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Dantia/Logs/20201128 Log
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<Insert invasion here> [General] Kolanem thinks, "Is come meeting me at Empath's Guild Courtyard, come quick!" [Empaths' Guild, Courtyard Garden] Open to the sky, this spot is sheltered from the worst of the weather and elements by a rich cedar arbor. In the center of the courtyard, a small fountain, filled with the darting forms of tiny fish, babbles to itself. Several elaborately-carved cedar benches are placed at one edge of the garden, directly across from a cushioned swing hanging from the arbor by wrought iron chains. A riot of seasonal plants compete for the attention of those who pass here, and a whispering willow tree looms overhead as if creating a protective mantle. You also see a glowing iron fragment, a glowing iron fragment, a silver tea cart, a large vela'tohr plant, a marble statue of an elegant Elven woman carrying a shallow basin in her arms, some shallow stone stairs, an Empath renown scroll and some junk. Also here: Master Artificer Lagu, Langen Esturi Nilme, Tidal Mixer Miskton, Kolanem, Connstuntina, Dispiritor Lasika, Eacon, Esqueleto and Elementoe (sitting). Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, down, out. > touch Kola You touch Kolanem. You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Kolanem. You sense nothing wrong with Kolanem. You ask Kolanem, "Are you well?" Kolanem exclaims, "Is coming as warning!" Kolanem exclaims, "Listen to me!" Kolanem exclaims, "Gillborn behind invasion!" You nod to Kolanem. Kolanem says, "Is having bad news, won't waste time." You nibble on your lip. Kolanem says, "King Galpelus has expressing much joy in mainlander cleaning efforts. Trickling Sun is most supported, and have begun gathering their ecologists to clean spider remains. Such joy, such compliments, makes Gillborn very angry." Kolanem says, "Gillborn change tactics. They brought last invasion of ocean creatures, but attack was a distraction. They have hidden five devices around city, very dangerous devices." Kolanem says, "Look under or behind waste bins and trees and benches. Check inside guilds and inns, counters and shelves. When you have found a clockwork device, announce it on the gwethdesuan. Merelew will come and help." Kolanem says, "Go. Go fast, find devices. We will searching as well, but we need your help. When all five have been found, I will announce and come back here." Kolanem exclaims, "Look!" Kolanem points at a willow tree. > look tree A dense sweep of branches arcs in a graceful fall to trail on the ground in the characteristic way of willows. This tree must be an old one -- the branches are so dense that in some spots they form shadowed hollows, in others they blanket the ground completely. Kolanem exclaims, "Look behind the tree!" > look behind tree Behind the willow tree you see a clockwork device. Kolanem exclaims, "Call it on the gwethdesuan!" Kolanem exclaims, "Merelew standing by!" [General] Ezerak thinks, "I found a clockword device behind the bin at town green southeast" [General] Jycanth thinks, "There is one behind the tree in the Empath's Guild courtyard as well." A cadre of Merelew engineers rush to the device and begin a coordinated effort to disarm it. Speaking in technical gibberish, they move swiftly as they expertly dismantle the contraption and carefully remove a glass vial from its center, storing it in a dried kelp packed box. Gathering their tools, they make their exit. [General] Kolanem thinks, "When found, announce on gwethdesuan! Quick, seek devices!" [The Crossing, Hodierna Way] When no straggling pedestrian heads home for the night and no squeaking caravan wheels break the silence, sometimes a nightingale can be heard. Lamps in the windows of the Orders headquarters show someone is working late, and light shines to the southwest, where the Temple illuminates the dark sky. You also see an old blind beggar (sitting), a walkway ramp and a news stand. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west. >look behind stand Behind the news stand you see a clockwork device. > think Found a device behind the news stand on Hodierna Way [General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Found a device behind the news stand on Hodierna Way" > tap device You reach for a clockwork device but decide it's just too dangerous to fool with. > eat dantia You nibble on your lip. A cadre of Merelew engineers rush to the device and begin a coordinated effort to disarm it. Speaking in technical gibberish, they move swiftly as they expertly dismantle the contraption and carefully remove a glass vial from its center, storing it in a dried kelp packed box. Gathering their tools, they make their exit. > beam You beam! [General] Kolanem thinks, "Must find, very dangerous! Please be searching!" [General] Jycanth thinks, "Found one under the tithe box outside the Paladin guild on Herald Street" [General] Hebion thinks, "I found one in Taelbert's Inn, in the lobby" [General] Kolanem thinks, "All found! Relief! Is at Empath's Guild Courtyard, feel celebration in order!" [Empaths' Guild, Courtyard Garden] Open to the sky, this spot is sheltered from the worst of the weather and elements by a rich cedar arbor. In the center of the courtyard, a small fountain, filled with the darting forms of tiny fish, babbles to itself. Several elaborately-carved cedar benches are placed at one edge of the garden, directly across from a cushioned swing hanging from the arbor by wrought iron chains. A riot of seasonal plants compete for the attention of those who pass here, and a whispering willow tree looms overhead as if creating a protective mantle. You also see a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a long volcanic glass buffet table perched upon enormous staghorn coral, a silver tea cart, a large vela'tohr plant, a marble statue of an elegant Elven woman carrying a shallow basin in her arms, some shallow stone stairs, an Empath renown scroll and some junk. Also here: Sonrisa, Star-Crossed Tiarmo, Lucky Untimely, Avet, Student Rinzal, Depth Preserver Grakraw, Mythologian Derulao, Vagabond Vetach, Scavenger Rhatt, Dispiritor Lasika, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Minstrel Hoshii, Breeze Catcher Jycanth, Battle Empath Rejind, Kolanem, Alley Fighter Allye, Langen Esturi Nilme, Sir Hebion, Aerialist Emyrose, Master Artificer Lagu, Tidal Mixer Miskton, Gripper Gahston, Elementoe (sitting), Katharail, Tartarean and Doctor Nestariel (sitting). Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, down, out. Lagu says to Miskton, "They seemed to be clockwork timers, set to release some sort of alchemical substance. Likely explosive, toxic, or both." Emyrose points at a long volcanic glass buffet table perched upon enormous staghorn coral. Kolanem says, "The King will be hearing of this. Hearing a lot." Kolanem says, "Attack on Mainlander very bad. King specifically forbid." Kolanem says, "Gillborn outright moving now, disobeying King." You ask Kolanem, "Might I ask how you knew to warn us about these devices?" Kolanem says to you, "Merelew kidnapping, disappearing." Kolanem says to you, "I warned mainlander of Gillborn attack not too long ago. Spies thinking they use devices." Lasika asks Kolanem, "How are you sure about five?" Kolanem says to Lasika, "No, like other Merelew, was busy fighting sea creatures. Which was distraction." Lagu dryly says to Lasika, "The devices were stolen from the Crucible. Presumably that is the number that went missing." Kolanem says, "Is told that five were made. Is only here to warn and help." A soft *snap* can be heard from the buffet table, accompanied by the rapid whirring of gears and springs. Kolanem gasps, recoils from the sound, and begins to shout! Kolanem exclaims, "Yait kal asaran... Run, now!" From the buffet table, a series of accelerating *clicks* builds to a dull whine, terminating in the loud *ping* of a striker breaking a glass vial. Kolanem exclaims, "FLEE!" > out You go out. [The Crossing, Magen Road] The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see a stone urn and a wide arch. Also here: Student Rinzal, Master Artificer Lagu, Breeze Catcher Jycanth and Regulator Frediwyn. Obvious paths: east, south, west. Hebion just arrived, dragging Kolanem behind him. > touch Kola You touch Kolanem. You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Kolanem. You sense nothing wrong with Kolanem. You exclaim to Kolanem, "What was it?!" Miskton says, "Sounded like it mighth ave been one of those devices." Allye exclaims, "Not the buffet!" Miskton says, "Didn't manage to break the vial? I thought I heard something striking glass, but didn't stick around to see the results." <VIEW FROM INSIDE EMPATH GUILD> A bolus of electricity erupts from underneath the buffet table, the volcanic glass shattering into a cloud molten shrapnel. Lightning wildly arcs in all directions, striking several people and raking along the ground and surroundings. A deafening roar of thunderclaps reverberates over the area. </VIEW> [2020-11-28 14:51] * Allye was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Inneth was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Rejind was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Katharail was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Avet was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Knotwork was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Rhatt was just struck down! [2020-11-28 14:51] * Nestariel was just struck down at Empaths' Guild, Courtyard Garden! Lupdels says, "Oh no." Lagu says, "There it went." > go door [Empaths' Guild, Courtyard Garden] Open to the sky, this spot is sheltered from the worst of the weather and elements by a rich cedar arbor. In the center of the courtyard, a small fountain, filled with the darting forms of tiny fish, babbles to itself. Several elaborately-carved cedar benches are placed at one edge of the garden, directly across from a cushioned swing hanging from the arbor by wrought iron chains. A riot of seasonal plants compete for the attention of those who pass here, and a whispering willow tree looms overhead as if creating a protective mantle. You also see a pile of rocks, a pile of rocks, a silver tea cart, a large vela'tohr plant, a marble statue of an elegant Elven woman carrying a shallow basin in her arms, some shallow stone stairs, an Empath renown scroll and some junk. Also here: Kolanem, Scion of Grazhir Mitkiahn, Master Artificer Lagu, Dispiritor Lasika, the body of Alley Fighter Allye (prone), the body of Disciple Inneth (prone), the body of Battle Empath Rejind (prone), the body of Katharail (prone), the body of Avet (prone), the body of Knotwork (prone), the body of Scavenger Rhatt (prone) and the body of Doctor Nestariel (prone). Obvious paths: northeast, east, west, down, out. > cringe You cringe. Kolanem exclaims, "They di dn't run!" You hear the ghostly voice of Rejind say, "Well we did run but we came back too soon." Gahston drunkenly says, "Buffet table went boom." Miskton asks Kolanem, "Where are the Merelew who brought in that table now?" You hear the ghostly voice of Allye say, "Poor buffet." Kolanem exclaims to Miskton, "Not sure! Common laborers!" Lagu dryly says to Kolanem, "Common laborers with at least one Gillborn agent among them." Kolanem says, "The Gillborn will pay for this." You ask Kolanem, "What can we do to help? Do you need an escort back to the King?" Kolanem says to you, "I will return to Andreshlew and demand King take action." > nod Kolane You nod to Kolanem. Kolanem says, "Is appreciating offers of escort. But is angry enough to fight Gillborn in streets." Kolanem slings a wickedly pointed trident adorned with kelpzite fragments and wound with a seasilk grip off from over his shoulder. You say to Kolanem, "Do take extra care though, and the King might want to take extra precautions himself." Kolanem asks, "Of those who were killed by device, did seeing anything that would be useful?" Allye says, "It looked like electricity." Rhatt says, "There was lightnin." Rhatt says, "And a boom." Rejind says, "It was lightning, hardcore lightning." Rejind says to Kolanem, "Lots of lightning and thunder." Kolanem says, "Yes, so is being crucible device. King will be very angry. Kolanem is very angry." Kolanem says, "Those who is died, King will know your name. Please, be accepting apology from King himself, who did not wish this." Kolanem says, "Will report to King. Speedy recovery to everyone." Kolanem bows. Kolanem goes out.