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Dantia/Logs/20200207 Log

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[The Gilded Unicorn, Tavern]
Spacious and open, the tavern allows for plenty of breathing room.  Axes, swords, and shields decorate the walls, all scratched with the wear of battle and all safely nailed in place that a patron might not grab one in a fit of drunken rage.  Situated behind the bar is a tall, muscular Elven woman with long red braids.  Judging from her demeanor and the way she handles the people who work and eat here, this can only be the owner, Savrin Kaerna.
You also see a disfigured scholar, a polished deobar door, Savrin Kaerna, a secluded booth, a painted wooden menu and a large stuffed troll.
Also here: Siege Engine Rekon, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim, Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Web Healer Aislynn (sitting), Shadow of Fate Merlun, Wheel Breaker Zharen, Yvela, Nighthawk Thyon, Sniper Strithas and Holy Soldier Tankata.
Obvious exits: south.

Commodore Khoheke just arrived.

A disfigured scholar says, "Ah, Khoheke."

A disfigured scholar says, "Commodore, thank you for coming."

> look Kho
You see Commodore Khoheke Moglin, Defender of the Moglin Trading Fleet, a S'Kra Mur Paladin.
Khoheke has a shallow-featured face with a membranous, fin-like crest which follows the shape of his skull, fathomless slitted blue eyes and a Reshalian snout, sea-grey scales with ghostly white countershading, a powerful, keeled tail and a sleek build.
He is of commanding height for a S'Kra Mur.
He appears to be young.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a mariner's arbalest resembling a hammerhead shark, an abyssal blue helm adorned with membranous glaes fins, some scalloped scale armor with spiny pauldrons, some webbed covellite gauntlets with wave-like scales, a naval officer's gamantang with gold laced buttons, a stormwood pilgrim's badge carved into a compass rose, a Reshalian livery badge, a camlet mariner's rucksack clasped with a scrimshaw kraken and an articulated baldric of imbricated covellite scales.

Khoheke acknowledges the scholar with a polite nod.

A disfigured scholar says, "Everyone, this is our contact with House Moglin, Commodore Khoheke."

Rekon says to Khoheke, "Welcome Commodore, thank you for coming."

Khoheke smiles.

Khoheke says, "Many have come."

Zharen quietly says to Rekon, "You managed to get Moglin's attention? Impressive."

Rekon smiles at Zharen.

Khoheke says, "House Moglin always has eyes on the Reshal Sea."

Khoheke says, "Including the isle that blights it."

Khoheke says, "I'm Khokele of House Moglin.  I have been charged with protecting the shipping fleet of our great house."

Zharen asks, "I'd imagine your fleet cannot take action against said Island?"

Khoheke says, "Over the years, we have dealt with numerous threats to the security of our shipping lanes, but recently, we have lost more ships in proximity to the Isle of the lich -- may the sun never warm its grave -- than we have lost to typical piracy or misfortune."

Khoheke says, "The cost to our House has reached a critical point.  Our security and livelihood is at risk.  I have convinced the House leadership that a proactive move is required.  We will secure our fleet."

Khoheke says, "We hope to strike a decisive blow that will set the lich's efforts back, securing our waters while he is forced to recover.  The Temple has made us aware of this scholar's plight, and has provided assistance in the form of a Holy weapon that we believe will aid in the strike."

Khoheke says, "We believe that by identifying a potential weak point on the Isle or Manor, you can direct our ... application ... of this weapon."

Mystylaine says, "We are hoping for the same results, to keep him from our shores."

Khoheke says, "This is where you come in.  We have several ideas, but will need feet on the ground first, and fear that our proximity to the Isle may alert the lich of our intention, whereas if you are spotted, you will not be tied to us, or our fleets."

Khoheke says, "Our warships are currently being outfitted to accommodate the weapon, and once the location or locations have been identified, we will coordinate the raid and strike as one."

Khoheke says, "Our fleet will contribute both offshore bombardment and troop transport.  We hope the combination of our bombardment, and the delivery of our strike teams, along with your skill and expertise, will put a stop to their audacity and force them to spend years picking through the rubble."

Khoheke folds his arms and lifts his head, a proud gleam in his eye and his tail resting firmly against the ground.

Khoheke says, "For now, we will be observing the scouting mission from afar with a team of reconnaissance vessels.  After the mission you can send your summary to me and we will be in touch."

Khoheke asks, "Questions?"

Khoheke utters a soft, rumbling trill.

Rekon exclaims, "Of course, we'll happily lend our aid. Our hides are yers!"

Rekon says, "And a plan to deliver a blow to the Evil on the isle is music to our ears. Thank you for reaching out to us."

Khoheke says, "We hope it shall not come to hides, but the Isle is a treacherous place, and nothing can be ruled out."

A disfigured scholar says, "Be extremely careful tonight while you are scouting.  We don't want to play our hand before too soon."

Aislynn quietly asks Khoheke, "What would be the best sorts of targets, given the nature of the weapon?"

Rekon says, "We don't want to attract to much attention to the larger plan."

Khoheke says, "Keeping a low profile is advised.  We do not wish to tip off the lich."

Khoheke says, "It is a dangerous enough foe when unprepared and surprised -- no need to arm it with notice."

Rekon says, "I have a question for you, Khoheke."

Rekon asks, "Is there some part of the island you'd like us to explore, to aid in your efforts?"

Rekon asks, "Or something you'd like us to check while there?"

Khoheke says, "In particular, we are keen to know of any faults in the manor, points of access from the shoreline that would not be observable from the manor, and any harbors or landing points."

Khoheke says, "House Moglin does not intend to send troops -- we are sailors -- but those with ships might wish to."

A disfigured scholar says, "After you have scouted the Isle, you may contact the Commodore with your report.  I will also help coordinate when the time comes.  The strike proper will take some time to prepare."

Khoheke says, "We will be watching from a discreet distance and will await your report."

Zharen says, "This lot has no idea the damage that Sivroch can do to someone. I hope we do not run in to it."

Khoheke says, "Our vessels regularly ply the waters all around the Reshal Sea, so we will not look out of place."

Rekon says to Khoheke, "Perfect."

Tiakim says, "I have seen, Sivroch in my visions."

Khoheke asks, "What is this Sivroch?"

Zharen says, "Heed the warnings of the Scholar."

Yvela says to Khoheke, "A dangerous creature in service to the demons that empower the lich and his lot."

Khoheke says, "Let us pray it doesn't notice your presence."

Yvela says, "And if it does, I highly recommend fleeing."

Rekon says, "Very dangerous. She has the power to enslave minds and souls, and I'm sure things beyond my imagination."

Khoheke says, "To be clear, our warships are not yet outfitted with the weapon, so we are only observing during the mission and are unable to provide naval support."

Zharen says to Khoheke, "Sivroch has altered its form with gifts of the demonic. The Demon Hunter has warned us that she is a trickster and one to not underestimate."

Rekon says, "Hopefully we slip past her notice today."

Zharen says, "The Profane also bend knee to her, as well as the Lich. We might run in to them as well, as they call the Island their home."

Rekon says, "I hope we can deal a blow to both Sivroch and the Lich."

Khoheke says, "Today we hope not to meet them but to gather information, that we might better be prepared to meet them later."

Khoheke says, "If you encounter force, try to disengage without calling more attention to the situation."

A disfigured scholar says, "I wish you all good fortune tonight.  Any who decide to scout, I... encourage you to fortify your mind."

Rekon asks, "Lets only attack to defend ourselves if set upon, okay folks?"

A disfigured scholar says, "Know what is real, and don't do anything that seems particularly stupid."

Khoheke says, "It is not cowardice to retreat to gather one's strength if it makes victory more likely."

A disfigured scholar says, "I will take my leave.  Commodore, we will be discussing things shortly."

A disfigured scholar just went south.

Commodore Khoheke strides south.

Rekon says, "Okay, folks."

Rekon says, "Everyone buff up and arm yerselves to the teeth."

Yvela asks, "What's the plan regarding transportation?"

Rekon says to Yvela, "We'll have a moongate waiting."

Strithas asks, "Direct to the island or Ratha?"

Rekon says, "We'll be landing on the island. Our moon mage Pengwin is gonna be our guide."

You say, "When we land, please be aware that the dock is in an area with very onery creatures, so don't rely on standing still for too long."

Rekon nods to you.

Rekon says, "Our moon mage says he's being followed by a zombie at the moment."

Rekon says, "Remember, don't attack unless attacked first."

Rekon says, "If they come at us, take em out."

<travel snip>

[Journalai Route, Kaerna Outskirts]
The grasslands lap like waves at the edge of Kaerna Village to the east.  The small, dun-colored houses of the town endure silently, islands in a sea of green.  To the west the land begins to take on a more rolling form, an abrupt and unusual change from the endless plains that stretch to the north and south.  
Also here: Web Healer Aislynn, Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim, Death Spirit Tathalus, Shadow of Fate Merlun, Demon Slayer Vladmirr, Sniper Strithas, Nighthawk Thyon and Siege Engine Rekon.
Obvious paths: east, west.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Siege Engine Rekon's group went through a black Moongate.

[Basalt Isle, Field of Rubble]
Dead, skeletal trees jut here and there with their fingerlike branches intertwined in a nightmare embrace, indicating that the area was once a flourishing park.  However, all life has been violently scoured clean from the area, only a thick dusting of dark ash remaining of anything once living.  Small rocks cover the landscape almost completely, sown there with a determined maliciousness and preventing new life from taking root.
You also see a black Moongate, a Dwarf crewman, a simple wooden gate, a robed twisted banyakea and a robed twisted banyakea.
Also here: Sniper Strithas, Death Spirit Tathalus, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim, Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Web Healer Aislynn, Holy Soldier Tankata, Siege Engine Rekon, Nighthawk Thyon, Demon Slayer Vladmirr and Ambassador Pengwin.
Obvious paths: northeast.

<massive snipping of combat and travel for brevity>

You say, "Gotta move."

[Local] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "Welcome, welcome"

Tankata moves into position to block attacks against Pengwin!

Pengwin quietly says, "Gate."

The twisted banyakea closes to pole weapon range on Pengwin.

The twisted banyakea closes to pole weapon range on Pengwin.

The mutilated banyakea closes to pole weapon range on Tathalus.

The twisted banyakea closes to pole weapon range on Pengwin.

A robed many-armed banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.
A robed mutilated banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.
A robed monstrous banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.
A robed wretched banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.
A robed twisted banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.

Rekon says, "Holy crap."

Mystylaine says, "Wow."

Strithas comes out of hiding.
Strithas searches around for a moment.

Strithas points at Totenus, ruining his hiding place.

The pain-wracked banyakea lurches forward with a painful-sounding moan and tries to knock a robed pain-wracked banyakea over, but he quickly moves to block the banyakea with his shield.
The pain-wracked banyakea wrenches itself back, making an awful noise that sounds both agonized and outraged.

A robed wretched banyakea gazes into the shadows and hisses something that sounds like "come out".

Mystylaine asks, "Are these normal to the isle?"

Pengwin quietly says, "Yes."

Pengwin quietly says, "These are normal."

Rekon says, "Oh."

> point gate
You point at a simple wooden gate.

Strithas whispers to your group, "Totenus is here"

You whisper to Mystylaine, Tathalus, Tankata, Rekon, and Thyon, "Through the gate it becomes safe."

The Dwarf crewman exclaims, "welcome!"

> l
[Basalt Isle, Field of Rubble]
Dead, skeletal trees jut here and there with their fingerlike branches intertwined in a nightmare embrace, indicating that the area was once a flourishing park.  However, all life has been violently scoured clean from the area, only a thick dusting of dark ash remaining of anything once living.  Small rocks cover the landscape almost completely, sown there with a determined maliciousness and preventing new life from taking root.
You also see a Dwarf crewman, a simple wooden gate, a robed twisted banyakea (dead), a robed many-armed banyakea, a robed twisted banyakea, a robed pain-wracked banyakea, a robed many-armed banyakea, a robed mutilated banyakea, a robed many-armed banyakea, a robed mutilated banyakea, a robed monstrous banyakea, a robed wretched banyakea, a robed twisted banyakea, a robed pain-wracked banyakea, a robed pain-wracked banyakea, a robed mutilated banyakea, a robed wretched banyakea, a robed wretched banyakea, a small nomlas chalcedony and a rusty longsword.
Also here: Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Demon Slayer Vladmirr, Sniper Strithas (hiding), Death Spirit Tathalus, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim, Holy Soldier Tankata, Siege Engine Rekon and Nighthawk Thyon.
Obvious paths: northeast.

The Dwarf crewman exclaims, "Don't taunt them!"

> look crew
You see a Dwarf crewman.
The Dwarf crewman is in good shape.
It is wearing an ugly beret.
It is carrying nothing!

Pengwin quietly says, "Come through the gate to regroup."

Pengwin quietly says, "There are no creates there."

> go gate
You feel a strange sensation all around you, as if the area itself was tearing viciously at your innate empathy.  It doesn't feel painful, but is certainly uncomfortable.

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Entrance]
The muddy path into the town is seldom used, as if few ever leave this small fishing village.  Wooden buildings line the streets, haphazardly nailed together without much care or concern, and over half of them looking quite abandoned.  Racks of half-preserved fish stand drying on hooks, the cloying odor ever pervasive in the air.
You also see a simple wooden gate.
Also here: Web Healer Aislynn.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

You chuckle.

You say, "They don't listen."

Pengwin quietly says, "It is this Isle."

Pengwin quietly says, "Once you're on it, you stop listening."

* Thyon was just struck down

[Local] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "Goodbye, Thyon!"

[Local] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "This is not off to a great start"

A purple maisma rolls through the area.  You feel a distinct pressure against the back of your mind, a talon dragged through your thoughts, searching for entry.

Pengwin quietly says, "So inside this gate, teleportation is blocked by necro magic..."

Aislynn quietly says, "Oh, how... uncomfortable."

A Kaldar accountant gazes about the area with an intent look, watching the goings on.

Everything gets eerily quiet a moment, and you feel the attention of a five eyed gaze scanning overhead.

Tankata says, "Oh.. dear."

You blink.

Everything goes dark a moment, and before you stands a twisted form, a three-armed figure with five eyes and a maw of needle sharp teeth.  She looks directly at you, and begins to laugh.

[Local] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "Tactical failure"

Tiakim says, "And there she is."

The once-woman smiles a cruel smile and begins to peel your mind open.  Exposed, she sees everything.

Tankata says, "It's here."

[General] Your mind hears Talinel thinking, "Welcome to the Isle."

"You're either very ignorant or very brave.  Maybe both," you hear her say, echoing in your thoughts.  "What fun, the salted corpses have done so little of late.  Welcome, welcome to the Isle.  But why are you here?"

You hear a voice say, "We need to move."

A feral pain-wracked banyakea shuffles into the area with a pained look on its face.

You feel the once-woman reach across the intervening space, and suddenly the banyakea twitches in ecstasy as new muscle and plating erupts from its body!

[General] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "Next time, try knocking"

Twitching uncontrollably, the banyakea attempts to move its multitude of vestigial limbs at the beck of its unseen master.  A skittering chirr gleefully erupts from its maw, increasing in a crescendo into an overtone screech.

Talinel reveals himself.
Talinel makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

A veiled phantom thrall near Vladmirr bounds toward Talinel like a rabid dog, black smoke trailing behind it!
The final leap of the phantom thrall brings it to an impact with Talinel's face.  His head is tossed back forcibly as the specter disappears into it.

Rekon says, "Pengwin."

Rekon asks, "Can you lead us?"

Rekon says, "You're familiar with the island."

The veteran banyakea closes to melee range on Pengwin.

Pengwin quietly says, "I.. cant move..."

A feral veteran banyakea lands a very heavy hit that gives him a nice shiner with a thump below the right eye, lightly stunning him.  

A veteran pain-wracked banyakea lands an awesome strike that punctures deeply into the right bicep, severing a small artery.  

A feral veteran banyakea lands a powerful strike that drives the lungs into the throat with a strike to the solar plexus.  

Pengwin suddenly turns and bolts, sobbing like a child!
Pengwin signals his departure with a courteous bow, and then is simply gone -- in what direction, or by what means, you cannot say for sure.

You go northwest.

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Communion Circle]
Barely functional and long past their prime, several haphazard shanties crowd each side of the street.  Simple burlap clothes hang out to slowly dry on fishing lines strung between several of the shanties, clearly repurposed for the task.  The smell of cooking fish fills the air, wafting on the salty ocean breeze.
You also see an immense dirt construct, a small round hut and a steep basalt stairway.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, west.

An immense dirt construct shimmers slightly, as if wet.  The effect quickly passes, leaving the construct with a dark, stonelike exterior once more.

An immense dirt construct stands motionless, but shifting shadows seem to play across its surface as deeper shades of red ripple beneath its hardened exterior.

You feel cloyingly sweet breath hot against your face, and a gentle voice whispers "Come closer, we've so much to discuss."  Needle sharp teeth nibble at your ear, and you whirl around, shattering the illusion.

You take in a great breath of air.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

You say, "I am ready, and I am brave."

You nod.

> se
You go southeast.

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Entrance]
The muddy path into the town is seldom used, as if few ever leave this small fishing village.  Wooden buildings line the streets, haphazardly nailed together without much care or concern, and over half of them looking quite abandoned.  Racks of half-preserved fish stand drying on hooks, the cloying odor ever pervasive in the air.
You also see a feral many-armed banyakea, a feral twisted banyakea, a salt golem, a huge steel bar, a small green-yellow aquamarine, a gold coin, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a veiled phantom thrall, a champion pain-wracked banyakea (immobile), a salt golem (immobile), a robed many-armed banyakea, a feral many-armed banyakea, a feral twisted banyakea, a feral many-armed banyakea, a feral many-armed banyakea, a feral veteran banyakea, a feral mutilated banyakea, a small rose beryl, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a salt golem, a feral many-armed banyakea, a feral pain-wracked banyakea, a pile of broken salt (dead), a robed monstrous banyakea, a Kaldar accountant and a simple wooden gate.
Also here: Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Web Healer Aislynn, Siege Engine Rekon, Demon Slayer Vladmirr, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim and Holy Soldier Tankata.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

Tiakim's black cage writhes.
Driving in like the overwhelming force of a hurricane, a feral many-armed banyakea rakes its numerous claws at Tiakim.  Tiakim fails to block with a demonbone armguard made of thin strips of bone.  The claw lands a massive strike that embeds the claw into the top of his left foot!  

Talinel reveals himself.
Talinel makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!
Tiny red and purple shafts appear within the black mist surrounding Zharen and writhe in frenzy.

Tiakim falls down!
Tiakim's in shock and dying!

Moving with indomitable grace, a feral pain-wracked banyakea slams its ill-fitted appendages at Tiakim.  Tiakim fails to dodge, taking the full blow.  The fist lands a strong hit that drives the fist under the sternum to pierce the heart!  

 * Tiakim is slain before your eyes!
> drag tia nw
You grab Tiakim's body and drag it northwest with you . . .

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Communion Circle]
Barely functional and long past their prime, several haphazard shanties crowd each side of the street.  Simple burlap clothes hang out to slowly dry on fishing lines strung between several of the shanties, clearly repurposed for the task.  The smell of cooking fish fills the air, wafting on the salty ocean breeze.
You also see an immense dirt construct, a small round hut and a steep basalt stairway.
Also here: the body of Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim (prone).
Obvious paths: east, southeast, west.

Necrolord Talinel just arrived.

Talinel makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!
Tiny red and purple shafts appear within the black mist surrounding Nefis and writhe in frenzy.
The viscous solution drenches you thoroughly, quickly solidifying and forcing you to struggle to get to a point where you can move more properly again.

The spirit of Tiakim sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.

The goop hindering your movement thins.

Strithas comes out of hiding.
Strithas points at Talinel, ruining his hiding place.

You say, "Ugh."

Talinel reveals himself.

You glance at Talinel, a male Elothean.

Talinel traces a careful sigil in the air.

You glance at Strithas, a male Human.

> touch Str
Youu touch Strithas.

You sense a successful empathic link has been forged between you and Strithas.
You feel the burning fire of pain and suffering building slowly as you instinctively draw out the truth behind Strithas's injuries.

You sense nothing wrong with Strithas.

Strithas says, "It's ok."

Strithas says, "I'm fine."

Talinel gestures at Strithas.
Strithas seems unfazed.

Strithas leans on Talinel.

You hear someone chuckling.

Strithas searches around for a moment.

Strithas points at Nefis, ruining his hiding place.
Strithas points at Talinel, ruining his hiding place.

Arcanist Nefis strides southeast.

Talinel traces a careful sigil in the air.

You hear the ghostly voice of Tiakim say, "Not my spleen."

You hear the ghostly voice of Tiakim say, "Nooo."

Talinel reveals himself.
Talinel gestures.
Tiny streams of viridian and copper leap from Talinel's outstretched hand, coalescing around Tiakim's corpse and forming a pulsing link between them.  The streams flare a sanguine red, withering Tiakim's corpse.
Talinel's skin flushes slightly.

You hear a voice say, "Yes."

Talinel exclaims, "Spleens!"

The creaking of salt heralds the coming of a salt golem, which walks ponderously into the area.

The salt golem begins to advance on you!
The salt golem is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

> w
You go west.

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Communion Circle]
Open barrels half filled with dried and salted fish sit between the makeshift buildings, each one left incomplete and exposed to the dry salty air.  Huge stacks of shipping crates line both sides of the dirt road here, although some have been repurposed and broken down as building material.  An unguarded gap between huts leads directly to a small ledge over the ocean, serving as the village's dumping ground.
You also see a simple wooden hut.
Obvious paths: east, south.

Arcanist Nefis just arrived.

Nefis puts his egg in his multi-strapped carryall.

Arcanist Nefis strides east.

Naimo subtly reels as a pained expression crosses his face.

[General] Your mind hears Agalea thinking, "I am thinking that he has found an Island, and decided to take a nap?"

Strithas searches around for a moment.

Strithas points at Naimo, ruining his hiding place.

Strithas points at Talinel, ruining his hiding place.

Talinel makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!
The viscous solution drenches you thoroughly, quickly solidifying and forcing you to struggle to get to a point where you can move more properly again.

Necrolord Talinel climbed down a steep basalt stairway.

Talinel says, "COme up."

You say, "Do not."

The goop hindering your movement thins.

You shake your head.

You hear a quiet voice say, "Hello."

You hear a voice ask, "Whats up?"

You say, "Do not go up that staircase."

Strithas says, "I never trust the voices from the shadows on an island of death."

[General] Your mind hears Talinel thinking, "His spleen was tastey."

[General] Your mind hears Tathalus thinking, "thats not the part I saw you eating, I think you need a support group"

[General] Your mind hears Talinel thinking, "Don't worry, no one wants your brains for dinner."

<various combat and travel snipped>

You follow Pengwin north.

[Jeihrem's Barrow, Entrance]
The muddy path into the town is seldom used, as if few ever leave this small fishing village.  Wooden buildings line the streets, haphazardly nailed together without much care or concern, and over half of them looking quite abandoned.  Racks of half-preserved fish stand drying on hooks, the cloying odor ever pervasive in the air.
You also see an arisen banyakea zombie (calmed), a gold coin, some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a feral many-armed banyakea (immobile), some silver coins, some bronze coins, some copper coins, a simple wooden gate, a feral veteran banyakea (calmed), a ghostly white banner, a feral mutilated banyakea (calmed) and some junk.
Also here: a calmed Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, the body of a calmed Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim (prone), the body of a calmed Web Healer Aislynn (prone), a calmed Wheel Breaker Zharen, a calmed Siege Engine Rekon, a calmed Death Spirit Tathalus and a calmed Holy Soldier Tankata.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

You hear a voice say, "I may be a heretic in your eyes, but such low insults are beneath all of us, I think."

Tathalus says, "No not a heretic."

You hear a voice say, "And tired, tired insults at that."

[General] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "You're doing just fine.  But what will you do when my Lord turns your blood to dust?  Your eyes to shrivel and fall from your head like wrinkled berries?"

Tathalus says, "Misled."

Tathalus says, "They sold you on a bill of goods that shouldnt be appealing."

You hear a voice say, "Strange, you all still cavort with Necromancers."

Tathalus says, "I like the philosophers."

Zharen grins at Tathalus.

Tankata says, "Perhaps we don't have one label that we place on everyone and judge them based on that label.  Behaviour counts for more. Yours is deplorable."

Tathalus says, "Because their only "crime" was to ask why."

Tathalus says, "Then they had the tenacity to find out."

You hear a voice ask Tankata, "Is it?  Do you know me?  Have you conversed with me?  DO you know my motivations?"

You hear a voice say, "You trespass, I defend."

Tathalus says, "And Im not faulting you for defending."

Tathalus says, "But I do a live and let live lifestyle."

You hear a voice ask, "Then what, pray tell, is deplorable?"

A Kaldar accountant walks into the area.

The Kaldar accountant says, "Helpful tax advice, free up the stairs."

You hear a voice say to Tathalus, "You are a liar...for here you stand, assaulting land that is not yours."

As Vladmirr chants a dispirited requiem for Tiakim to Trothfang, his hands begin to glow faintly silver.  He reluctantly extends a glowing hand towards the body.
Dark crimson bands of light flow about the body of Tiakim, pulsating with a heartbeat rhythm.  Silvery-grey tendrils twine around the red bands, seeping into the corpse.  As the last tendril vanishes from view, the bands explode with a brilliant flash and Tiakim blinks dazedly, wobbling on his feet.

[General] Your mind hears Naimo thinking, "The stairs are right there.  Do you not see them?"

Tathalus says, "And youre sugar daddy, doesnt buy into that and seaks to change how I live."

Tathalus says, "Since your pappa wont let people live their own....creates a problem."

Zharen quietly says, "The Profane are delaying us. We must keep moving."

Aislynn whispers to your group, "Find more soft points. Keep moving."

<snipped more movement>

> l
[Basalt Isle, Stone Dock]
Waves constantly whip at the edges of the desolate stone dock, occasionally sending splashes of foamy saltwater high into the air.  Evenly spaced stone pillars offer a crude place to tie a boat, their metal hooks badly rusted from the salt-filled air.  Sheer cliffs made from thousands of basalt columns rise tall at the water's edge, their jagged shapes standing tall against the battering waves.
You also see a Kaldar accountant, a veiled phantom thrall (calmed) and a narrow gap between two ruined cliffs.
Also here: Siege Engine Rekon, Holy Soldier Tankata, Wheel Breaker Zharen, Web Healer Aislynn, Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Demon Slayer Vladmirr, Sniper Strithas and Ambassador Pengwin.
Obvious paths: none.

You hear a voice say, "So a paladin, an empath and a moon mage go to a necromantic island.......theres seriously a joke in here somewhere."

Zharen asks Rekon, "See the Sea wall?"

Tankata says, "Crude place to put a boat, and such.  Mark this one down."

Strithas asks, "I wonder if there is a climbable locale that could provide a back door into the manor?"

Strithas says, "Besides the stairs."

Vladmirr says, "Thats what we were supposed to try and find."

Aislynn quietly asks, "What of those treacherous basalt cliffs?"

Vladmirr says, "I didn't see anything though."

Mystylaine says, "Would be worth checking out."

The once-woman appears beside you, and with a cruel smile, tenderly runs her the razor-sharp talon of her third arm across your cheek, the rasp of the edge grating your senses.  As you recoil in pain, she vanishes, and you blink away the illusion.

[General] Your mind hears Tathalus thinking, "I think so, I mean it has really been most entertaining, guys have like no booze here, no wonder you guys are always angry"

Pengwin quietly asks, "Anyoen else see that?"

Tankata says, "I think we all did."

You feel the once-woman reach across the intervening space, and suddenly the banyakea twitches in ecstasy as new muscle and plating erupts from its body!

Twitching uncontrollably, the banyakea attempts to move its multitude of vestigial limbs at the beck of its unseen master.  A skittering chirr gleefully erupts from its maw, increasing in a crescendo into an overtone screech.

The champion banyakea closes to melee range on Pengwin.

A champion mutilated banyakea lands a spine-rattling strike that blasts hard into the left arm and causes purple welts to appear almost immediately, lightly stunning him.  

Strithas points at Nefis, ruining his hiding place.

Zharen begins to focus intently on Nefis.

Nefis reveals himself.
Nefis makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

Arcanist Nefis went over to a narrow gap between two ruined cliffs.

Aislynn quietly says, "Naughty Nefis and his snotty goo."

Aislynn rolls her eyes.

<movement snip>

[Basalt Isle, Cliffs of Ruin]
The harsh sound of the ocean waves breaking on bare rock echoes through the chasm, and the towering basalt makes strange geometric shapes that look ready to give way at any moment.  Huge basalt boulders are scattered here and there, indicating that a few chunks have already fallen.  A few stubborn scrubby bushes cling to either side of the cavern walls, their thin branches parched and bleached by the salty sea air.
You also see a stone dock.
Also here: Web Healer Aislynn, Death Spirit Tathalus, Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, Holy Soldier Tankata, Transcendent Moon Mage Tiakim and Siege Engine Rekon.
Obvious paths: northwest.

tathalus Darkness.  Everything goes still and quiet and there is nothing but the darkness, endless, eternal, and you drift, alone, forgotten, forever.  You forget your mission, your passions, your name.  There is nothing but the darkness.  After a forever passes, Sivroch begins to laugh, and you begin to remember.

 * Tathalus is slain before your eyes!

Rekon winces.

The ghostly laughter of Tathalus echoes through the room, sending a shiver down your spine.

Tankata's jaw drops.

Aislynn quietly says, "Oh."

Tiakim says, "Ouch."

Rekon lingers too close to the basalt cliffs.  It looks dangerous.
Rocks come tumbling down the cliff face, straight at Rekon!  He manages to dodge the rockslide entirely, although it's a rather close call.

You hear the ghostly voice of Tathalus say, "Mental attack by the Island's demon."

You say, "I have a feeling she's going to keep taking us out one by one."

Aislynn quietly says, "She will. And we'll keep coming back, like the annoying weeds we are."

You hear the ghostly voice of Tathalus say, "I mean I know why she tooke me out."

The wretched banyakea closes to melee range on you!

The many-armed banyakea closes to melee range on you!

> ret
You try to back away from a feral mutilated banyakea but are unable to get away!
Roundtime: 3 secs.

* A feral many-armed banyakea rakes its numerous claws at you.  You fail to evade.  
The claw lands a very heavy hit to your left arm.
[You're beat up, nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]

* A feral wretched banyakea charges with its numerous arms flailing at you.  You fail to evade.  
The body lands an earth-shaking strike that turns the quadricep to mush and crushes the femur in a mighty strike across the left leg, lightly stunning you.
[You're smashed up, badly balanced with opponent in strong position.]

> ret 
You are still stunned.

You linger too close to the basalt cliffs.  It looks dangerous.
Rocks come tumbling down the cliff face, straight at you!  You are buried underneath the rockslide!
Your death cry echoes in your brain as it quickly dawns on you that you have just died!  Already, you feel the tug of eternity upon your soul and you struggle to remain tied to this world.

A chill takes the seat of your soul as your remaining spiritual strength bleeds away steadily.  However, you are comforted that you have curried the favor of your god, which will greatly improve the course of your resurrection or reincarnation.

Your body will decay beyond its ability to hold your soul in 77 minutes.

[Basalt Isle, Cliffs of Ruin]
The harsh sound of the ocean waves breaking on bare rock echoes through the chasm, and the towering basalt makes strange geometric shapes that look ready to give way at any moment.  Huge basalt boulders are scattered here and there, indicating that a few chunks have already fallen.  A few stubborn scrubby bushes cling to either side of the cavern walls, their thin branches parched and bleached by the salty sea air.
You also see a feral wretched banyakea (calmed), a feral many-armed banyakea (calmed), a ghostly white banner, a stone dock and a feral monstrous banyakea (calmed).
Obvious paths: northwest.

You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you.  It quickly passes.

A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

Ambassador Pengwin came through a blue Moongate.

Pengwin just went through a blue Moongate, dragging your body with him.

[Basalt Isle, Stone Dock]
Waves constantly whip at the edges of the desolate stone dock, occasionally sending splashes of foamy saltwater high into the air.  Evenly spaced stone pillars offer a crude place to tie a boat, their metal hooks badly rusted from the salt-filled air.  Sheer cliffs made from thousands of basalt columns rise tall at the water's edge, their jagged shapes standing tall against the battering waves.
You also see a blue Moongate, a veteran mutilated banyakea (calmed), a salt golem (calmed), a feral twisted banyakea (calmed), a champion mutilated banyakea (calmed), a ghostly white banner and a narrow gap between two ruined cliffs.
Also here: a calmed Ambassador Pengwin, a calmed Web Healer Aislynn, a calmed Holy Soldier Tankata, a calmed Sanguine Siren Mystylaine, a calmed Wheel Breaker Zharen and a calmed Siege Engine Rekon.
Obvious paths: none.

Pengwin quietly says, "Let's head back."

Pengwin quietly says, "Regroup."

Pengwin quietly says, "Opening the gate now."

Rekon says, "Sounds good."

Rekon says, "We have some info already."

You ask, "Did anyone do any real scouting to look for a weakness?"

Pengwin gestures.
A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Pengwin just went through a black Moongate, dragging your body with him.

[Journalai Route, Kaerna Outskirts]
The grasslands lap like waves at the edge of Kaerna Village to the east.  The small, dun-colored houses of the town endure silently, islands in a sea of green.  To the west the land begins to take on a more rolling form, an abrupt and unusual change from the endless plains that stretch to the north and south.
You also see a black Moongate.
Also here: a calmed Ambassador Pengwin.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Siege Engine Rekon's group came through a black Moongate.

Tankata says, "This is a dangerous place indeed."

Zharen says, "Indeed."

Zharen says, "We need to remove the threat of that Blighted area."

Rekon asks, "We found another dock, right?"

Pengwin quietly says, "Two docks, yep."

Pengwin quietly says, "Decaying and Stone."

Tathalus says to Mystylaine, "Pretty sure it was the naughty nefis line that got me killed."

Mystylaine says to Tathalus, "So don't be naughty with Nefis."

Zharen loudly says, "Listen up."

Aislynn observes Zharen with fascination.

Zharen loudly asks, "What did we notice? I noticed the retaining wall. Did anyone notice anything else?"

Pengwin quietly asks, "Some interesting visions... of a three armed woman?"

Mystylaine says, "The gap."

Rekon says, "That was Sivroch."

Zharen curtly says, "We need to debrief. I need to know the weaknesses."

Tathalus says, "Lotta traps, and the island doesnt even seem to favor those who call it home."

Yvela says, "On the western side of the barrow, there's an unguarded gap between several makeshift houses.  Looks like where they dump their waste."

You say, "There's also a shattered cavern along a desolate beach, near the decaying dock."

Yvela says, "Approach from the east seems unlikely.  There's a lot of visible shipwrecks among the reefs."

Zharen glances at you.

Tathalus asks, "No, and thats odd, remember he wanted to explore that gap?"

Tathalus says, "And Nefis was trying to convince him to."

Tathalus says, "Like there was something about it that would kill him."

Zharen says to Tathalus, "There is, yes."

Mystylaine says, "You should go check it out."

Tathalus says, "Id rather piss busted glass."

Zharen says, "Anyone else? We need to compile what we found."

Tathalus says, "Notice when he orbed us."

Pengwin quietly says, "Well, teleportation only works past the gate."

Pengwin quietly asks, "Are we thinking about going back again this morning?"

Zharen says to Rekon, "We need a smaller force if we are to go back."

Rekon nods to Zharen.

You quietly say, "We may also be able to use the chasm to our advantage some way. Perhaps take out the passage that allows you to climb through."

Pengwin quietly says, "Within the Barrow, there is necro magic blocking it's use."

Rekon says, "Interesting idea, Dantia."

Rekon says, "I think if we have a smaller force of skilled warriors, we can more quickly move to different areas and explore."

Tathalus says, "Yeah I agree with you there."

Rekon says, "We weren't expecting quite that amount of resistance."

You say, "It's as I said before we left, you just shouldn't stay in one place too long, until you get within the village."

Yvela says, "You noticed the small dock on the western end of the barrow?  Just to the south of that unguarded waste disposal site.  Might be able to land a ship there."

Rekon says, "Good idea, Yvela."

Zharen says, "Can we land a ship unseen, and destroy the wall? We need House Moglin's input."

Yvela says, "Do you think we could use moon mages to render the ship invisible?  Or perhaps warrior mages to give us a rolling fog cover."

Pengwin quietly says, "The Steps of Vuan spell could be amplified..."

Pengwin quietly says, "To cover an entire ship..."

Mystylaine says, "I think we need more information before we report to the Commodore, like that smaller group."

You say, "I think our biggest barrier is the staircase. Our efforts outside the manor mean nothing if we can't get inside."

You shrug.

Yvela nods.

Tathalus says, "I think War mages attuned to water could make the sea fog up nicely."

Zharen asks, "Can a Warrior Mage fly a familiar onto that retaining wall for eyes?"

Rekon says, "We need to explore the outside of the manor for another way in."

Rekon says, "Ooh, good idea zharen."

Tathalus asks, "But then the question is, would the island sense the magic?"

Rekon says, "Possibly."

Yvela says, "Expect the interior to heavily magically warded.  My risen wasn't able to proceed beyond the front hall."

Rekon says, "We just need to find a weakness."

Zharen says, "If there were birds flying around the wall, mayhaps the barrier is down there. Or weakened."

Rekon says, "Oh yeah."

Tathalus says, "I heard that in his halls, he can kill with only a thought....."

Tathalus shivers.

Pengwin quietly says, "Vladmirr says he found a magical rock..."

Mystylaine asks, "A magic rock?"

Pengwin quietly says, "I'm asking for more details. It's a rock with life magic..."

Zharen says, "Gate me back, and I will explore inside the Manor."

Aislynn quietly says, "That whole island had bits of it that tore away at Empathy."

Tathalus says, "The island is decay taken on physical form."

Tathalus says, "Its a wonder it doesnt kill empaths on contact."

Aislynn quietly says, "Which has nothing to do with Empathy."

Pengwin gestures.
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

Wheel Breaker Zharen went through a blue Moongate.

Aislynn quietly says, "Decay is just as much a part of Life as birth is."

Aislynn shrugs.

Aislynn quietly says, "Empathy is entirely different."

Tathalus says, "Your empathy heals, fixes, that place pains, destroys."

Yvela says, "The "rock" he found might be one of the anchor points for the magics that obsfucate the island."

Rekon asks, "Who else wants to go back?"

Mystylaine says, "Not all we do heals."

Tathalus says, "Anything thats a positive force, it wil effect negatively."

Pengwin quietly says, "I can go back... for a bit longer..."

Aislynn quietly says to Tathalus, "Empathy is our ability to enjoin our physical and emotional beings with that of another. It is not healing. What that island does is enforces.. seperation, division."

Yvela asks Rekon, "You'll be sending in a report to Khoheke or the scholar, then?"

Rekon says, "We have found a few things."

Rekon says, "Let's compile what we have for now so that we can give it to Moglin."

You whisper to Pengwin, "If you ever want to go back just us and look around, I'm down."

You grin at Pengwin.

Pengwin whispers, "yes definitely..."

Mystylaine says, "We'll definitely need another trip or two there."

Rekon says, "You found the unguarded waste heap on the West end of the island."

Yvela nods to Rekon.

Rekon asks, "Might be a good landing spot, yeah?"

Yvela says, "Indeed.  Or a point to bombard the barrow from the safety of the ships, if they prefer."

Pengwin quietly says, "Alright friends. Last call for a return trip to the island of death."

Pengwin quietly says, "One way..."

Yvela says, "Western end of the barrow.  There's a gap between the makeshift houses in that area that leads to a small cliff overlooking the sea.  Seems like it's unguarded, and where they've been dumping their waste into the water."

Rekon says, "Perfect, thank you Yvela."

Yvela says, "Just a ways south of that gap there's a small, well kept dock.  Only had a single small boat there that I could see.  Might be a decent landing point."

Pengwin gestures.
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.

> go moon
As you cross the Moongate's threshold you are drawn through to the other side...

[Basalt Isle, Cliffs of Ruin]
The harsh sound of the ocean waves breaking on bare rock echoes through the chasm, and the towering basalt makes strange geometric shapes that look ready to give way at any moment.  Huge basalt boulders are scattered here and there, indicating that a few chunks have already fallen.  A few stubborn scrubby bushes cling to either side of the cavern walls, their thin branches parched and bleached by the salty sea air.
You also see a blue Moongate, a ghostly white banner and a stone dock.
Obvious paths: northwest.

<snip additional scouting on my own, caught up with some other people>

Rekon asks, "Find anything?"

You say, "Found a cliff you can open and close."

You say, "I know that sounds absurd."

Rekon says, "Found that too."

Rekon laughs!

You grin.

Strithas says, "She found a cavern that's interesting but we couldn't find any trap doors leading to the manor."

Rekon asks, "Cavern?"

You say, "Literally been trying to tell people about this cavern since before we left."

You chuckle.

Vladmirr nods to you.

Rekon grins.

Strithas says, "There's a magical obsidian rock by the docks but it could simply be what's powering the salt golems."

Strithas says, "It's imbued with life magic."

Strithas says, "Which is odd on this island."

Rekon says, "There's a statue."

Rekon says, "I pushed it and it came to life."

Rekon says, "Hugged me and let me go."

You arch your eyebrow.

Vladmirr asks, "Really?"

Rekon says, "Mysty hugged it and it ate her."

Rekon says, "Yeah."

Rekon chuckles.

Vladmirr says, "Woah."

Rekon says, "She died."

You chuckle.

Tathalus says, "Well not really ate."

Strithas says, "You should try."

Strithas grins at Vladmirr.

You say, "For science."

Tathalus says, "Emulsified I think would be more the description."

Strithas asks, "Are those banyeakas normal to find around here?"

Rekon says, "Those were from Sivroch."

You say, "They've been here everytime I have been."

Rekon says, "Not in here though."

Rekon asks, "Outside the Manor, right?"

You nod.

You say, "I believe Sivroch was strengthening them, and bringing them within the village."

Rekon says, "She was controlling them, yeah."

Vladmirr says, "She was aye."

You say, "But otherwise this village has been pretty safe."

You say, "Okay, back to looking."

<more scouting on my own, met back up with others>

Strithas says, "We did toss around an idea."

Strithas says, "Perhaps seeking a necro who isn't as radical as Jeihrem's followers...."

You say, "We may have done that."

Strithas says, "Have him cast a necro spell on us to see if that could hide us from the protective wards on the stairs."

You shake your head.

You say, "We also tried going in as a group lead by the Necro, which was a no."

Strithas says, "Another idea that just came to me was that rock with life magic."

Strithas says, "It's very weak."

Strithas says, "Perhaps if we found a way to infuse life into it."

You say, "We also tried moongating inside, which was a no."

Strithas asks, "Life magic might offset and weaken the necro taint on this island?"

Strithas says, "I couldn't cast spells on it myself, only focus it."

Strithas says, "Oh didn't try to study it though."

<snipping remaining scouting, and eventual rift to Shard>