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Breccia guardian
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In Depth
You see a breccia guardian.
The breccia guardian is in good shape.
It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying a small boulder, a small boulder.
They may throw the boulders at you.
A chance encounter ------------
It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Golden Panther. I encountered a small group of about 20 of these invading Riverhaven. I was able to handle the regular ones pretty easily, being an Experienced Aficionado (180ish) in weapons and Adept in armor, evasion, and such. Took lots of blows, though, and could only handle 1 at a time. In the end, it took several buffs and boosts to really be able to kill them efficiently. The "Regulars" were mixed with Veterans that were much tougher, and it took a long time to wear them down and finally turn them to rubble. It would be best to stay away from these guardians unless you are a solid Adept (220+) in most skills; otherwise, you likely won't make it. Most stats 35 to 39, agility and reflexes around the same, and I would say this is the bottom of the rung.
They seemed immune to several lunar spells, and edged weapons didn't do much; in the end, we just ended up duking it out. - Phillum
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