Desert Rat gang

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Seemingly a splinter group from the defunct Sewer Rat gang, the Desert Rat gang showed up in the Crossing and in Riverhaven in the winter of 423. Rumors abound that the Desert Rats are lead by the mother of Faziro (name unknown), and were formed after the boy went mad from his experiences in the Crossing on 18 Uthmor 393. Though the gang's true purposes are not known, they seem to have extensive resources, as well as contacts amongst the Reshalian Red Sash pirates, and possible ties to Muspar'i.

During an invasion of the Crossing, the Desert Rats broke into the First Provincial Bank's vault with a special type of acid and damaged the protective wards, then abducted Drinsn, the bank's manager, and held him for ransom. They publicly demanded 10,000 platinum kronars for Drinsn's safe return, but after Drinsn's release, Anjinson claimed that he had negotiated it with the Desert Rat leader without need for paying any money at all.

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