Electrified goldfyre

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Electrified goldfyre at a Glance
Material Type Metals
Colors Ivory, Gold
Rarity Quest-Only
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations Yes

Created by imbuing common gold with an elemental essence, goldfyre retains an actively elemental appearance without being inherently magical itself. Not suitable for crafting weapons and armor, but can be used as decoration on them. See goldfyre.

Common Description

Gold imbued with the essence of lightning, energetic ivory pulses create an effect like an active lightning storm. Can also be called ivory goldfyre or electrified ivory goldfyre.

Alteration Rules

This material is required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources


ItemSource isRarity is
Electrified goldfyre band capturing a stormfire topaz within a tension settingSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 450/End lootend loot
Electrified goldfyre signet ring bearing the crest of a lightning amethyst cloudAesthene's Close 449/End Lootend loot
Lattice pendant of electrified goldfyreItem:Voluminous stormsilk cloak lacking any embellishmentHollow Eve Festival 450/Auctionauction
Windsteel aventail inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel backplate inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel barbute inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel breastplate inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel fauld inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel gauntlets inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Windsteel greaves inlaid with curved blades of electrified ivory goldfyreDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End LootDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
... further results

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