother. After that is done, the par'i dumplings are made and added, these representing the Maiden of Peri'el, Norayaz.
Sand Spiders
The sand spiders are an infestation in Velaka, appearing everywhere (though they particularly prefer narrow, sun-blocked gorges). This would be a great annoyance, but fortunately, we've found them to be quite tasty, when prepared well. Their meat makes good cakes. Their hearts, their spinnerets, and their legs all make good dishes also.
Yeehar meat is an important part of the city's cuisine, much to the dismay of the Sand Elves. They've repeatedly attempted to get us to stop poaching the beasts, but the yeehar meat is of such high quality taste (though it is a bit too muscular), and their livers make excellent side dishes and alchemical ingredients.