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Cythra/Vanishing Act

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Cythra's Vanishing Act (a cutting edge performance)

443 Ka'len

(September 22, 2022)

Part of the Seriously Silly Song Circle

Sponsored by: The Tavern Troupe Performing Order

Cythra's Act

Nilme recites:

   "Next, let's welcome THE Cythra!!"

Cythra curtsies.

Cythra says, "I am nae very good at silly."

Eurynomile giggles.

Anuril chants in a baritone voice: "CY-THRA! CY-THRA! CY-THRA!"

Cythra says, "Even worse at serious."

Eurynomile grins at Cythra.

Almarius exclaims, "THE Cythra!"

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Cythra says, "I try to rush this a lil so is nae too long."

Eurynomile gazes at Cythra.

(Cythra drags table bearing a large wooden box that resembles a coffin to the front of the room.)
Cythra says, "Hi, I'm Cythra the Amazing."
Cythra waves.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Cythra says, "Yes, THE Cythra the Amazing."

Eurynomile says, "Sos mazings."

Eurynomile looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra waggles her fingers mystically.
Cythra giggles at Eurynomile.

Cythra recites:

   "Prepare to be astounded."
   "...perhaps even as much as normal."
Cythra gets a small card box lined with deep red velvet from inside her traveler's pack.
Cythra grins.

Allye beams at Cythra! What a warm feeling!

Cythra recites:

   "I am going to try something new and never before seen."

Nilme gazes at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Aren't you lucky?"

Sonatina says, "I'm astounded."

Cythra recites:

   "I will present an act of prestidd...  presto..."

Eurynomile giggles at Sonatina.

Cythra giggles at Sonatina.

Allye nods to Sonatina.

Cythra ponders.

Allye grins.

Cythra recites:

   "Ledjin... legend... legerdominos..."
Cythra nibbles on her lip.

Kethrai exclaims, "Legerdemain!"

Kethrai snickers.

Cythra grins at Kethrai.

Cythra recites:

   "Sleight of hand!"

Eurynomile continues to praise Kethrai.

Almarius giggles.

Cythra nods emphatically.

Eurynomile giggles.

Ylixia gazes at Cythra.

Cythra recites:

   "You are about to see things you have never seen before and hope to never see again."
   "But first..."

Carronade takes a seat near Cythra.

Eurynomile snickers.

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cythra says, "I will pick volunteers."
Cythra opens her card box.

Useff quietly says to Nilme, "I have an urge to armor up."

Almarius giggles.

Cythra gets a staunch-looking Paladin-shaped card with tin-foil armor from inside her card box.

Eurynomile giggles at Useff.

Nilme grins at Useff.

Vixonia giggles at Useff.

Shaelisa gasps!

Cythra says, "Take a card."
Cythra offers her Paladin card to Anuril.

Anuril quietly says to Kethrai, "I hope the whole act is just telling us how great it's gonna be."

Anuril has accepted Cythra's offer and is now holding a staunch-looking Paladin-shaped card with tin-foil armor.

Cythra gets a winking Trader-shaped card studded with tiny colored crystals from inside her card box.
Cythra says, "Take a card."

Eurynomile grins at Anuril.

Cythra offers her Trader card to Almarius.

Anuril holds a staunch-looking Paladin-shaped card with tin-foil armor high into the air for all to see.

Carronade observes Cythra with fascination.

Almarius has accepted Cythra's offer and is now holding a winking Trader-shaped card studded with tiny colored crystals.

Nilme grins at Anuril.

Almarius says, "Ohh."

Cythra giggles.

Almarius moves a winking Trader-shaped card studded with tiny colored crystals to her right hand.

Cythra gets a card painted with a Bard strumming a golden harp from inside her card box.
Cythra says, "Take a card."
Cythra offers her Bard card to Nilme.

Nilme has accepted Cythra's offer and is now holding a card painted with a Bard strumming a golden harp.

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Eurynomile blinks.

Almarius grins, revealing her dimples.

Aricorn grins at Cythra, his dimples flashing into view.

Cythra asks Eurynomile, "Hand the rest of these out?"
Cythra offers her card box to Eurynomile.
Eurynomile babbles incoherently.
Eurynomile has accepted Cythra's offer and is now holding a small card box lined with deep red velvet.

Cythra recites:

   "Yay magic."

Eurynomile gulps.

Carronade exclaims, "Ooh, oooh, I want one!"

Kethrai says, "Oh, the burden of being a lovely assistant."

Cythra recites:


Anuril grins at Kethrai.

Kaelie says, "It's a trap. They are exploding cards."

Eurynomile giggles.

Almarius giggles.

Vixonia giggles.

Cythra recites:

   "Now watch closely..."

Eurynomile gets a cloaked Thief card from inside her card box.

Cythra giggles at Kaelie.

Cythra laughs!

Almarius flails her arms about.

(Cythra removes her top hat, gives it a jaunty flip in the air, then, with a broad grin, catches the hat deftly by the brim.)
Cythra says, "That wasn't the trick."

Eurynomile offers Carronade a cloaked Thief card.

Allye observes Cythra with fascination.

Eurynomile giggles at Carronade.

(Carronade tries to take the whole box of cards, tugging on it!)

Carronade accepts Eurynomile's Thief card.

(Cythra then reaches her hand into the hat and pulls out a grey rabbit holding it up for all to see.)

Allye says, "Oooh."

Cythra smiles and bows... Upon a closer look at the grey rabbit you find the creature to be a magnificent specimen. There is a soft aura about it and you notice the eyes stare back with a nature which hints at intelligence. You are pretty certain this is a Warrior Mage's familiar.

Ylixia's jaw drops.

Anuril gazes at Cythra.

Eurynomile gets a Cleric-shaped card with a felted robe from inside her card box.

Eruwyn giggles.

Almarius quietly exclaims to Allye, "The bunny isn't my card though!"

Cythra clears her throat.
Cythra recites:   "When I said, "Watch closely," I didn't mean that closely."

Allye giggles at Almarius.

Eurynomile laughs at Almarius.

Vixonia is giggling at Cythra.

Eurynomile laughs!

(Cythra then waves a small black cloth blocking your view of the rabbit.)

Eurynomile giggles.

Almarius is giggling at Cythra.

Carronade nibbles on a cloaked Thief card thoughtfully.

Cythra smiles as, with a twitch of its nose, a grey rabbit hops away. When she pulls the cloth away the rabbit is clearly gone. Yay magic.

Kethrai is looking at Cythra very closely.

Allye giggles.

Carronade looks at Cythra and applauds!

Anuril gasps!

Cythra exclaims, "I made the bunny disappear!"

Eruwyn gazes upward.

Allye applauds.

Allye exclaims, "Wow!"

Cythra giggles at Kethrai.

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra recites:


Almarius exclaims, "Whoa!"

Carronade says, "Ooooh witchkwaft."

Useff's lips turn up in a wide, ear-to-ear grin at Cythra.

Carronade gazes at Cythra.

Shaelisa hurriedly exclaims to Almarius, "Did you see that!"

Cythra recites:

   "While hunting bears a while back I caught one, tamed it, and trained it to talk."

Eurynomile laughs at Carronade.

Allye exclaims, "Yay magic!"

Clairseach gets a blood-stained stuffed bunny with vicious fangs from inside her watersilk bag.

Eurynomile applauds.

(Cythra motions "off-stage" and a sleek bear wanders into the room.)

Nilme looks at Cythra and applauds!

Nilme grins.

Clairseach says, "Bring back bunny."

Anuril exclaims, "Burn her! I mean er, yay magic!"

Clairseach waves a blood-stained stuffed bunny with vicious fangs at Cythra.

Cythra recites:

   "This is Albert. Say, "Hi," Albert."

Anuril clears his throat.

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Eurynomile grins at Anuril.

Cythra smiles as the bear says, "Hello everyone. You all look so yummy I could just eat you up."

Carronade says, "Burn the.. errr yes, indeed. Ahem."

Ishimmer chuckles.

Almarius exclaims, "Hiiii Albert!"

Almarius waves.

Tylanni glances at Cythra.

Carronade giggles.

Cythra frowns and tells the sleek bear to behave.

Allye gnaws on her lip.

Eurynomile giggles at Tylanni.

Ylixia blinks.

Cythra mutters something into the air about unbearable.

Ylixia shifts her weight.

Eurynomile says, "Bears nae mess around."

Allye giggles.

Eurynomile frets.

(Cythra suddenly gestures and a puff of smoke envelopes the sleek bear.)

Eurynomile begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Cythra smiles as the sleek bear wanders off. When the smoke clears, the sleek bear is clearly gone. Yay magic.

(Clairseach makes her bloody bunny wave like a puppet)

Useff says, "What the."

Clairseach's stuffed bunny exclaims, "Release me!"

Eurynomile looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Anuril gasps!

Cythra exclaims, "I made the bear disappear!"

Carronade looks at Cythra and applauds!

Allye beams!

Eurynomile giggles at Carronade.

Useff gazes at Cythra in awe.

Ishimmer chuckles.

Nilme looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra recites:


Carronade exclaims, "Woo wooo!"

Ylixia looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Useff looks at Cythra and applauds!

Kethrai applauds.

Eurynomile says, "Mazings."

Allye exclaims, "Amazing!"

Mourghanna cackles!

Cythra mutters something into the air about the real trick is not getting stunned by the bear.

Eurynomile whistles low.

Shaelisa looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Mourghanna looks at Cythra and applauds!

Sonatina looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Allye giggles at Ylixia.

Cythra recites:

   "For my next trick I will now saw Eerie in half! C'mon up Eerie."

Nilme looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Nilme grins at Cythra.

Anuril's jaw drops.

Allye blinks.

Eurynomile blinks in amazement at Cythra.  Good heavens, dear!

Cythra grins.

Nilme pats Eurynomile on the back.

Kamisama gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Ylixia shifts her weight.

Eurynomile mutters to herself.

Allye gnaws on her lip.

Cythra says, "Okay, maybe not Eerie."

Anuril exclaims, "Don't do it!"

Eurynomile hums to herself.
Eurynomile stares blankly into the distance.
Eurynomile nods to Cythra.
Cythra smirks.
Cythra says, "Nilme likes the idea."
Eurynomile laughs!
Nilme chortles softly at some secret joke.

Cryle applauds.

Almarius giggles.

(Cythra picks a random volunteer helping them onto the stage and into a large wooden box that resembles a coffin.)

Eruwyn quietly asks Allye, "The Troupe can't get in trouble for this, right?"

Cythra giggles at Eruwyn.

Allye says to Eruwyn, "Ummmm."

Eurynomile grins at Eruwyn.

Allye chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Carronade exclaims, "Saw in half! Saw in half! Saw in half!"

(Shaelisa covers her eyes but leaves a little crack so she can still peek)

Cythra smiles softly and quietly tells the volunteer, "Don't worry. It's just a trick."

Kethrai quietly says, "We're here, just scream if you're going to pass out from blood loss..."

Eurynomile giggles at Shaelisa.

(Cythra moves back to "center stage".)

Allye asks Eruwyn, "Depends on how it ends?"

Almarius giggles at Shaelisa.

Allye grins sheepishly at Eruwyn.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Cythra says, "I've never tried this before but it should be fun."

Eruwyn giggles at Allye.

Nilme laughs at Cythra!

Eruwyn glances at Cythra.

Vixonia quietly asks Eruwyn, "So is blood considered bad for our deposit in the space?"

Cythra draws out her scimitar from the plain scabbard, gripping it firmly in her right hand.

(Ylixia edges backwards.)

Cythra does an impressive display of agility with her scimitar, spinning it up into the air in a flashing arc before neatly catching it and restoring her grip on it with a grin.

Eruwyn looks at Vixonia and shrugs.

Cythra smiles and approaches the box with the volunteer in it then stops and faces the audience.

Eurynomile gasps at Cythra!

Anuril winces.

Hebion says, "This Inn could use some rebuilding anyway."

Carronade says, "I KNEW I should have brought my meat cleaver."

Anuril covers his eyes with his hand.

Cythra recites:

   "It's too easy this way."

Eruwyn quietly says to Vixonia, "I guess I always assumed they always ended up charging us full price for cleaning."

Cythra sheathes the scimitar in her plain scabbard.
Cythra removes a pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle from her wrist.
Cythra waves her survival knife around.

Vixonia chuckles at Hebion.

Eurynomile laughs at Eruwyn.

A pained expression crosses Kethrai's face.

Allye gazes at Cythra in wonder.

Almarius fidgets nervously.

Cythra smiles and approaches the box with the volunteer in it then stops and faces the audience.

Carronade shows Cythra a broad-bladed Dwarven iron voulge with a stout hickory haft. Forged to emphasize its heavy construction, the mostly straight-edged blade with its subtly curved bill, is left sharpened to a degree shy of its clear potential. The finely treated wood of the lengthy pole serving as a handle makes for a suitable match for the weapon's head, being both simple and stalwart in its craftsmanship.

Nilme gazes at Cythra.

Carronade giggles.

Cythra scratches her head.

Eurynomile says to Kethrai, "She keeps you busy."

Eurynomile winks at Kethrai.

Ishimmer says, "I'll take a leg."

Cythra recites:

   "Anybody can cut straight across so I will cut diagonally like a fancy sandwich."
Eurynomile praises Cythra.

Ishimmer grins.

Cythra nods emphatically.

Allye laughs!

Allye covers her mouth with her hand.

Nilme laughs at Cythra!

Shaelisa gasps!

Vixonia gives Ishimmer a friendly nudge as she brushes her tail against his waist.

Cythra smiles and approaches the box with the volunteer in it then stops and faces the audience.

Eurynomile giggles at Ishimmer.

Ishimmer chuckles.

Anuril begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Cryle says, "I approve."

Kethrai quietly says, "Can't argue with that, it's the best sandwich cut."

Ylixia babbles incoherently.

Eruwyn covers her eyes with her hand.

Carronade says, "Dibs on the liver. Got some perfectly good onions a wastin' at home."

Nilme looks with concern at Cythra.

Cythra recites:


Ishimmer says, "Right."

Cythra grins evilly.

Nilme glances at Carronade.

Carronade looks over her shoulder and winks at Nilme.

Eurynomile gawks at Cythra.

Cythra recites:

   "Such suspense."

(Kaelie quiety leaves,something about a headache.)

Carronade smiles mischievously.

(Cythra covers her eyes with her silverweave face wrap.)

Eurynomile frets.

Cythra smiles and turns to approach the box. She is clearly off-track and disoriented.

Carronade says, "Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine."

Carronade twitches.

Ears tilted forward, Ishimmer curls his tail around Vixonia's waist loosely.

Carronade observes Eurynomile with fascination.

(Cythra lifts the edge of her face wrap in order to see where the box is, pauses a moment before pulling the face wrap down around her neck.)

Vixonia snuggles up to Ishimmer.

(Cythra looks around, confused.)

Carronade covers her eyes with her hand.

Cythra quirks both ears outward in surprise.

Eurynomile gazes at Cythra.

Cythra asks, "Where'd they go?"

Allye gnaws on her lip.

Carronade says, "Ohhh I joke but I can't watch, eeeesh..."

Carronade covers her eyes with her hand.

Cythra blinks.
Cythra recites:   "I made the volunteer disappear! Yay magic."

Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Cythra.

Nilme laughs!

Eruwyn glances at Eurynomile.

Anuril slowly empties his lungs.

Cythra attaches a pitted iron survival knife with a blighted gold handle to her wrist.

Nilme looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Carronade is giggling at Cythra.

Eurynomile laughs!

Yoakhena chuckles.

Anuril weakly exclaims, "Yay, magic!"

Vixonia chuckles.

Shaelisa giggles.

Cythra recites:


Ylixia shifts her weight.

Eurynomile babbles something incoherent at Cythra.

Cythra curtsies.

Carronade looks at Cythra and applauds!

Eurynomile giggles at Anuril.

Nilme applauds.

Carronade exclaims, "Woo wooo!"

Mourghanna giggles.

Cythra recites:

   "Let's hear it for my lovely volunt... Umm... Nevermind."
Cythra shrugs.

Allye exclaims, "Yay magic!"

Almarius grins at Penrhyn, her dimples flashing into view.

Mourghanna looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Shaelisa hurriedly exclaims, "Yay magic!"

Kethrai looks at Cythra and applauds!

Carronade looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eurynomile says, "Mazing."

Shaelisa looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Almarius giggles.

Eurynomile nods in agreement.

Cythra recites:

   "And now for my grand finale I will make you all disappear."

Cryle lets out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb."

Nilme looks at Cythra and applauds!

Cythra beams!

Allye gasps!

Penrhyn grins at Almarius.

Almarius gawks at Cythra.

(Cythra covers her eyes with her silverweave face wrap. Yay magic.)

Eurynomile laughs!

Eruwyn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Eurynomile gives Cythra a gentle poke in the ribs.

Allye grins.

Almarius is giggling at Cythra.

Kaedan snorts, loudly.

Nilme laughs at Cythra!

Cythra asks, "Where'd you go?"

Anuril snorts, loudly.

(Cythra begins to blindly wander "off stage" and doesn't see the obstacles before her.)

Vixonia giggles.

Allye applauds.

Raising her Katamba-black whiskey to Cythra, Sonatina gives her a toast. Cheers!

Cythra falls over.  Oof!
(Cythra pulls the face wrap back down around her neck.)

You notice Cryle trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Cryle exclaim, "Where AM I?!"

Sonatina looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Penrhyn applauds.

Allye giggles.

The air shimmers for a moment as Cryle's spell ends and she becomes visible once more.

Eurynomile giggles.

Cythra leaps to her feet!

Allye looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Cythra!

Raising her Blissful Bard's bourbon to Cythra, Vixonia gives her a toast. Cheers!

Eruwyn looks at Cythra and applauds!

Eurynomile pulls Cythra towards her!

Cythra recites:


Carronade giggles.

Eurynomile smooches Cythra all over her face, finishing with a big warm *mmmmwaaaah*!

Agalea gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Shaylynne applauds.

Cythra smiles and with a flourish, bows deeply.

Kethrai applauds.

Cythra giggles at Eurynomile.

Carronade looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Eurynomile looks at Cythra and applauds!

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Anuril applauds.

Nilme looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Cythra giggles.

Eurynomile takes a seat near Cythra.

Cythra exclaims, "Thank you!"

Carronade exclaims, "Yaaaay!"

Ishimmer looks at Cythra and applauds!

Eurynomile leans back against Cythra with a tender smile.

Allye exclaims, "That was astounding!"

Nilme recites: "YAY Magic!"

Cythra beams at Nilme!

Useff looks at Cythra and applauds!

Cythra grins at Allye.

Almarius exclaims, "Sooooo amazing!"

Eurynomile giggles at Nilme.

Ylixia looks at Cythra and applauds!

Cythra laughs at Nilme!

Almarius exclaims, "YAAAAAAY MAGIC!"

Eurynomile nods in agreement.

Vixonia giggles at Nilme.

Kaedan looks at Cythra, praising her and supporting her with his approval.

Allye giggles.

Almarius looks at Cythra and lets out a hearty cheer on her behalf!

Carronade applauds.

Eurynomile says, "Hahaha."