Dantia/Storylines/Mana Surges & Wild Magic/Phase 1 & 2: The Lead Up

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This page relates to phases 1 and 2 of the 10 phase event known as Mana Surges & Wild Magic.

Phase 1 & 2: The Lead Up

Date Summary Link
Jun/Jul 2021
People start receiving occasional odd messaging when casting spells. During Hollow Eve 2021 (and 2022), several Merelew Greeters ask adventurers if they have been having these strange feelings, too. For a comprehensive list of messaging and probability over time, see Urbaj's roundup. N/A
Mar 2, 2024
Mazrian hosts the "Investigating the Magical Mind" event, where adventurers participate in an experiment to try to recreate these oddities in a controlled way. Various mana types and spells are tested, with casters being observed, and other casters attempting to tamper with the mana streams to induce resonance or dampening, with the goal of inducing a similar state as the oddities. There are no conclusive outcomes of this investigation. N/A
Jun 14, 2024
The magic oddities (sometimes referred to as surges) begin increasing in frequency, eventually culminating on June 14, 2024 to happen on each and every each cast. Several meetings are held to discuss what this might signify, with no solid hypothesis. One idea that comes up is to try to reduce the amount of casting that adventurers are doing, but it's decided that would be too hard to orchestrate. N/A