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Dantia/Logs/20210618 Log

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[General] Kauga thinks, "Kauga confused.  Kauga think Kauga win at ring toss, but lose at ring toss.  Ring toss is silly game."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga!  You're supposed to be shopping for supplies, not playing games."

[General] Kauga thinks, "Kauga is just -- on scouting mission.  Kauga takes initiative!  Scouting the -- um, ring toss!"

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Srinoja, giving your pirates some shore leave to visit the festival?"

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Why, yes!  Now that you mention it, I am quite the magnanimous captain.  What tyrant would disallow their crew shore leave during such a splendid occasion?"

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga, I trust that you will be the best Ring Toss player ever."

[General] Woten thinks, "The trick to the ring toss is that it's rigged"

[General] Woten thinks, "best way to win is cheat"

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Sound advice!  Kauga, do you hear that?  Cheat!"

[General] Graveborn thinks, "the trick to winning the ring toss is to toss the person running the ring toss game...then the prizes are all yours for the taking."

[General] Woten thinks, "I believe in you Kauga. Cheat your heart out!"

[General] Angel thinks, "Srinoja How gracious of you to allow them to shop the Guild Festival."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "It's kind of you to give them downtime. We certainly wouldn't want them to be too distracted to properly sail over the next few days."

[General] Angel thinks, "Agreed.  They will need to be well rested for the future days."

[General] Woten thinks, "such ominous undertones for a casual conversation about getting distracted by a festival game"

[General] Woten thinks, "or maybe it's overtones... ah well, question for the bards I guess"

[General] Angel thinks, "Nothing ominous.  Summer is here so there is lots of sailing to be done."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga would never allow himself to be distracted.  His wit is so honed you could practically wield it as a weapon.  His focus is so sharp that you could cut yourself if you are not careful!"

[General] Betlind thinks, "Actually, I recently calmed Kauga after he got warts from a frog, I'm afraid..."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "That was absolutely on the list I gave him.  Warts.  It's reconnaissance, you see.  He's absolutely scouting."

[Fairegrounds, Near Some Booths]
A series of hastily constructed wooden shacks lean at all angles, supported only by their proximity to each other.  Before them, a barker cries out to passers-by, trying to tempt them into playing his game.
You also see a sign and a gaudily clothed barker (sitting).
Also here: Twilight Tippler Lasaia, Kraken Hunter Kauga and Divine Knight Betlind.
Obvious paths: southwest.

Room Number: 12781

>glance bet
You glance at Betlind, a female Human.
Betlind bows to you.

You smile.

Kauga says, "Drink-y and sing-y people?  Kauga like songs."

Betlind whispers, "Uhoh. Should I not be conversing with the ogre of the bad team?"

Articulate Aria Ariya just arrived.

Betlind flashes a wide grin.

>say When I heard word of the witty and skilled Kauga being in our presence, I had to come introduce myself.
You say, "When I heard word of the witty and skilled Kauga being in our presence, I had to come introduce myself."

Betlind beams at Ariya!

Lasaia beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Ariya blinks.

>curt Kauga
You curtsy to Kauga.

Ariya waves to Betlind.

Kauga says, "Kauga's favorite song is --"  Kauga pauses, thinking to himself.  "Srinoja says land people no like Kauga's songs."

Betlind says, "Kauga, meet one of the sing-y drink-y people I told you about."

Betlind gestures at Ariya.

Betlind says, "This is Ariya."

You ponder.

Ariya smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kauga exclaims to Ariya, "Hello, drink-y sing-y people!"

Ariya says to Kauga, "Nonsense, we like all songs."

>say }Kaug Well, what Srinoja doesn't know what kill her, hm? Why don't you share?
You ask Kauga, "Well, what Srinoja doesn't know what kill her, hm? Why don't you share?"

Ariya curtsies to Kauga.

Kauga ponders.

>say What she doesn't know WON'T kill her, that is.
You say, "What she doesn't know WON'T kill her, that is."

Betlind whispers, "So he said he came with a list. But all I've gotten out of him so far is that the list has lots of booze on it, so..."

>mychar thinks Perhaps we can engratiate ourselves with Kauga a bit. Even the smallest hesitation in a moment of combat could turn the tides to our favor.
You think to yourself, "Perhaps we can engratiate ourselves with Kauga a bit. Even the smallest hesitation in a moment of combat could turn the tides to our favor."

Lasaia says, "I would love to hear a Kauga song."

Kauga says, "Hm.  Okay.  Kauga spose so."

Betlind nods in agreement.

Betlind beams at Kauga!

>smile happily.
You smile happily.

>whisper Bet If we can engratiate ourselves with Kauga, even just a bit, perhaps he'll find it slightly harder to fight us in the future.
You whisper to Betlind, "If we can engratiate ourselves with Kauga, even just a bit, perhaps he'll find it slightly harder to fight us in the future."

Kauga says, "Kauga getting bashful."

Kauga blushes a deep green color.

Ariya says, "Awww."

Betlind whispers, "Aye, I was telling him about the values of friendships and that pallies weren't all bad."

Betlind giggles.

>smile kauga
You smile at Kauga.

Ariya moves a small velvet pillow trimmed with ecru tassels to her left hand.

Ariya opens her liquor cabinet.

Kauga says, "Kauga not sure if Kauga want to sing in public."

Betlind says, "Nothing wrong with that. We're friends, right? We don't mind that stuff."

Ariya gets an effervescent Fizzle's Poppin' cocktail rimmed with crushed rock candy from inside her liquor cabinet.

Kauga asks Ariya, "How you do it, drink-y sing-y people?"

Betlind says, "We're happy if you're happy."

Lasaia says, "Try the whiskey, liquid courage."

Betlind nods.

>say }Kaug That's perfectly alright, sometimes we all face things that are hard for us to do.
You say to Kauga, "That's perfectly alright, sometimes we all face things that are hard for us to do."

Ariya closes her liquor cabinet.

Lasaia nods to Kauga.

Ariya offers Kauga an effervescent Fizzle's Poppin' cocktail rimmed with crushed rock candy.

Kauga accepts Ariya's Poppin' cocktail.

Ariya says, "Have a drink."

Ariya nods.

Ariya says, "It will help."

Lasaia laughs!

Lasaia nods to Ariya.

Kauga takes a sip of his cocktail.

Kauga says, "Mm.  Fizzy.  Not at all like Srinoja's drinks."

Ariya says, "And it is light and airy, helps the mood."

>say /distractedly I know I've been asked to do lots of things I didn't want to do before!
You distractedly exclaim, "I know I've been asked to do lots of things I didn't want to do before!"

Betlind nods to Ariya.

Ariya nods to you.

Betlind nods in agreement.

Ariya says, "If Kauga doesn't want to sing, he does not have to."

>nod ariya agree
You nod at Ariya, in complete agreement with her views.

Kauga nods to Ariya.

Ariya says, "But as a bard, I think everyone should sing, all of the time."

Kauga says, "Kauga says thanks.  Kauga think about it."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

>say }Kauga Was there anything else you wanted to see at the festival? The faerie's wheel is quite popular, as is the catapult.
You say to Kauga, "Was there anything else you wanted to see at the festival? The faerie's wheel is quite popular, as is the catapult."

Ariya gets a concertina with ivory buttons from inside her embroidered tote.

Ariya offers Kauga a concertina with ivory buttons.

Kauga accepts Ariya's concertina.

Ariya says, "Here if a gift for you, for when you want to sing bt have no voice."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya says, "Just blow into it and play fun music."

Ariya says, "Even if it is bad, it will be wonderful."

Ariya nods.

>smile Ariya
You smile at Ariya.

Kauga effortlessly begins a quiet ditty on his concertina, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

>say /quietly }Ariya What a great idea.
You quietly say to Ariya, "What a great idea."

Ariya beams at Kauga!

Kauga exclaims, "Oo.  This is fun!"

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya exclaims, "Look how great you are!"

Betlind gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Ariya looks at Kauga and applauds!

Kauga sings in a contrabass voice:

    "There once was a man from Reshal
     Who had to himself quite the gall
     He swam over to Aesry
     And stole him some pastries
     And ended up locked in the town hall."

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Betlind flashes a wide grin.

Ariya exclaims, "Ohh I do love limericks!"

Kauga stops playing his song.

>laugh happy
You laugh happily.

Lasaia grins at Kauga.

Kauga asks Ariya, "Do you know limericks?"

Betlind looks at Kauga and applauds!

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya exclaims, "I do!"

Ariya asks, "Would you like to hear one?"

Betlind says to Ariya, "You can't say that and not give us one."

Kauga says to Ariya, "What's your favorite?  Okay if you also bashful."

Ariya giggles.

Kauga nods to Ariya.

> mychar think Limericks... limericks and booze. I should remember this for the future, perhaps it can be used to distract him.
Dantia think Limericks... limericks and booze. I should remember this for the future, perhaps it can be used to distract him.

Betlind giggles.

>grin ari
You grin at Ariya.

Kauga says, "Please.  Kauga say okay if you don't want to, though."

>beam kau
You beam at Kauga!

>say }Kaug Very kind of you!
You exclaim to Kauga, "Very kind of you!"

Betlind says to Kauga, "Oh, she lives for moments like these. No worries, Kauga."

Kauga says, "Kauga no want drink-y sing-y people to feel bashful like Kauga."

Ariya chants in an alto voice:

    "A circur performer named Brian"

Ariya says, "Wait."

Ariya ponders.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya giggles.

Betlind says, "It was... a short one."

Ariya says, "I hiccuped."

Betlind nods.

>say Ohh, a tease!
You exclaim, "Ohh, a tease!"

Ariya snickers.

Betlind giggles.

>say I definitely want to hear more.
You say, "I definitely want to hear more."

You nod.

Kauga exclaims to Betlind, "Still a good one!"

Betlind snickers.

Betlind nods to Kauga.

>look kauga
You see Kraken Hunter Kauga, Son of Kauga, an Ogre Mercenary.
Kauga has a round, bullish face covered in a mess of scars.  His dark eyes narrow as he glances downward at you.  His nose is ridged and misaligned, presumably from a previous breakage.  Along the line of his chin, an iron plate is affixed to his square jawline.  Tufts of sparse facial hair descend from above his lip.  He has thick, leathery skin and a gargantuan build.
He is monstrous in size, even for an Ogre.
He is an adult.
The visible skin on his arms, shoulders, chest, and neck are covered in an intricate pattern of faded tattoos of words and images over old asperous scars, barely recognizable independently or discernible as having some long-forgotten meaning.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a concertina with ivory buttons in his left hand.
He is wearing a heavy storm-grey linen cloak fringed with shark teeth, an oversized leather back harness secured with straps that buckle across the chest over your shoulder, a splint mail mariner's hauberk of rusted metal banding riveted to storm-bull leather, a metal targe, a pair of well-worn overalls with unevenly rolled cuffs and some sea-worn leather boots rimmed with steel toe guards.

Kauga says, "Kauga play music to help."

Lasaia grins at you.

Betlind says to Kauga, "The ending caught me off-guard, truly."

>laugh happy
You laugh happily.

Ariya chants in an alto voice:

    "A circus performer named Brian:Once smiled as he rode on a lion:They came back from the ride:But with Brian inside:And a smile on the face of the lion."

Kauga effortlessly begins an off-key rumba on his concertina, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

Betlind lets out a hearty cheer for Ariya!

>gasp ariya
You gasp at Ariya!

You laugh!

Kauga laughs!

Ariya giggles.

Lasaia grins at Ariya.

Lasaia lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Kauga exclaims to Ariya, "Kauga likes that!  Thank you!"

Ariya beams at Kauga!

Ariya says, "You are welcome."

Ariya nods to Betlind.

>whisper Ariya Well done, and on your toes, too!
You whisper to Ariya, "Well done, and on your toes, too!"

Ariya is giggling at you.

Betlind ponders.

Kauga stops playing his song.

Betlind asks Kauga, "Is this your first time seeing a festival, Kauga?"

Kauga asks Betlind, "Festival?  Is that what this is called?"

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind nods to Kauga.

Kauga says, "I thought it was shop circus without animals."

You grin.

Ariya asks, "Have you rode the ferris wheel?"

Kauga blinks.

Kauga asks Ariya, "A wheel of faries?"

Ariya nods.

Kauga says, "Kauga has not."

Ariya says, "We should take him."

Ariya nods.

>join ariya
You join Ariya's group.

Lasaia joins Ariya's group.

Kauga joins Ariya's group.

>smile ariya
You smile at Ariya.

Betlind joins Ariya's group.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya says, "I like how you guys let me lead."

Betlind exclaims to Kauga, "We get to go on an adventure, Kauga!"

Ariya says, "And I get lost in closets."

>grin ari
You grin at Ariya.

Betlind giggles at Ariya.

You pat Ariya on the back.

Kauga exclaims to Betlind, "Kauga likes adventure!"

<travel to Faerie's Wheel>

[Fairegrounds Meadow]
The hay is flattened for a nice walking surface here, only slightly marred by the wagon tracks of several merchants.  Dew collected in the ruts left by the wagons allows small bathing spots for the occasional bird.
You also see an elegant mahogany caravan draped with purple tapestries, a ticket gate, a silk pouch tied to the end of a broken telescope and an octagonal building.
Also here: Divine Knight Betlind, Kraken Hunter Kauga, Twilight Tippler Lasaia and Articulate Aria Ariya.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast.

Betlind nods at Kauga, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ariya exclaims, "But!"

Betlind beams!

Lasaia nods.

Lasaia taps a ticket gate.

Ariya says, "Here it is."


  You owe 9 gold Lirums to the Province of Therengia. (9000 copper Lirums)
  You owe 4 silver and 9 bronze Dokoras to the Domain of Ilithi. (490 copper Dokoras)
  [You can pay off this debt in person at the respective provincial debt office or by calling for an urchin runner with BANK DEBT.]

  1 platinum Kronars (10000 copper Kronars).
  No Lirums.
  No Dokoras.

Ariya asks, "Do you have coin?"

Kauga nods to Ariya.

Ariya gazes at Kauga.

Ariya nods.

>whisper Bet Do you have Lirums on you?
You whisper to Betlind, "Do you have Lirums on you?"

Ariya says, "Everyone go gate then."

Betlind nods.

Ariya exclaims, "And we shall ride!"

Betlind whispers, "You?"

Kauga says, "Srinoja sent with lots of coin for shopping and...  things Kauga did not forget."

>shake head bet
You shake your head at Betlind.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind gives you 1 silver Lirum.

>beam bet
You beam at Betlind!

Kauga tosses some coins to the barker, and enters a ticket gate.

Ariya asks, "Does everyone have coin?"

Ariya tosses some coins to the barker, and enters a ticket gate.

Lasaia nods.

>go gate
The barker stops you, saying, "That'll be 100 lirums to enter."

You pay your money and step inside....
[Faeries' Wheel]
The faeries' wheel towers over the faire, definitely one of the tallest structures to be seen.  The view from the top must be spectacular, a good place to see what other attractions await, or to snuggle with your sweetie.
You also see a faeries' wheel carriage, an exit gate and the Faery Princess.
Also here: Articulate Aria Ariya and Kraken Hunter Kauga.
Obvious paths: none.

Lasaia just arrived.

Betlind just arrived.

The worker steps aside as Kauga climbs into the carraige.

>go carriage
The worker steps aside as you walk up to the faeries' wheel and climb into the carriage.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
Securely fastened in, you lean back, anticipating the trip to the top with some trepidation.  The view promises to be spectacular, and the wheel looks sturdily made, but it is very tall.  The faeries' wheel worker seems quite competent, however, setting you somewhat at ease.  
Also here: Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting).
Obvious paths: out.

Ariya steps into the carriage.

>beam ariya
You beam at Ariya!

Ariya smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya gets a clockwork shark from inside her embroidered tote.

With a fierce lurch the cart begins its upward sweep.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
The carriage swings slightly as you part ways with the ground.  The tops of tall tents sink below the line of vision, and now it is apparent just how crowded the fairegrounds are.  The mouth-watering smells from nearby booths waft by, along with the cries of the merchants hawking their wares.  
Also here: Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting) and Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

Ariya lines the clockwork shark up for a run directly at Kauga.  With a little push, the clockwork shark floats towards Kauga, flying in a wide, lazy loop around his head.

>say }Kaug I think you'll enjoy this. You'll get to see the entire shop circus from very high.
You say to Kauga, "I think you'll enjoy this. You'll get to see the entire shop circus from very high."

Kauga says, "This wheel is tall.  Kauga expected small wagon wheel."

You hear Lasaia yell, "hello up there!"

Ariya yells, "Hi!"

Kauga yells, "Hello down there!"

You giggle.

Ariya giggles.

You hear Betlind yell, "Wee!"

Reaching about halfway up the faeries' wheel, you can begin to see the area surrounding the base of the wheel more clearly.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
As the ride lifts you higher, even more of the faire becomes visible.  Many visitors are wearing elaborate or funny costumes, drawing looks from even the grumpiest Dwarves and most aloof Elves.  The carriage sways slightly, and there is a dizzying moment of vertigo as the earth tilts with it.  
Also here: Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting) and Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

Kauga asks, "So wheel go up?  How does wheel go up?"

Kauga casually observes the area.

>say }Kauga Higher than even your tallest mast!
You exclaim to Kauga, "Higher than even your tallest mast!"

Ariya says, "It has pullies and machines I believe."

Kauga peers over the edge, very clearly getting slightly anxious.

Nearing the top of the faeries' wheel, much of the surrounding area can be seen from here.  The cart begins to move backwards as it continues to rise.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
A slight breeze brushes your face at this lofty height, bringing a cool touch to your skin.  The tops of tents can be seen, like colorful drops of melted ice cream from a child's ice cream cone.  Other rides, games and merchants rise into view, and you find yourself planning your route around the fairegrounds, so you'll be sure not to miss any of the sights.  
Also here: Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting) and Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

Ariya exclaims, "We are at the top!"

Kauga asks Ariya, "So people at bottom pull-y?"

Kauga blinks.

Kauga says, "This is high."

You ponder.

Ariya says, "You can see all the fun things."

Kauga says, "This is really high."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

>say /quietly You know, I've never wondered how it actually works.
You quietly say, "You know, I've never wondered how it actually works."

You laugh!

From the peak of the faeries' wheel, nearly the entire park is visible.  There is a slight chill from the unchecked winds, swinging the cart slighty.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
Your carriage rocks in the wind like a drunken halfling sailor, and you hope silently that the worker running the faeries' wheel way down at the bottom has cared well for his equipment and knows what he is doing.  After a moment you find your breath taken away with the spectacular view -- the whole faire can be seen from here.  The faire-goers seem like dolls, and the noise of the crowd has been left far behind.  
Also here: Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting) and Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

Kauga stares over the edge, fidgeting nervously.

>act peers over the side, squinting at the ground.
(Dantia peers over the side, squinting at the ground.)

Kauga says, "Oh no.  Wheel falling."

Ariya yells, "Round and round we go"

Kauga exclaims, "Wheel falling!"

Kauga yells, "Wheel falling!"

Ariya exclaims, "No, we are safe!"

Ariya says, "It's okay."

>say /calmly }Kaug No no! Think of it just like the waves at sea. We are riding them up and down.
You calmly say to Kauga, "No no! Think of it just like the waves at sea. We are riding them up and down."

Ariya nods.

The cart lurches as it begins its descent.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
You begin your descent, an ever-so-gradual fall from the airy height of the top of the faeries' wheel.  Now that you know you are heading back to solid ground, the sway of the carriage seems gentle and relaxing.  A falcon with a war mage's markings floats upwards, just out of arm's reach, scanning the crowd below.  
Also here: Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting) and Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

Ariya says, "We are just going in a circle."

You hear Lasaia yell, "I'm at the top of the worrrld!"

Kauga grips the seat tightly, as if expecting to fall off.

>nod ariya agree
You nod at Ariya, in complete agreement with her views.

Ariya smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

>pat kaug
You pat Kauga on the back.

Ariya says, "We are all safe."

Ariya nods.

Kauga slowly empties his lungs.

Ariya giggles.

Approaching halfway down, the base of the faeries' wheel is again visible.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
The ground draws slowly closer, and the folk wandering the faire take on a more life-sized perspective.  The noise in the air grows louder as you drop, bringing you back to the hustle and bustle of the holiday.  You see the faeries' wheel worker handing people off the carriages below, stopping the ride momentarily before, with a gentle lurch, the wheel moves closer to home.  
Also here: Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting) and Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

>say }Kauga What an adventure though! You'll have a lot to tell your fellow pirates.
You say to Kauga, "What an adventure though! You'll have a lot to tell your fellow pirates."

>say /quietly But maybe keep it from Srinoja, hm?
You quietly ask, "But maybe keep it from Srinoja, hm?"

You giggle.

Ariya giggles.

Ariya says, "Smart."

Ariya nods.

Kauga says to you, "Probably.  Srinoja not like if Kauga lost shopping list again."

Again nearing the ground, the creaking of the metal and wood no longer seems as dangerous.

[Faeries' Wheel, Carriage]
The ride draws to a close as your carriage makes its final descent to solid ground.  You are once again among the mere mortals who trod the realm, even if, for a moment, you dwelt among birds and clouds.  The faeries' wheel worker politely opens the door and allows you to step out, before ushering the next customer in to the carriage.  
Also here: Kraken Hunter Kauga (sitting) and Articulate Aria Ariya (sitting).
Obvious exits: none.

>nod Kaug agree
You nod at Kauga, in complete agreement with his views.

>say }Kauga Well, there's always time for fun with friends. You can't forget that!
You exclaim to Kauga, "Well, there's always time for fun with friends. You can't forget that!"

Ariya says, "I am sure we can help with the shopping list."

Ariya nods.

Kauga says to you, "Also, bar guy not like Kauga trying to pay for rum, which was confusing."

The faeries' wheel worker lifts the bar and politely escorts you out the exit gate.

[Fairegrounds Meadow]
The hay is flattened for a nice walking surface here, only slightly marred by the wagon tracks of several merchants.  Dew collected in the ruts left by the wagons allows small bathing spots for the occasional bird.
You also see an elegant mahogany caravan draped with purple tapestries, a ticket gate, a silk pouch tied to the end of a broken telescope and an octagonal building.
Also here: Wyndsome, Divine Knight Betlind, Twilight Tippler Lasaia, Articulate Aria Ariya and Kraken Hunter Kauga.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast.

Ariya giggles.

You grin.

Ariya says, "I was wondering if you were the one."

Ariya nods.

Ariya says, "Who got the rum."

Lasaia grins.

Betlind bounces around happily.

>beam bet
You beam at Betlind!

Ariya smiles at Lasaia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya smiles at Betlind, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Lasaia asks Kauga, "Did you love it?"

Betlind says, "It looked like you were all having fun from where we were looking."

Betlind nods.

Kauga says to Lasaia, "Kauga love it.  Kauga was so brave."

Lasaia nods to Kauga.

Ariya nods.

Ariya says, "Very brave."

Betlind beams at Kauga!

Ariya giggles.

Kauga says, "Kauga absolutely not get scared."

Betlind nods.

>whisper Betlind We're laying the foundation for Kauga withholding some information from Srinoja. She doesn't need to know everything, like how he's having fun with friends instead of shopping!
You whisper to Betlind, "We're laying the foundation for Kauga withholding some information from Srinoja. She doesn't need to know everything, like how he's having fun with friends instead of shopping!"

>shake head
You shake your head.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind whispers, "We need to get that list off of him."

Ariya says, "He was having a blast."

Ariya nods.

Lasaia nods to Ariya.

Kauga proudly poses in his biggest ogre pose to show how brave he was.

>Betlind whispers, "He may have lost it however."

Ariya giggles.

>grin bet
You grin at Betlind.

Betlind whispers, "So we might have to search for it with his help."

Ariya asks, "What is on your list?"

Ariya gazes at Kauga.

Kauga ponders.

Kauga says, "Words."

Ariya giggles.

You laugh!

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kauga says, "Words was on the list."

>say Those pesky words always get in the way of fun!
You exclaim, "Those pesky words always get in the way of fun!"

Ariya nods.

You ponder.

Kauga nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Ariya asks, "Do you remmeber the words?"

>say }Kaug Could we.... help you make a list?
You ask Kauga, "Could we.... help you make a list?"

Betlind asks, "Well, I know you couldn't find it before... Did the ride shake any parchment loose?"

Betlind ponders.

Ariya asks, "Ohh did we lose the list?"

Ariya says, "I am sure we can find it."

Kauga says to Ariya, "Kauga did not lose the list."

>say /happily We could add things like... coffee and cake to the list!
You happily exclaim, "We could add things like... coffee and cake to the list!"

Ariya says, "Good."

Kauga says to Ariya, "Kauga just can't find it."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya says, "Ahhh."

Betlind giggles.

Betlind laughs!

Ariya says, "I hate when that happens."

Ariya says, "It was right there...and then not there."

You grin.

Kauga says to you, "Kauga likes cake.  Cake probably on the list."

Betlind exclaims to Kauga, "Well, if we can find that list then that means you're free to stay and have fun! No work!"

Ariya giggles.

>say Does anyone have a piece of paper so we can make a list?
You ask, "Does anyone have a piece of paper so we can make a list?"

Kauga asks, "Is there cake at this shop circus?"

Ariya gets a polished cambrinth paperweight in the form of a Gor'Tog from inside her embroidered tote.

Ariya nods.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya says, "There is sweets."

>nod ariya agree
You nod at Ariya, in complete agreement with her views.

Kauga says, "Kauga like sweets."

>join ariya
You are already following Ariya!

Ariya says, "Let's help him find the list."

Ariya says, "And sweets."

Ariya says, "Join up."

Betlind gets a silver filigree and green jade stylus from inside a large gold sack.

You grin.

Betlind taps a silver filigree and green jade stylus that she is holding.

Ariya says, "Ill get us lost again."

Ariya giggles.

Kauga says to Ariya, "Kauga already totally not lost."

Ariya nods.

Ariya says, "Neither is Ariya."

Betlind chortles softly at some secret joke.

Ariya ponders.

You grin.

Lasaia says, "We're right where we just were."

Lasaia nods.

Betlind casually observes the area.

Ariya points at a banner-strung oak table sheltered with an attached umbrella.

>say }Kaug The fairgrounds are much larger than your boat, I'm sure. It's easy to see how you could get turned arorund.
You say to Kauga, "The fairgrounds are much larger than your boat, I'm sure. It's easy to see how you could get turned arorund."

Betlind says, "Our goal is over there by that one place that has tents."

Ariya says, "Tart and food and all the things."

Betlind nods.

Ariya nods.

You ponder.

Ariya offers Kauga a slice of freshly smoked Theren's Best ham.

Ariya says, "Ham."

Ariya giggles.

Ariya says, "Tweedee goes on and on about ham."

Kauga devours the cupcake, very clearly oblivious to the amount of ganache that ends up on his face.

Kauga accepts Ariya's Theren's Best ham.

>say }Kaug Although, I'm not sure how big your boat is, come to think of it! I bet it's very large.
You say to Kauga, "Although, I'm not sure how big your boat is, come to think of it! I bet it's very large."

Betlind giggles at Kauga.
>look on table
On the oak table you see a steamer basket full of crimson soup dumplings stuffed with spicy duck and carrot puree, a large platter full of golden brown griddle-fried dumplings stuffed with shrimp and aromatics, a large platter stacked with crispy fried potato skins generously stuffed with spiced vegetables, a teetering pile of crispy flatbread sprinkled with spices and feta cheese, a platter of seared prereni fillets atop a salad of pickled lotus root and Ilithic apple, a tall regal stand of dark Rissan chocolate cupcakes lavishly swirled with hazelnut ganache, a decadent dark chocolate and bourbon caramel tart sprinkled with flaky sea salt, a glossy mound of peppery greens on sourdough toast with a poached egg topping, a large platter of deep-fried minced shrimp bundles loosely wrapped with crisp lettuce leaves, a freshly smoked Theren's Best ham and a tray of cucumber and tuna rolls topped with brown butter-toasted bread crumbs.

Ariya giggles.

>act gazes over the table, squinting at a few things before picking out a cupcake.
(Dantia gazes over the table, squinting at a few things before picking out a cupcake.)

>get cupcake from table
You help yourself to a dark Rissan chocolate cupcake lavishly swirled with hazelnut ganache.  Yum!

Ariya says, "Oh we can go into the candy shop."

Ariya nods.

Lasaia nibbles on her prereni fillet.

Ariya points at a large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

Kauga glances at the cake tent, his eyes widening.

Ariya giggles.

Betlind says, "Too many sweets might not be the best thing for an ogre tummy, bu--Uhoh..."

Kauga exclaims, "A whole cake circus!"

You laugh!

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga opens his canvas carryall.

Ariya giggles.

Betlind gnaws on her lip.

Kauga closes his canvas carryall.

Kraken Hunter Kauga went through a large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings.

Articulate Aria Ariya's group went through a large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings.

[Fromage's Delights, Pastries]
On a large, scrubbed oak table rests a variety of mouth-watering pastries and candies.  The air mixes the rich scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, and saffron, the tang of citron and lemon peel, a breath of almond paste and just a whiff of something peppery.  Underlying it all is the yeasty scent of fresh-baked tarts and cakes.
You also see a candy counter, a cake stand and a tent flap.
Also here: Twilight Tippler Lasaia, Divine Knight Betlind, Articulate Aria Ariya and Kraken Hunter Kauga.
Obvious exits: none.

Ariya giggles.

>say /quietly }Betlin We may be beyond that poi- yep, beyond that point.
You quietly say to Betlind, "We may be beyond that poi- yep, beyond that point."

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

You chuckle.

Betlind fidgets nervously.

Ariya nods.

Ariya says, "I gave him ham."

Ariya says, "To cut the sweets."

Ariya nods.

Kauga stands next to the cake on the table, very clearly trying to figure out how to not steal it.

Ariya giggles.

Betlind says, "I just pray it's enough."

Kauga pokes his finger at a large cake.

Ariya nods.

Betlind waves.

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

>smile kaug
You smile at Kauga.

Kauga hands the sales clerk some coins.
The sales clerk hands Kauga a tiny candy Gnome skull.

Ariya giggles.

Lasaia gawks at Kauga.

Kauga says to you, "Looks like the boss.  Probably on her list."

Kauga opens his canvas carryall.

Lasaia nods to Kauga.

>nod kaug agree
You nod at Kauga, in complete agreement with his views.

Ariya laughs!

Ariya covers her mouth with her hand.

Kauga closes his canvas carryall.

Betlind grins, revealing her dimples.

>say }Kaug I agree, that was very certainly on the list.
You say to Kauga, "I agree, that was very certainly on the list."

Kauga says, "See?  Kauga good.  Kauga best first mate."

Ariya nods.

>beam kaug
You beam at Kauga!

Ariya says, "Very good first mate."

Betlind lets out a hearty cheer for Kauga!

Lasaia grins at Kauga.

Betlind asks, "Say Kauga? Could I ask you something? As a friend?"

>say }Kaug And here Srinoja told people that she wasn't sure you could do this.
You say to Kauga, "And here Srinoja told people that she wasn't sure you could do this."

Lasaia sweeps a jaunty tricorn hat displaying a skull and crossbones off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Kauga at the same time.

You grumble.

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

>say I have nothing but faith!
You exclaim, "I have nothing but faith!"

Kauga asks Betlind, "You Kauga's friend?"

Betlind nods to Kauga.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Betlind asks, "I think so. Do you?"

Lasaia asks you, "Wonder what she is up to herself?"

Lasaia hums to herself.

Ariya says, "We are all friends."

Kauga exclaims to Betlind, "Kauga has a metal-person friend!"

Ariya giggles.

Betlind nods to Kauga.

Betlind beams at Kauga!

Betlind preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Ariya says, "Metal person."

Lasaia says, "Hopefully not burning the brandy."

Ariya says, "That is cute."

Lasaia nods to you.

Ariya nods to Lasaia.

Betlind taps some heavy full plate that she is wearing.

Ariya says, "That would be bag."

>chuckle las
You chuckle at Lasaia.

Ariya says, "Bad even."

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

>say }Las I do wish she would lighten up sometimes and let her pirates have more fun!
You exclaim to Lasaia, "I do wish she would lighten up sometimes and let her pirates have more fun!"

Ariya asks, "Should they sing and dance?"

Ariya gazes at you.

>gasp ari
You gasp at Ariya!

>say That is a brilliant idea.
You say, "That is a brilliant idea."

Ariya nods.

Betlind asks Kauga, "Well, I hear Srinoja is going to set sail soon and there might be a lot of fighting. As the first mate, I bet you know all kinds of things about what the ship's gonna have on it and... what all's gonna happen. Right?"

Betlind gnaws on her lip.

Ariya takes a bite of the tart.

>whisper Bet Straight to the point. I like the cut of your jib.
You whisper to Betlind, "Straight to the point. I like the cut of your jib."

>whisper Bet Bah, all these pirates and I can't stop talking in their terms!
You whisper to Betlind, "Bah, all these pirates and I can't stop talking in their terms!"

Ariya buries her face in a small velvet pillow trimmed with ecru tassels.

>cough dantia
You clear your throat.

>eat my cupcake
You take a bite of the cupcake.

Betlind whispers, "Hahaha. Swallow it down with cupcake. There ya go."

Ariya gets some plump purple grapes from inside her silverweave lootsack.

Kauga says to Betlind, "Oh!  You want to know Srinoja's secret plan."

Ariya nibbles on her purple grapes.

Betlind nods to Kauga.

Betlind dimples at Kauga.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You grin.

Kauga says to Betlind, "Kauga don't know.  It's secret."

Kauga shrugs.

Ariya snickers.

>gasp kau
You gasp at Kauga!

Betlind says, "Would you mind telling your frie--Ok, it was worth a shot."

Betlind nods.

Ariya nods to Betlind.

>say }Kaug As the first mate, she hasn't told you! How rude.
You say to Kauga, "As the first mate, she hasn't told you! How rude."

Ariya says, "She should have more trust in you."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

>say /quietly }Betlind I would surely tell my first mate, wouldn't you?
You quietly ask Betlind, "I would surely tell my first mate, wouldn't you?"

Ariya asks, "What happens if something happens to her?"

Betlind says, "But Kauga is smart. I bet he's seen things."

Ariya exclaims, "And you have to lead the crew!"

Kauga says, "Right now, secret plan is get food and stuff, because Rule of the Sea don't make good food."

Betlind nods to you.

Betlind nods at Kauga, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kauga says to Ariya, "Then Kauga has a secret plan."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya says, "Godo."

Betlind says, "Ooo."

You giggle.

Kauga says to Ariya, "Which may or may not involve cake."

Ariya says, "Good, keep it in mind."

Kauga shrugs.

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Ariya asks, "Cake and singing?"

Ariya asks, "Can I be a pirate on your ship?"

Lasaia hands the sales clerk some coins.
The sales clerk hands Lasaia some ripe cranberries sprinkled with sugar and simmered in rum.

Betlind giggles at Ariya.

>grin ariya
You grin at Ariya.

Ariya says, "Because, that is me everyday."

Lasaia offers Kauga some ripe cranberries sprinkled with sugar and simmered in rum.

Kauga holds a single finger out toward Ariya, as if hushing her.

>whisper Betli You are doing a fantastic job.
You whisper to Betlind, "You are doing a fantastic job."

Lasaia says, "It has rum, check."

Kauga says, "No say secret plan out loud."

Kauga accepts Lasaia's sugared cranberries.

Ariya nods.

Kauga sniffs at some ripe cranberries sprinkled with sugar and simmered in rum.

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Kauga says, "Then it not a secret."

You smile.

Ariya says, "My lips are sealed."

Ariya takes a bite of the grapes.

Ariya says, "Alright."

Betlind whispers, "Thank you! It's nerve racking for a first time. Especially when I was alone with him at the start."

Kauga takes a bite of the cranberries.

Ariya says, "Let's get you food."

Kauga nods at Ariya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Betlind nods in agreement.

Kauga says, "Kauga hungry."

Ariya asks, "Join again?"

Ariya gazes at Kauga.

Kauga joins Ariya's group.

Ariya says, "And we will grab food."

You smile.

Articulate Aria Ariya's group entered a tent flap.

[Fairegrounds Meadow]
The fragrance of freshly mown hay is prevalent as the deep green grass of the clearing gives way to the fields where the faire is set up and in full swing.
You also see a banner-strung oak table sheltered with an attached umbrella, an umber tent draped with mammoth hides, a hemp sack tied to the end of a barbed spear and a large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings.
Also here: Twilight Tippler Lasaia, Divine Knight Betlind, Kraken Hunter Kauga and Articulate Aria Ariya.
Obvious paths: east, northwest.

Ariya says, "Get what you want from the table."

Betlind gets a tall glass of mocha berry milkshake from inside her canvas backpack.

Kauga opens his canvas carryall.

Ariya says, "There are shrumps and dumplings."

Kauga takes a bite of the ham.

Betlind asks Kauga, "Would you care for a milkshake, friend?"

You giggle.

Ariya says, "And tarts."

>say Shrumps!
You exclaim, "Shrumps!"

Betlind offers Kauga a tall glass of mocha berry milkshake.

Kauga accepts Betlind's berry milkshake.

Ariya nods to you.

Ariya says, "Shrumps."

Kauga asks Betlind, "What is this frothycold?"

>eat cupcake
You take a bite of the cupcake.

Ariya says, "Drink it slow."

Betlind says to Kauga, "It's like cold candy."

Betlind nods.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga asks, "...cold..." Kauga stares at the milkshake.  "Candy?"

Kauga tries to eat a tall glass of mocha berry milkshake.

You ponder.

>say /quietly Not technically wrong?
You quietly ask, "Not technically wrong?"

Betlind ponders.

Ariya says, "Drink."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga chews on the milkshake glass.

Kauga says, "Tastes like glass."

>grin not
You try hard not to grin.

Ariya giggles.

Kauga says, "Strange candy."

Kauga says, "Oh!  Drink!  Kauga knew that."

Ariya nods.

Kauga says, "Kauga just...  testing you."

Ariya says, "We knew."

Betlind giggles.

>grin kaug
You grin at Kauga.

Ariya says, "Very smart."

Lasaia appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga says, "You pass!  You can be on Kauga's crew."

Lasaia gasps!

Betlind gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Ariya beams!

Kauga takes a sip of his milkshake.

Lasaia asks Kauga, "Can we really?"

Lasaia adjusts her eyepatch.

Ariya says, "We are the cutest pirates ever."

Betlind nods at Ariya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Lasaia widens her single eye like a lunatic.

Kauga says, "But Kauga no have Kauga's own ship.  Kauga only First Mate."

Betlind says, "If I get knocked off the ship then there's no hope for me though."

Betlind rubs some heavy full plate.

Ariya giggles at Betlind.

Ariya says, "At all."

Lasaia nods to Kauga.

Ariya shakes her head at Betlind.

>say }Kaug Well, this can be our secret. We'll be your secret backup crew.
You say to Kauga, "Well, this can be our secret. We'll be your secret backup crew."

Betlind shakes her head.

You nod.

Ariya says, "Ill help ou."

Ariya nods to Betlind.

Betlind smiles at Ariya, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Lasaia says to Kauga, "I'm a first mate, too, and my Captain has no ship, we ride the sand barge and pretend."

Lasaia nods to Kauga.

Ariya giggles at Lasaia.

Ariya says, "I have access to three ships."
Jgrin las
You grin at Lasaia.

Ariya says, "We can use one of them."

Ariya nods.

Betlind says, "And I know where all the ferries are."

Betlind nods.

Betlind folds her arms across her chest.

Ariya nods to Betlind.

>lick my cupcake
You lick the cupcake and discover that the flavors are too complex to identify with just a lick.

Kauga asks Betlind, "You know faeries?"

Kauga gasps!

Ariya giggles.

>teach stealth to Betlind
You begin to lecture Betlind on the proper use of the Stealth skill.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya takes a bite of the greens.

Lasaia nods to Betlind.

Betlind says, "Well, not real ones. Not yet."

Betlind says, "Just some mean sprites."

You chuckle.

>stop teach
You stop trying to teach Betlind.

Ariya giggles.

Kauga says, "And you teach about sneaking?  Metal-person is wise."

Shoryu just arrived.

>grin kaug
You grin at Kauga.

Kauga waves to Shoryu.

Lasaia grins.

Shoryu waves to Kauga.

Betlind says to you, "And apologies, my mind is still resting after my session crafting my new harness."

Kauga says to Shoryu, "We're learning about faeries and eating cupcakes."

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind grins at Kauga, her dimples flashing into view.

Lasaia says, "I've got to run, but it was nice meeting you Kauga."

Lasaia hugs you.

>say }Betl Not a problem at all!
You exclaim to Betlind, "Not a problem at all!"

>hug las
You hug Lasaia who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of bourbon clings to her skin.

Lasaia hugs Ariya, who wraps her arms around Lasaia with a warm smile.

Shoryu says, "Sounds like quite the conversation."

Ariya hugs Lasaia, who wraps her arms around Ariya with a warm smile.

Lasaia waves to Kauga.

Kauga says to Lasaia, "Nice meeting you too, friend from on-top-of-world."

>grin shoryu
You grin at Shoryu.

Kauga waves to Lasaia.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya takes a bite of the greens.

Lasaia sweeps a jaunty tricorn hat displaying a skull and crossbones off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Kauga at the same time.

Betlind says, "Lady Dantia makes sure keep everyone well taught in all matters of skills and abilities."

Betlind nods.

Lasaia just left.

Ariya asks Kauga, "Did you get your fill from the table?"

>smile betlind
You smile at Betlind.

Kauga ponders.

Shoryu chuckles.

Kauga fills his carryall with all sorts of things from the table, setting them all loose inside the bag, before closing it.

>say }Betli It's the best way to keep the crew around me in shape! Offer to share with them everything I know. That's one of the things that makes a good leader.
You say to Betlind, "It's the best way to keep the crew around me in shape! Offer to share with them everything I know. That's one of the things that makes a good leader."

You nod.

Kauga says, "There we go!  Kauga sure food was on list.  Food is found."

Betlind grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

Betlind nods.

Ariya beams!

Kauga takes a sip of his milkshake.

Betlind snaps to attention and hails you with a crisp hand salute.

Ariya nods.

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

Ariya asks, "What else was worded on the list?"

Ariya asks, "Fireworks?"

Ariya asks, "Cannons?"

Betlind says to you, "Wow, I bet Kauga would make a wonderful First Mate for you."

Betlind nods.

>beam bet
You beam at Betlind!

Kauga says to Ariya, "Fireworks probably on list."

Ariya ponders.

Ariya asks, "Do they have fireworks here?"

You ponder.

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

Ariya puts her pillow in the sack and gets a dancing candy Barbarian.  Then she puts her greens in the sack and gets out her pillow.  Then she puts her candy Barbarian in the sack, gets out her greens, and looks at her hands with a puzzled expression on her face.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya gets a dancing candy Barbarian.

Ariya moves some peppery greens on sourdough toast with a poached egg topping to her left hand.

Ariya moves a dancing candy Barbarian to her right hand.

>whisper Bet Bah, whats something much safer we could replace fireworks with?
You whisper to Betlind, "Bah, whats something much safer we could replace fireworks with?"

Ariya offers Kauga a dancing candy Barbarian.

Kauga accepts Ariya's candy Barbarian.

Ariya says, "Eat him."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga blinks at Ariya.

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

Ariya smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya says, "It is candy."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Betlind whispers, "Nothing is a safe object when it's wielded by a hulking ogre..."

>grin not
You try hard not to grin.

Kauga says, "Kauga know not to eat person."

>nod bet
You nod to Betlind.

Betlind whispers, "I have a jellybean..."

Kauga asks, "Are you sure is candy?"

Shoryu laughs at Kauga.

Kauga says, "Looks like person."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Ariya says, "He is candy."

>say }Kaug I'm not sure where we can find fireworks... but what about... a jellybean?!

You exclaim to Kauga, "I'm not sure where we can find fireworks... but what about... a jellybean?!"

>glance bet
You glance at Betlind, a female Human.

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

Betlind beams!

Betlind gets a light pink strawberry bean from inside her canvas backpack.

>nudge bet
You elbow Betlind in the ribs in a playful sort of way.

Betlind exclaims, "Tada!"

Betlind gestures at a light pink strawberry bean.

>say Can also be thrown in the air!
You exclaim, "Can also be thrown in the air!"

Kauga says to Ariya, "Kauga trust you, drink-y sing-y person."

Ariya smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga takes a bite of his Barbarian.

Ariya dimples at Kauga.

Betlind says, "Or even at people! Just... not too hard, ok? You're strong."

Kauga says, "Tastes like booze."

Kauga says, "Kauga likes."

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

>act takes a half step back behind Betlind... just in case.
(Dantia takes a half step back behind Betlind... just in case.)

Betlind casually observes the area.

Ariya giggles.

Betlind flings a light pink strawberry bean at you!
You duck out of the way of the dreaded bean!

Kauga opens his mouth and exhales, blowing a small bubble with his gum!

Ariya hums an innocent tune.

Kauga blinks.

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Ariya looks at Kauga and applauds!

>giggle bet
You giggle at Betlind.

Kauga screams!

Kauga's small bubble deflates, getting stuck to his face in the process.

Betlind points at a light pink strawberry bean on the ground.

Ariya laughs!

Betlind nods to you.

Ariya gazes at Kauga.

Betlind says to you, "All you."

Ariya asks, "Are you okay?"

>get bean
You pick up a light pink strawberry bean.

>beam bet
You beam at Betlind!

Ariya smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

>give bean to betli
You offer your strawberry bean to Betlind, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer.  Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Kauga now has a face covered in bubble gum and chocolate.

Betlind flails her arms about.

Betlind has accepted your offer and is now holding a light pink strawberry bean.

>whisper Betli Yours to give him, if he wants it.
You whisper to Betlind, "Yours to give him, if he wants it."

Ariya giggles.

>smile bet
You smile at Betlind.

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Ariya says, "You have some gum on your face."

Kauga closes his canvas carryall.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

>grin ariya
You grin at Ariya.

Betlind asks Kauga, "Would you like a jelly bean too, sir?"

(Ariya tries to clean Kauga's face but he is too tall.)

Betlind waves a light pink strawberry bean around.

>say }Kaug I think jelly bean was on your list.
You say to Kauga, "I think jelly bean was on your list."

Shoryu takes a bite of the bundle.

Kauga asks Betlind, "Is like bean, but... pink?  What magic is that?"

Betlind says, "AND it tastes like the berries from the ground."

Betlind nods to Kauga.

Betlind offers Kauga a light pink strawberry bean.

Kauga says to you, "Jelly bean absolutely on the list that Kauga did not lose."

Kauga accepts Betlind's strawberry bean.

Ariya nods.

>nod kaug agree
You nod at Kauga, in complete agreement with his views.

>say We all saw it.
You say, "We all saw it."

Ariya says, "We did."

Betlind nods in agreement.

Kauga closely scrutinizes the bean, as if trying to figure out how it is pink.

Kauga examines a light pink strawberry bean.

Ariya giggles.

Ariya says, "Alright."

Kauga asks, "What magic made pink?"

Ariya says, "Fruit."

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga asks, "Fruit magic?"

Ariya nods.

Kauga peers quizzically at Ariya.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya says, "Yep."

Kauga asks, "Is that drink-y sing-y magic?"

Ariya takes a bite of the greens.

Kauga pops his strawberry bean in his mouth.
Kauga munches happily away.

Ariya says, "IT can be."

Shoryu ponders.

Ariya blinks.

Ariya laughs!

You giggle.

Kauga says, "Tastes like red berries, not pink ones."

Kauga ponders.

Ariya nods to Kauga.

Kauga says, "Strange magic."

Shoryu chuckles.

>Jsay }Kaug I bet you don't get many berries a ship though!
You exclaim to Kauga, "I bet you don't get many berries a ship though!"

Betlind says, "Uhm... Ok, you know how when you're cleaning fish, some of it might change the color of your clothes? Its like that, except... uhm... fruit blood... I guess."

Ariya gets a bandaged candy Empath.

Kauga attempts to clean his face, only to smear gum across more of it.  He gets most of it, though.

Betlind says, "I... immediately regret opening my mouth now."

Kauga gets a bandaged candy Empath.

Ariya giggles at Kauga.

Kauga asks Betlind, "Fruit blood?"

Ariya gazes at Betlind.

Kauga gasps at Betlind!

>gaze bet
You gaze at Betlind.

Betlind exclaims, "Ignore that!"

Betlind flails her arms about.

You laugh!

Kauga says, "Metal person knows many things."

Betlind says to Kauga, "I'm glad you think so."

Betlind beams at Kauga!

<snipped moving rooms>

Kauga asks, "Oh!  Water.  Can we stop here?"

Ariya asks, "Do you play games on the ship?"

Betlind says, "But I really know very little."

Betlind nods.

Ariya nods.

>smile kaug
You smile at Kauga.

Ariya says, "We can."

Kauga kneels down, using the water from the brook to clean the mess off his face.

Ariya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ariya nods.

Kauga carefully stands up, satisfied.

Kauga says, "Kauga say thank you."

Betlind beams!

Betlind says, "Handsome as ever."

Betlind nods.

Ariya nods.

Kauga glances at a bandaged candy Empath.

You smile.

Kauga says to you, "Looks kinda like you."

>beam kaug
You beam at Kauga!

>say }Kaug Yes, that is my specialty! Taking those who are wounded and patching them up.
You say to Kauga, "Yes, that is my specialty! Taking those who are wounded and patching them up."

Kauga says to you, "Kauga no want bite you."

You laugh!

>say I... appreciate that.
You say, "I... appreciate that."

Kauga says to you, "No offense."

You nod.

Betlind giggles.

Ariya offers you a bandaged candy Empath.  Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it.  The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You accept Ariya's offer and are now holding a bandaged candy Empath.

Kauga glances at a bandaged candy Empath.

>grin kau
You grin at Kauga.

>lick empath
You lick the candy Empath and discover that it tastes vaguely like cebi root.

Ariya giggles.

Kauga says to you, "Kauga not sure if that offensive."

>grin kau
You grin at Kauga.

Betlind nods.

Betlind says, "It was."

Ariya designates you as the new leader of the group.

Betlind ponders.

Ariya says, "In thoughts a moment."

Betlind asks, "Well, Kauga, we've seen the sights and eaten all the goodies. What else would you like to do while you're here?"

>nod bet agree
You nod at Betlind, in complete agreement with her views.

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga.  Do you have the list complete?"

[General] Kauga thinks, "Kauga absolutely did not lose list."

>glance gweth
You glance at a gwethdesuan.

Betlind whispers, "Might need to scour the grounds."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga!  Get back here before someone else accuses you of stealing.  We're pirates, not thieves."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "We absolutely pay for everything we take."

>say }Kauga Is she always trying to interrupt your fun time?
You ask Kauga, "Is she always trying to interrupt your fun time?"

You grin.

Betlind asks, "Hmm, in the small, small, tiny case that maaaaybe Kauga did somehow drop the list, do you think it'd still be around here at the festival?"

Kauga says to you, "Kauga thinks so."

You grin.

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

>say }Kaug Well, just remember how much fun we had today. Your backup crew has... well, we've got your back.
You say to Kauga, "Well, just remember how much fun we had today. Your backup crew has... well, we've got your back."

You beam!

Betlind nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Betlind preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Kauga nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Betlind asks, "Sing-y drink-y people, metal people and well... heal-y people?"

Betlind nods.

>beam betli
You beam at Betlind!

Betlind says, "It's what this festival is all about, after all."

Kauga says, "I like that.  Kauga will let you know if Kauga ever gets a ship."

Betlind smiles at Kauga, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

>say Every good crew needs an Empath, and every good crew shares their secrets with each other so they can help each other.
You say, "Every good crew needs an Empath, and every good crew shares their secrets with each other so they can help each other."

>nod betlin
You nod to Betlind.

Betlind exclaims to Kauga, "Please do!"

Betlind nods to you.

Kauga nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Kauga says, "Kauga should go before Kauga has to sleep on deck."

Kauga waves.

You scoff.

Betlind says, "Thanks for being our friend."

>say That would be mean!
You exclaim, "That would be mean!"

Betlind waves to Kauga.

>wave Kauga
You wave to Kauga.

Kraken Hunter Kauga just went west.

>dance bet
You sweep Betlind into a dance with you.

Betlind is giggling at you.

>say }Bet You were perfect!
You exclaim to Betlind, "You were perfect!"

Betlind exclaims, "You too!"

>grin bet
You grin at Betlind.

Betlind exclaims to Ariya, "And saved by the Bard!"

>say We do make a good crew.
You say, "We do make a good crew."

You laugh!

>nod bet agree
You nod at Betlind, in complete agreement with her views.

>hug ariya tight
You pull Ariya to you in a tight hug.

Ariya giggles.

>beam ariya
You beam at Ariya!

Betlind says, "I had JUST told him I would have to call in Bard support when he mentioned needing booze."

Ariya giggles at Betlind.

Betlind exclaims, "And then you just... poof!"

Betlind beams at Ariya!

Betlind exclaims, "Perfection!"

Ariya says, "That is funny."

Betlind nods.

Ariya says, "WEll, that was fun."

Ariya nods.

Ariya takes a bite of the greens.

Betlind nods.

>say You are both so fantastic, excellent job.
You say, "You are both so fantastic, excellent job."

Ariya beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Betlind hugs you.

Ariya says, "You as well."

Ariya nods.

Betlind hugs Ariya, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Ariya hugs Betlind, who wraps her arms around Ariya with a warm smile.

>say If I had higher ups, I would report your good deeds.
You say, "If I had higher ups, I would report your good deeds."

You laugh!

Ariya is giggling at you.

Betlind snaps to attention and hails you with a crisp hand salute.

You grin.

Ariya exclaims, "I should focus on things though!"

Ariya says, "Be well ladies."

>say /quietly And I'm glad he did not try to eat me.
You quietly say, "And I'm glad he did not try to eat me."

You chuckle.

Betlind asks, "Make sure Madigan doesn't subject me to the moat and we'll call it even?"

Ariya nods.

Ariya just left.

>grin bet
You grin at Betlind.

>say }Bet That will only work once, but yes, I'll work on it.
You say to Betlind, "That will only work once, but yes, I'll work on it."

>wink bet
You wink at Betlind.

Betlind is giggling at you.

Betlind wipes her forehead.

>hug bet tight
You pull Betlind to you in a tight hug.

>say Back to training for me, then. We have a fight coming up.
You say, "Back to training for me, then. We have a fight coming up."

You stretch your arms.  Feels great!

Betlind nods to you.

>say Be well!
You exclaim, "Be well!"

Betlind says, "I'll be in touch for that."

Betlind waves to you.

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Kauga has returned to my ship, and wanted me to specifically thank the 'metal-person', 'healy-person' and 'drink-y sing-y person' who absolutely helped him buy all of the things I wrote on the shopping list that is mysteriously absent."

[General] Srinoja thinks, "Which one of you promised to introduce him to faeries?"

[General] Srinoja thinks, "In any case.  I'm glad he made it back safely.  With his scouting mission complete, and with absolutely all of the things that I sent him to buy."

[General] Betlind thinks, "Please send Kauga again when you need something. I'm sure he'd be a welcome face to help establish more... kind ventures between our parties."

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "We found Kauga's company very enjoyable. As your first mate, I would think you would trust him with more than simple errand running. But perhaps that's just a sign of how much you value those in your employ."