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Dantia/Storylines/Something Stirs in P4
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In June 2024, Irenos began posting several short story vignettes to Discord. They are reprinted with original links below. We are unsure at the moment where these stories are heading.
June 18, 2024: Letter to an Elothean
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
An attendant hurriedly moves through a narrow passageway lined with golden channels filled with lotuses, pushing her way past a silver cart toward an Elothean that relaxes neck-deep within a natural hot spring. Approaching the bathing figure, she casts her eyes to the floor. "Luminary, pardon the intrusion." The Elothean pauses, turning toward the attendant with a silent and stern look. The attendant stops still in her tracks, before gently lowering herself to her knees. "Luminary, an outsider has learned of the knowledge that you so recently shared, and has begun investigating. I have been assured --" From beneath deep purple locks, the Elothean looks up from the pool. Her voice is confident and succinct. "I expect that the source of this vicious rumor will be identified and will be dealt with." The attendant nods her head. "Yes, Luminary." "Publicly. I want to ensure that any others who would spread such slanderous nonsense are aware of the choice they are making. Now bring me a towel, please."
June 25, 2024: Letter to a Pale Dwarf
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
A street urchin makes his way through the desert city, hastily bearing a parchment. Making his way through a byzantine cluster of alleyways, before ducking into one building. Emerging from the other side, he makes his way past a pair of very heavily armed guards, who simply nod to him. He hands the note to a pale Dwarf with grey locks, who scratches his thick beard, before opening it. With a scowl, he crumples the note and throws it in a nearby brazier, not pausing to watch it burn. He picks up a quill and parchment, and immediately begins writing. Black Toad, Thank you for informing me of the Little Scorpion's fate, and disposing of their property -- no doubt either troubling or incriminating. They are more resilient than they seem. Please inform me of any further developments related to the Scorpion. He hastily rolls the scroll, and hands it to the urchin, gesturing for the child to return to the source of the letter.
June 25, 2024: Letter Written in Eth'ral'khh
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
A small Elothean child with nondescript features delivers a parchment case to the step of a home. Inside, a deliberate, intricate script resembling the sinuous, flowing script of Eth'ral'khh as it crosses a delicate parchment that smells faintly of wolfsbane and oleander. I have many concerns after our meeting. Prying eyes have returned, and it has a very familiar feel. Stay vigilant, and be aware that this may be the first of many such incidents. There are those who feel that austerity and autocracy are the way forward. They forget that our autonomy has been built on top of the blood and the bones of our predecessors, and that what has worked elsewhere would have led to certain ruin here.
June 25, 2024: Recalling The Hatchet and Little Scorpion
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
Surrounding a low, goldbark table, a number of darkened figures sit on velvet plum-colored divans. The lights are low, and dampened further by heavy silk curtains. An inordinately large figure stands flanking an exit curtain, bearing a large sword strapped to his back. "Curator, the Little Scorpion and the Hatchet have no business in the affairs in my home. Recall them." A distinctively S'Kra voice speaks in hurried tones. "It is a pleasure to see you, too." An Elven voice responds, clearly holding back some degree of levity. "We have had no activities within your city. The Hatchet and Little Scorpion do not act on our behalf, and you will need to take their affairs up with them." The S'Kra pauses, before slowly responding, her words cold and careful. "We will." The S'Kra rises to her feet, before exchanging knowing glances with a seated Dwarf, and pushes her way beyond the curtain. After some time, and after the seated Dwarf makes his way out, the Elf turns to the standing guard. "The Viper has been drawn out of her nest, and has shown her venom. Perhaps it is time that the Hands remind the Viper who keeps her young safe."
June 25, 2024: The Spider Interrogates
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
Flickering across natural stone surfaces, torchlight casts twisting shadows about the area. A thin layer of moisture trickles down cavernous walls, the layers of sediment visible in extrusive formations that cluster about the room. A cool, damp air hangs over the room. In the center of the room, the immobile, disrobed form of a S'Kra is suspended in a web of thousands of strands of shimmering gossamer. Her body is frozen, not restrained by the webbing, but from a paralytic magic that restrains any movement. Wide open and unblinking, her eyes focus on the shadows in front of her, despite how dry they have become from days stuck in this state. From seemingly everywhere, she hears the voice of her captor, whom she only knows as the Spider, even as tiny lacerations begin opening on her skin, scales peeling apart like layers of an onion on their own -- seeping blood from the clean wounds from an invisible source. "Your mind betrays you. We know who sent you -- why you were here. We know who you work for; we know what you wanted." Her thoughts race. If the Spider knows all of these things, why keep her? What questions does the Spider still seek answer to? "We want to see who comes for you." The web of lacerations continue to form, rendering her scales latticed with a network of neatly cross-hatched wounds.
June 26, 2024: A Halfling in Ratha
Posted by Irenos to Discord. This is meant to be OOC knowledge.
The summer sun beats down over a rocky villa overlooking the Reshal Sea. A single Halfling reclines on a wicker deck chair overlooking a rural estate with a stunning view of the tiered city of Ratha to its south. One attendant approaches him, attempting to hand him a parchment container. The Halfling glances at the attendant, gesturing with a glass of brandy that sloshes around a large ice cube. "My hands are full. Leave it on the table." The attendant dutifully leaves it to the side of the Halfling and begins departing. "Oh! And I could use another bottle!" Taking the time to glance over the parchment, the Halfling opens the container, revealing two rolled manuscripts. He peruses each, before laying them aside. "The mainlanders are ready to do real business. And are eyeing ours. This is going to be interesting." The Halfling shouts after the attendant, "I think I'm going to need two!"