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Category:Construct ephemera

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Known Construct Ephemera (8)

Conifer-cone spawncommonsylvanWolf Clan
Aesry (Birch Path)
Gor'Tog District (SW of Outer Hib)
Byproducts of an Awaken Forest spell gone awry, these benign little constructs are encountered in most coniferous forests.
Dust howlercommonprimalMuspar'i
Gwenalion Fens
The byproduct of a careless craftsmage, the howler resembles a cross between a capuchin and a sandcastle. Steadily falling apart, the poorly designed creation seeks dust and debris to maintain its mass.
Haloed lemicule idolcommondivineAesryThis was once a lumpy, soft green statuette for use in rituals to the Thirteen, now come alive with all the worship it has absorbed over the years.
Jeweled mosaic effigycommonpsychicAesry
After the Negotiants arrived with their contractual boon of magic, some Traders took to experimenting with animated crystals.
Melted soulstone sluguncommondemonicThe AbyssThis defiled piece of soulstone pulsates and wriggles about, resembling nothing so much as an evil, particularly loathsome mollusk.
Rune-etched asketine idolcommondivineAesry
Astral Plane
Fang Cove
This was once a silver-flecked, dark grey statuette for use in rituals to the Thirteen, now come alive with all the worship it has absorbed over the years.
S'Kra Kor golemlimitedprimalTaisidon IslandHeld together by braided strands of seaweed and vine, the golem is made of bone, wood, and seashells to give it the rough appearance of a S'Kra Kor warrior with a barbed tail.
Spark automatoncommonprimalZengmodalethPerched atop a trio of electrical pseudopods, the small, cat-sized machination tends to stroll around in search of minor labors -- screws to be tightened, cores to be recharged, stuck joints to be greased -- simple and dutiful in its efforts.

Pages in category "Construct ephemera"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.