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Category:Uncommon ephemera

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Known Uncommon Ephemera (20)

Anloral-adorned dolphinbeastdivineRatha
Although dolphins of all kinds are often trained by the Merelew who cherish them, some of Eluned's chosen have been known to find and carry holy anloral stones.
Biter (ephemeron)beastprimalStone ClanThe adult form of a beisswurm, the Biter is a fearsome reptilian beast perpetually shrouded in a cloud of frost.
Deep red dragon hatchlingdraconicprimalWyvern Mountain
Elusive taffelberry welkinfaedivineArthe DaleThese plump black fae, with their reddish purple hands and face, are associated with bountiful taffelberry harvests. They also consume shocking quantities of the berries themselves.
Eyestalk gliderextraplanardemonicTelga OreksA single large fleshy orb slung between wet, membranous wings, the glider stays aloft with gentle flaps and an attention to air currents, almost resembling a butterfly in flight. The eye bears several pupils of various morphologies, from dual slit to rectangular, each darting around chaotically.
Flame cockatricebeastprimalCrossing
Fang Cove
Inner Hibarnhvidar
Gestalt draugen (ephemeron)undeadunattunedHimineldar Shel
The Black Spire
Inner Hibarnhvidar
Gold-green Garden scarabbeastpsychicSu Helmas Make Haste!Like a living jewel, the shiny insect's carapace is unnaturally faceted and bears tiny, rune-like markings.
Iridescent dragon hatchlingdraconicdivineAesry
Maeldryth (ephemeron)extraplanardemonicSoul of Maelshyve
Melted soulstone slugconstructdemonicThe AbyssThis defiled piece of soulstone pulsates and wriggles about, resembling nothing so much as an evil, particularly loathsome mollusk.
Murderous dollhumanoidpsychicSheltered Valley
Arthe Dale
Wyvern Mountain
Aesry (Meadowlands)
Asketi's Mount Summit
One of the creations of Hobglup the mad artisan, the doll's eyes are wide with wooden bloodthirst.
Rainbow unicornbeastdivineRatha (Temple of Hodierna)Unlike its silver, white, and black cousins, the rainbow unicorn is rather snide and tends to fly into explosive glitter-rages.
Saendalen shark (ephemeron)beastprimalTaisidon IslandA fearsome predator of the Saendalen Sea, the shark possesses a voracious appetite and keen hunting instincts. Dangerous under the best of circumstances, they are even more aggressive when fresh blood is in the water and are drawn to its scent.
Servant of Five Fingers (ephemeron)undeaddemonicAesry (Necropolis)The Servant is the bloodless, severed hand of an unidentifiable species, lurching about on its fingertips.
Shadowy black dragon hatchlingdraconicdivineCrossing
The Gash
Shh'oi paguur (ephemeron)beastsylvanTaisidon IslandThe small monkey has large eyes ringed with white circles, giving it a constant look of surprise. Its prehensile tail is also ringed with white, and its paws, with their typically opposable thumbs, are reddish in color with white fingers. Found in the Taisidon jungles, the shh'oi paguur is infamous for its thieving ways and love of guavas.
Spectral hauntundeadpsychicThe MoradaShadowy and insubstantial, the haunt twists and shudders as if in excruciating pain. At times it takes on some solidity, but its vague form of a person shifts too constantly to identify the haunt's appearance.
Spectral snow-white horsebeastdivineHorse Clan
Gilen Otso Steppes
For centuries, the shamans of Horse Clan have cultivated a respectful relationship with the ilk of Sulde Taala, entwining them into the fabric of Wind Elf culture.
Three-jawed ebon zaulwurmbeastdemonicZaulfung SwampWhen the wetlands to Riverhaven's east fell to the demon Maelshyve's grip, their fauna was irreversibly warped, including the earthworms.