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Race Elothean
Gender Male
Guild Cleric
Instance Prime

(NOTE: All information in the introductory section is considered available through in-game means. Please feel free to discuss it with him in person if you wish.)


I am Holy Scholar Diarik, Arcane Researcher of the House of the Rowan Branch, an Elothean Cleric.

I am a Cleric of Eluned, primarily, with a strong respect for Meraud and Hodierna. I have been searching for a belief called Spiritweaving all my life, and to further my studies, have spent much time utilizing the Resurrection ability, which permits me to see into the Plane of the Spirit, or the Void.

I can be contacted at DiarikDR (AIM).

I have mostly completed a white paper entitled "Triage Explained".

Mixed IC/OOC stuff

In various states of completion, I have written:


NOTE: The below is considered IC information. While you may integrate yourself into this history, please inform me either in my talk page or through AIM (DiarikDR).


Diarik is one of the myriad of orphans amongst the Elanthian cohort. As a child, he was discovered and raised by Tynesien Rysuit, a Kaldaran Ranger who had begun to make a habit of such things. He never asked where he had been found; the green-eyed Ranger never told him. Tynesien was in the business of conceiving his own culture, but never truly got his thoughts together. Thus, his namings were a bit random. Though cornered, he could not explain how he had come up with the young Elothean's name. Eventually, Diarik left.

In leaving, Diarik realized he had no surname. He did not wish to keep Rysuit, for while his surrogate father had taught him much and his legacy would live on in some places of Diarik's heart, the Ranger had taken a path he would not follow. From his home in the Zoluren forests, the young Elothean began to travel. In Shard, he lived on the streets, learning Gerenshuge and about his people. But he could not agree with his race; they seemed to be a world away. While he was himself a thinker by nature, the Ferdahl's rule did not appeal to him. It was then that he took the name Erasto, from the heraldic symbol for being at rest, yet remaining alert. In calling himself thus, Diarik thus began to learn meditation in the Temple of Light.


It was in interactions with the various people who frequented the Temple that Diarik discovered more of Elanthia. While he had known most of this previously, he had not realized the nuance and depth of all there was to explore. And so, in conversation, explore he did. At this time, he attempted to join the House of the Verdant Lily.

The young Elothean called himself a pacifist, for he did not believe in war. It was unlike him, he claimed, and to take a vow was an easy enough obligation. But when pushed, he admitted that the thought of battle was thrilling. And further, he argued that there were times, many times, when battle was merited and even wiser than the stalwart non-recognition of arms. The arguments became heated now and again, and it was eventually agreed--quite peacefully, I might add--that membership was not his desire.

Word of his stand reached an elderly, but lowly, cleric by the name of Rean. The conversation between them was never recorded, and Diarik has told me that it will never be revealed, but the old man led him to join the House of the Rowan Branch. The year of silence forever changed the young man. Previous to this, he had been talkative, but now his garrulousness is rare. Reserved, I suppose, for this biography I write. But Diarik does explain that after he had been accepted, he was sent north to the The Crossing to be placed under the tutelage of Esuin.

Thus began Diarik the Cleric.

Holy Man

A noteworthy event is his betrothal and unsanctioned marriage to a Human, one Miranza DePoy. Together, they journeyed about and eventually settled in Therenborough. This event triggered a number of persons in the House to successfully argue that he was disloyal. A messenger was sent, and Diarik returned to Shard where, despite waning Outcast rule, the Rowan Branch still met secretly. He permitted himself to be taken deep into the Gilen Olsen Steppes, where he was stripped and lashed and left to the will of the Immortals. It was unsurprising, truth be told, that they had timed it to coincide with a thunderstorm.

Now, Diarik had been well-schooled by Esuin. He had learned his catechism and had sought the favor of many Immortals. He had crossed two bridges of spirit, one sustained by knowledge and the other by the fire of his faith. Starving and wretched, punished for acting on the tolerance and love he had inherited from Tynesien, he remembered an act of faith he had performed and called upon Eluned.


"Eluned to me revealed a pattern among patterns. To tear me to the bone, she had led a catalyst to meet with him. And through my wife, she showed that there were more bridges of spirit than had been conceived by any other. She showed me a great loom, over which the Immortals strove the threads of the tapestry of Elanthia, and explained that the threads were lines of spirit.

"'Through spirit, all things are connected and the world is built. This is a power which you must seek and find.' Quotha.

"However," Diarik finishes dryly, "I have called to my goddess for the past few years. My wife does not see me so often; I joined and resigned from the military; and even in the depths of the Void, I have found nothing but the one bridge I have crossed before. Perhaps it was a hallucination.

"Esuin would tell me to keep faith. As for myself, I cannot help but wonder: what is it that I am looking for? It's such a nice idea, that we're all connected and full of joy, but there is pain and suffering, too. I seek knowledge for its own sake, and I pray that someday Eluned answers my cry for a blessing, a benediction, that surpasses physical aptitudes."