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Genie numerical subs for guilds

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These subs add numbers to Devotion levels.

(Select All)
#subs {^You feel unclean and unworthy\.$} {You feel unclean and unworthy. (1/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^You close your eyes and start to concentrate\. In a moment a vision appears of a barren garden, parched and thirsting for nourishment\. You have an intense desire to tend it\.$} {You close your eyes and start to concentrate. In a moment a vision appears of a barren garden, parched and thirsting for nourishment. You have an intense desire to tend it. (2/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^You call out to your god, but there is no answer\.$} {You call out to your god, but there is no answer. (3/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense that your god is barely aware of you\.$} {After a moment, you sense that your god is barely aware of you. (4/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense that your efforts have not gone unnoticed\.$} {After a moment, you sense that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. (5/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense a distinct link between you and your god\.$} {After a moment, you sense a distinct link between you and your god. (6/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense that your god is aware of your devotion\.$} {After a moment, you sense that your god is aware of your devotion. (7/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense that your god is pleased with your devotion\.$} {After a moment, you sense that your god is pleased with your devotion. (8/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense that your god knows your name\.$} {After a moment, you sense that your god knows your name. (9/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you see a vision of your god, though the visage is cloudy and impossible to make out clearly\.$} {After a moment, you see a vision of your god, though the visage is cloudy and impossible to make out clearly. (10/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you sense a slight pressure on your shoulder, leaving the feeling that your efforts have been acknowledged\.$} {After a moment, you sense a slight pressure on your shoulder, leaving the feeling that your efforts have been acknowledged. (11/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you see a silent vision of your god, radiating forth with a powerful divine brilliance\.$} {After a moment, you see a silent vision of your god, radiating forth with a powerful divine brilliance. (12/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you see a vision of your god who calls to you by name, \"Come here, my child, and I will show you things of wonder\.\"$} {After a moment, you see a vision of your god who calls to you by name, "Come here, my child, and I will show you things of wonder." (13/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you see a vision of your god who calls to you by name, \"My child, though you may not always see my face, I am pleased with thee and thy efforts\.\"$} {After a moment, you see a vision of your god who calls to you by name, "My child, though you may not always see my face, I am pleased with thee and thy efforts." (14/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you see a crystal-clear vision of your god who speaks slowly and deliberately, \"Your unwavering faith and devotion pleases me greatly, (\w+)\.\s+Go forth, and continue your works and you shall only attain a greater level of purity\.\"$} {After a moment, you see a crystal-clear vision of your god who speaks slowly and deliberately, "Your unwavering faith and devotion pleases me greatly, $1.  Go forth, and continue your works and you shall only attain a greater level of purity." (15/16)} {Cleric}
#subs {^After a moment, you feel a clear presence like a warm blanket covering you beneath the shade of a giant sana'ati tree\.$} {After a moment, you feel a clear presence like a warm blanket covering you beneath the shade of a giant Sana'ati tree. (16/16)} {Cleric}


These subs add numbers to Fountain of Creation results, Perceive health output, shift progress, and wound severity (for Empathic touch and perceive health self).

(Select All)
#subs {leaving (.*) slightly healed} {leaving $1 slightly (1/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {leaving (.*) moderately healed} {leaving $1 moderately (2/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {leaving (.*) considerably healed} {leaving $1 considerably (3/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {leaving (.*) greatly healed} {leaving $1 greatly (4/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {leaving (.*) immensely healed} {leaving $1 immensely (5/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {leaving (.*) completely healed} {leaving $1 completely (6/6) healed} {Empath}
#subs {An unidentifiable presence\.$} {An unidentifiable presence. (hidden non-Empath)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), whose life essence is wavering\.$} {The presence of $1, whose life essence is wavering. (vitality <50%)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), whose life essence is almost extinguished\.$} {The presence of $1, whose life essence is almost extinguished. (vitality <20%)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+)\.  You also sense disturbing black streaks about (\w+) life essence\.$} {The presence of $1.  You also sense disturbing black streaks about $2 life essence. (diseased)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+)\.  You also sense a faint greenish tinge about (\w+) life essence\.$} {The presence of $1.  You also sense a faint greenish tinge about $2 life essence. (poisoned)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), a fellow Empath, whose life essence is wavering\.$} {The presence of $1, a fellow Empath, whose life essence is wavering. (vitality <50%)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), a fellow Empath, whose life essence is almost extinguished\.$} {The presence of $1, a fellow Empath, whose life essence is almost extinguished. (vitality <20%)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), a fellow Empath\.  You also sense disturbing black streaks about (\w+) life essence\.$} {The presence of $1, a fellow Empath.  You also sense disturbing black streaks about $2 life essence. (diseased)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of (\w+), a fellow Empath\.  You also sense a faint greenish tinge about (\w+) life essence\.$} {The presence of $1, a fellow Empath.  You also sense a faint greenish tinge about $2 life essence. (poisoned)} {Empath}
#subs {The presence of a secondary shadow about yourself\.$} {The presence of a secondary shadow about yourself. (parasite)} {Empath}
#subs {A relatively healthy presence nearby\.$} {A relatively healthy presence nearby. (critter)} {Empath}
#subs {A wavering life essence nearby\.$} {A wavering life essence nearby. (critter with vitality <50%)} {Empath}
#subs {A malicious presence screeching in the far dark corner of your mind causes you to quickly open your eyes!$} {A malicious presence screeching in the far dark corner of your mind causes you to quickly open your eyes! (undead/cursed critter)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are just at the beginning of} {You sense you are just at the beginning of (1/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are only a short way through} {You sense you are only a short way through (2/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are a fair portion of the way through with} {You sense you are a fair portion of the way through with (3/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are half-way done with} {You sense you are half-way done with (4/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are a good portion of the way through with} {You sense you are a good portion of the way through with (5/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are almost done with} {You sense you are almost done with (6/7)} {Empath}
#subs {^You sense you are on the verge of completing} {You sense you are on the verge of completing (7/7)} {Empath}
#subs {\-\- insignificant$} {-- insignificant (1/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- negligible$} {-- negligible (2/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- minor$} {-- minor (3/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- more than minor$} {-- more than minor (4/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- harmful$} {-- harmful (5/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- very harmful$} {-- very harmful (6/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- damaging$} {-- damaging (7/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- very damaging$} {-- very damaging (8/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- severe$} {-- severe (9/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- very severe$} {-- very severe (10/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- devastating$} {-- devastating (11/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- very devastating$} {-- very devastating (12/13)} {EmpathTouch}
#subs {\-\- useless$} {-- useless (13/13)} {EmpathTouch}


These subs add numbers to soul stats and soul pool levels.

(Select All)
#subs {^The (\S+) freezes your hand severely, writhing with a life of its own!\s+Its glossy surface clouds over in deepest black which simply mirrors the corruption of your soul\.$} {The $1 freezes your hand severely, writhing with a life of its own!  Its glossy surface clouds over in deepest black which simply mirrors the corruption of your soul. (1/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It feels cold and lifeless, tainted darkish grey with sinister black streaks\.$} {It feels cold and lifeless, tainted darkish grey with sinister black streaks. (2/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It cools at the touch and darkens to a pallid grey\.$} {It cools at the touch and darkens to a pallid grey. (3/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It fades to a dull, chalky color\.$} {It fades to a dull, chalky color. (4/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It warms slightly and turns a steady white hue!$} {It warms slightly and turns a steady white hue! (5/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It hums softly and emits a pure white light!$} {It hums softly and emits a pure white light! (6/7)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It gleams brightly with a pristine luminescence!$} {It gleams brightly with a pristine luminescence! (7/7)} {Paladin}
(Select All)
#subs {^You believe you catch the faintest flicker of light\.\s+You might have imagined it\.$} {You believe you catch the faintest flicker of light.  You might have imagined it. (1/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^You catch the faintest flicker of light\.$} {You catch the faintest flicker of light. (2/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It briefly flickers with an inner light\.$} {It briefly flickers with an inner light. (3/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It flickers with an inner light\.$} {It flickers with an inner light. (4/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It briefly pulses with an inner light\.$} {It briefly pulses with an inner light. (5/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It pulses with an inner light\.$} {It pulses with an inner light. (6/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It pulses rapidly with an inner light\.$} {It pulses rapidly with an inner light. (7/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It brightens with an inner light, which lingers for a moment\.$} {It brightens with an inner light, which lingers for a moment. (8/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It brightens with a powerful inner light, which lingers for a few moments\.$} {It brightens with a powerful inner light, which lingers for a few moments. (9/10)} {Paladin}
#subs {^It brightens with a powerful inner light that, somehow, manages to not cast shadows\.$} {It brightens with a powerful inner light that, somehow, manages to not cast shadows. (10/10)} {Paladin}


These subs add numbers to Wilderness bonus levels.

(Select All)
#subs {^You take in a deep breath to howl, and let loose with a mighty\.\.\. Moo\?!  The sounds that erupt from within you sound startlingly like the loud bleating of a young heifer giving birth to her first calf\.$} {You take in a deep breath to howl, and let loose with a mighty... Moo?!  The sounds that erupt from within you sound startlingly like the loud bleating of a young heifer giving birth to her first calf. (1/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You open your mouth to howl, but it sounds more like a dying chicken than anything else\.$} {You open your mouth to howl, but it sounds more like a dying chicken than anything else. (2/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You give forth a mighty\.\.\. yelp, which sounds more like a domesticated puppy than anything else\.$} {You give forth a mighty... yelp, which sounds more like a domesticated puppy than anything else. (3/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You open your mouth and roar with everything you've got!  A few soft sounds reminiscent of a baby robin's first song twitter sweetly from within you\.$} {You open your mouth and roar with everything you've got!  A few soft sounds reminiscent of a baby robin's first song twitter sweetly from within you. (4/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You open your mouth to howl, but you merely sigh like the softest wind through the trees\.(\s+)Sadly, not even a leaf flutters with your "mighty" breath\.$} {You open your mouth to howl, but you merely sigh like the softest wind through the trees.$1Sadly, not even a leaf flutters with your "mighty" breath. (5/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You take in a deep breath to howl loudly, but instead cough and choke on the air around you\.$} {You take in a deep breath to howl loudly, but instead cough and choke on the air around you. (6/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You howl quietly to yourself, echoing a soft, desolate sound that doesn't sound quite right\.$} {You howl quietly to yourself, echoing a soft, desolate sound that doesn't sound quite right. (7/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You take in a deep breath to howl, but it comes out as a whimper, like a lost wolf looking for his pack\.$} {You take in a deep breath to howl, but it comes out as a whimper, like a lost wolf looking for his pack. (8/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You howl meekly, unsure of yourself\.$} {You howl meekly, unsure of yourself. (9/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You take in a deep breath air and howl softly\.$} {You take in a deep breath of air and howl softly. (10/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You open your mouth and throw back your head, howling with a tentative but fairly resonant tone that wavers only slightly\.$} {You open your mouth and throw back your head, howling with a tentative but fairly resonant tone that wavers only slightly. (11/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You howl like a wolf calling the pack!$} {You howl like a wolf calling the pack! (12/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You inhale and howl strongly, the cacophonous sounds reverberating around you\.$} {You inhale and howl strongly, the cacophonous sounds reverberating around you. (13/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You howl strongly, like that of a wolf calling its kin to assemble for a hunt\.(\s+)The sound echoes commandingly through the area\.$} {You howl strongly, like that of a wolf calling its kin to assemble for a hunt.$1The sound echoes commandingly through the area. (14/15)} {Ranger}
#subs {^You inhale deeply, a resounding howl breaking forth from within you, resonating strongly into the distance as if to announce your mastery of the wilds!$} {You inhale deeply, a resounding howl breaking forth from within you, resonating strongly into the distance as if to announce your mastery of the wilds! (15/15)} {Ranger}


These subs add numbers to confidence and urban bonus levels.

(Select All)
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, knowing you are at the absolute top of your game\.$} {You smirk to yourself, knowing you are at the absolute top of your game. (10/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, the way only a stylish Thief can\.$} {You smirk to yourself, the way only a stylish Thief can. (9/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, feeling quite good about how you're doing\.$} {You smirk to yourself, feeling quite good about how you're doing. (8/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, feeling rather confident about things\.$} {You smirk to yourself, feeling rather confident about things. (7/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, feeling a little above average\.$} {You smirk to yourself, feeling a little above average. (6/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, but can only muster up average confidence\.$} {You smirk to yourself, but can only muster up average confidence. (5/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, but feel slightly uncomfortable\.$} {You smirk to yourself, but feel slightly uncomfortable. (4/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, but have to force it\.$} {You smirk to yourself, but have to force it. (3/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, but cannot shake the thoughts of your recent screw-ups\.$} {You smirk to yourself, but cannot shake the thoughts of your recent screw-ups. (2/10)}
#subs {^You smirk to yourself, but you know you aren't fooling anyone\.$} {You smirk to yourself, but you know you aren't fooling anyone. (1/10)}
#subs {^You attempt to smirk to yourself, but don't see how things could get any worse\.$} {You attempt to smirk to yourself, but don't see how things could get any worse. (0/10)}