Belt knife

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A belt knife is typically a worn non-combat knife that can be used for skinning and rituals without having it in hand.



Dakohirdu bone wrist knife with a spidersilk-wrapped hiltfalsewristIlerenz's Supplies
Talismanic knife with a sanrisi hilttruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
Silversteel knife with a diamond-hide griptruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
Gold-plated belt knife inlaid with platinum leavestruebeltWandering Woodsman (5)
Wandering Woodsman (4)
Wandering Woodsman (3)
Wandering Woodsman (2)
Wandering Woodsman (1)
Damite tactical knife with a smokewood hilttruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
Viciously serrated hunting knife with a firestained bladetruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
Triangular ankle knife with a hand-hewn blade of translucent white quartztrueankleInventor's Worktable
Silver belt knife with a raccoon-engraved hilttruebeltWandering Woodsman (5)
Wandering Woodsman (4)
Wandering Woodsman (3)
Wandering Woodsman (2)
Wandering Woodsman (1)
Crescent-shaped blade forged from meteoric irontruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
Primitive obsidian survival knife lashed to the jawbone of a wolftruebeltSlice and Dice (2)
... further results


In addition, there are combat versions of these knives, but once it has been used in an attack, for reasons not understood, it no longer can be used for Necromantic Rituals.

Necromancers and Ritual Knives
Despite the fact that most of their lives revolve around their ritual knives, Necromancers understand very little about them. Once a knife has been used for another purpose besides butchering the dead, it is no longer usable for rituals. If used in combat or even for cutting bread, it ceases to be suitable. Why? No one, including the Necromancers, know.
Black ritualist's knife resembling a serrated beaktruewrist
Darkstone-hilted skinning knife with a blackened bladetruebelt

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