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Armor:Diacan chain gloves traced in electrified goldfyre symbols

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diacan chain gloves traced in electrified goldfyre symbols
Look: Elemental symbols of electricity ring each cuff, pulsating in unison like bolts of brilliant ivory lightning. The surface of each glove has an unusual sheen, and embedded somehow within the material on the back of each hand is a large, dull sigil. The sigil has a slight opalescent cast, but the actual material is a mystery.
Type: Chain Armor
Areas Covered: hands
Hindrance: trivial (2/15) / insignificant (1/15) for stealth
Protection: very good (6/15) protection and exceptional (14/17) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high (7/15) protection and exceptional (14/17) damage absorption for slice attacks.
very good (6/15) protection and exceptional (14/17) damage absorption for impact attacks.
moderate (4/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for fire attacks.
moderate (4/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for cold attacks.
low (2/15) protection and moderate (6/17) damage absorption for electrical attacks.
Construction: extremely resistant (15/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 58 stones
Appraised Cost: Unknown
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Drathrok's Duskruin 452/End Loot

Specifics of messaging changes based on guild.

  • CLAP (All Guilds): You turn some diacan chain gloves traced in electrified goldfyre symbols in the light, admiring it.
Name turns some diacan chain gloves traced in electrified goldfyre symbols in the light, looking at it admiringly.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright translucent silvery light before fading again.
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright translucent silvery light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on your glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of whistling before slowly dissipating.
... A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on your glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of humming before slowly dissipating.
... A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on your glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of chiming before slowly dissipating.
... A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on your glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of singing before slowly dissipating.
... A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on your glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of chanting before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. A shower of brightly flashing silvery motes erupts from the sigil on Name's glove, filling the surrounding air with the sound of whistling before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of translucent silvery sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of translucent silvery sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while singing a few lyrical phrases. A column of gently chiming silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A column of gently whistling silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A column of gently chanting silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A column of gently singing silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A column of gently humming silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while singing a few lyrical phrases. A column of gently chiming silvery motes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: You tug at the fingers of your chain gloves and gently pull them off of your hands.
Name tugs at the fingers of her chain gloves and gently pulls them off of her hands.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending rippling streams of humming silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending rippling streams of singing silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending rippling streams of whistling silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending rippling streams of chiming silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending rippling streams of chanting silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending rippling streams of humming silver sparks spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Singing a few lyrical phrases, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A faint trail of chiming silvery spheres streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a short flashing tail like a comet behind it.
Singing a few lyrical phrases, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. A faint trail of chiming silvery spheres streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a short flashing tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: You manage to slide your hands into your chain gloves without much difficulty. Tugging them slowly, you wiggle your fingers inside until they are snug. Though not as comfortable as you had hoped, the gloves still fit well.
Name slides her hands into her chain gloves without much difficulty, and tugs them slowly while wiggling her fingers to secure them snugly.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your leather gloves glow with an intensely bright pearlescent light before fading again.
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright pearlescent light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. Crackling pearlescent sparks spray from the sigil on your glove, shaping themselves into the form of a <YourGod'sAvatar> above your hand before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. Crackling pearlescent sparks spray from the sigil on Name's glove, shaping themselves into the form of a <TheirGod'sAvatar> above her hand before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of pearlescent sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of pearlescent sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while invoking a murmured prayer to <YourGod>. A pure beam of bright, pearlescent light shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while murmuring a quiet prayer. A pure beam of bright, pearlescent light shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: Without any effort, the chain gloves slide themselves off of your hands. The silvery sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once, then fade slowly.
As Name's chain gloves appear to slide off of her hands by themselves, the silver sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once and then fade.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending flickering pearlescent flames streaming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending flickering pearlescent flames streaming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Invoking a murmured prayer to <YourGod>, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of pearly white motes streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long pearlescent tail like a comet behind it.
Murmuring a quiet prayer, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of pearly white motes streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long pearlescent tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: The chain gloves slide effortlessly onto your hands. The fit is exquisite, as if they were tailored specifically for you. As you flex your fingers, the sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.
Name slips her chain gloves over her hands without any difficulty and flexes her fingers. As she does so, sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright green light before fading again.
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright green light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A cluster of translucent green tendrils burst from the sigil on your glove, caressing your hand and coiling around your fingers before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. A cluster of translucent green tendrils burst from the sigil on Name's glove, caressing her hand and coiling around her fingers before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of green sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of green sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while breathing deeply to attune yourself to life around you. A coiling stream of green, vibrant energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while breathing deeply and relaxing. A coiling stream of green, vibrant energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: You tug at the fingers of your chain gloves and gently pull them off of your hands.
Name tugs at the fingers of her chain gloves and gently pulls them off of her hands.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending waves of peaceful pale green energy radiating suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending waves of peaceful pale green energy radiating suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Breathing deeply to attune yourself to life around you, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A faint trail of translucent green tendrils streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a short vibrant green tail like a comet behind it.
Breathing deeply and relaxing, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. A faint trail of translucent green tendrils streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a short vibrant green tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: You manage to slide your hands into your chain gloves without much difficulty. Tugging them slowly, you wiggle your fingers inside until they are snug. Though not as comfortable as you had hoped, the gloves still fit well.
Name slides her hands into her chain gloves without much difficulty, and tugs them slowly while wiggling her fingers to secure them snugly.

Moon Mage

Sigil action is based on moon alignment. If aligned to Grazhir, defaults to the moon last aligned to.

  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright azure light before fading again.
... Other colors include: pulsing black and red
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright azure light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A bright azure moonbeam crystallizes from the sigil on your glove, suffusing your hand with bright pinpoints of blue light before slowly dissipating.
... A pulsating blood red moonbeam erupts from the sigil on your glove, surrounding your hand with flickering illusionary flames before slowly dissipating.
... A shadowy black moonbeam swirls out of the sigil on your glove, suffusing your hand with a foreboding black light before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. A bright azure moonbeam crystallizes from the sigil on Name's glove, suffusing her hand with bright pinpoints of blue light before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of azure sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of red sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of pulsing black sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of azure sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting and gazing upward. A brilliant blue moonbeam shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A pulsating red moonbeam shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A shadowy swirling black moonbeam shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while chanting and gazing upward. A brilliant blue moonbeam shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: Without any effort, the chain gloves slide themselves off of your hands. The silvery sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once, then fade slowly.
As Name's chain gloves appear to slide off of her hands by themselves, the silver sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once and then fade.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending translucent azure bolts of energy spiraling suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending pulsating globules of crimson spiraling suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending shadowy black rays of energy spiraling suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending translucent azure bolts of energy spiraling suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Chanting and gazing upward, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of bright blue luminescence streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long brilliant azure tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of blood red luminescence streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long crimson tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of pitch black luminescence streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long shadowy tail like a comet behind it.
Chanting and gazing upward, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of bright blue luminescence streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long brilliant azure tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: The chain gloves slide effortlessly onto your hands. The fit is exquisite, as if they were tailored specifically for you. As you flex your fingers, the sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.
Name slips her chain gloves over her hands without any difficulty and flexes her fingers. As she does so, sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright pearlescent light before fading again.

The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright pearlescent light before fading again.

  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A soft white light seeps from the sigil on your glove, surrounding your fist with a steady glow before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. A soft white light seeps from the sigil on Justhemis's glove, surrounding her fist with a steady glow before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of pearlescent sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of pearlescent sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while chanting a solemn prayer. A pure beam of bright, pearlescent light shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while chanting a quiet prayer. A pure beam of bright, pearlescent light shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: You tug at the fingers of your chain gloves, working them slowly off of your hands with a bit of difficulty.
Name tugs at the fingers of her chain gloves, working them slowly off of her hands with some difficulty.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending flickering pearlescent flames streaming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending flickering pearlescent flames streaming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Chanting a solemn prayer, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. The sigil on the back of the glove flickers and sparks, leaving a short pearlescent tail like a comet behind it.
Chanting a quiet prayer, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. The sigil on the back of the glove flickers and sparks, leaving a short pearlescent tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: You squeeze your hands into your chain gloves, but they don't seem to fit very well. Although they are not outright uncomfortable to wear, they don't seem to have been made to fit your hands.
With some difficulty, Name manages to squeeze her hands into the chain gloves. She wiggles her fingers and stares at the gloves, fidgeting as if they did not fit properly.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright green light before fading again.
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright green light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A rustling growth of green leaves issues from the sigil on your glove, and tiny brown roots curl outward from it to surround your hand before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. A rustling growth of green leaves issues from the sigil on Faunamae's glove, and tiny brown roots curl outward from it to surround her hand before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of green sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of green sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while breathing deeply to attune yourself to life around you. A coiling stream of green, vibrant energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while breathing deeply and relaxing. A coiling stream of green, vibrant energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: You tug at the fingers of your chain gloves, working them slowly off of your hands with a bit of difficulty.
Name tugs at the fingers of her chain gloves, working them slowly off of her hands with some difficulty.
  • WAVE: Breathing deeply to attune yourself to life around you, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. The sigil on the back of the glove flickers and sparks, leaving a short vibrant green tail like a comet behind it.
Breathing deeply and relaxing, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. The sigil on the back of the glove flickers and sparks, leaving a short vibrant green tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: You squeeze your hands into your chain gloves, but they don't seem to fit very well. Although they are not outright uncomfortable to wear, they don't seem to have been made to fit your hands.
With some difficulty, Name manages to squeeze her hands into the chain gloves. She wiggles her fingers and stares at the gloves, fidgeting as if they did not fit properly.

Warrior Mage

  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your chain gloves glow with an intensely bright silvery-blue light before fading again.
... Other colors include: amber, crimson, golden, misty white, and ice blue.
The silvery sigils on the backs of Name's gloves glow with an intensely bright silvery-blue light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist. A disc of brilliant silver-blue light swells from the sigil on your glove, expanding and surrounding your hand with impenetrable blackness before slowly dissipating.
... A swirling vortex of air springs out from the sigil on your glove and forcefully surrounds your hand with a small tornado before slowly dissipating.
... The sigil on the back of your glove crackles with energy as small lightning bolts shoot forth before slowly dissipating.
... Crackling flames rise from the sigil on your glove to leap in a fierce, fiery dance around your clenched hand before slowly dissipating.
... A cloud of vapor streams out of the sigil on your glove, swirling around your hand and emitting small droplets of rain before slowly dissipating.
... Small particles of dirt and tiny pebbles spray outward from the sigil on your glove and fall to the ground before slowly dissipating.
Name raises her hand and slowly curls her fingers into a clenched fist. The sigil on the back of Name's glove crackles with energy as small lightning bolts shoot forth before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of silvery-blue sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of ice blue sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of golden sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of crimson sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of misty white sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
... As you do so, a shower of amber sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves.
Name laces her fingers together and loudly cracks her knuckles. As she does so, a shower of silvery-blue sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while shaping an arcane sigil. A blast of swiftly churning air shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A stream of roiling, liquid flame shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A brilliant bolt of lightning that dazzles the eyes shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A column of silvery-blue energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A beam of umber light filled with dust particles shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
... A stream of blue-white ice particles shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on your glove!
Name thrusts her gloved hand into the air over her head while tracing a quick arcane sigil. A column of silvery-blue energy shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • REMOVE: Without any effort, the chain gloves slide themselves off of your hands. The silvery sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once, then fade slowly.
As Name's chain gloves appear to slide off of her hands by themselves, the silver sigils on the backs of the gloves flicker once and then fade.
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending bolts of glittering gold electricity sparking suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending searing tongues of blue-hot flame curling suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending translucent bolts of silver-blue energy humming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending focused blasts of swirling air hissing suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending fine ice crystals and water droplets spraying suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
... sending a handful of dust and gravel clattering suddenly from the sigils on the backs of your chain gloves!
Name claps her gloved hands sharply together, sending translucent bolts of silver-blue energy humming suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her chain gloves!
  • WAVE: Shaping an arcane sigil, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of swirling silver-blue flakes streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long shifting rainbow tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of nebulous white vapor streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long cloudy grey tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of crackling electrical energy streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long sparking golden tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of flickering amber energy streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long grey-flecked tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of blazing crimson fire streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long hissing red-orange tail like a comet behind it.
... A bright trail of crackling blue frost streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long icy translucent blue tail like a comet behind it.
Tracing a quick arcane sigil, Name slowly waves her hand in an arc through the air. A bright trail of swirling silver-blue flakes streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a long shifting rainbow tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: The chain gloves slide effortlessly onto your hands. The fit is exquisite, as if they were tailored specifically for you. As you flex your fingers, the sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.
Name slips her chain gloves over her hands without any difficulty and flexes her fingers. As she does so, sigils on the backs of the gloves shimmer slightly.

Barbarian, Thief, Trader

  • CLENCH: You slowly clench your gloved hand into a tight fist.
Name slowly clenches her gloved hand into a tight fist.
  • RAISE: You raise your gloved fist defiantly into the air above your head.
Name raises her gloved fist defiantly into the air above her head.
  • REMOVE: You struggle to peel your chain gloves off your hands. After several seconds you finally manage to remove them, letting out a sigh of relief as the feeling of discomfort fades away.
Name struggles to peel her chain gloves off her hands. After several seconds she finally manages to do so, letting out a long sigh and looking quite relieved.
  • SLAP: You clap your hands sharply together.
Name claps her hands sharply together.
  • WAVE: You wave your gloved hand in a dismissive gesture.
Name waves her gloved hand in a dismissive gesture.
  • WEAR: You struggle to squeeze your hands into your chain gloves, but they aren't a good fit. After several seconds of tugging on the material, you finally manage to get them on your hands. Somehow you feel as though the gloves are trying to squeeze themselves off of you, making each moment they are on your hands an extremely uncomfortable experience.
Grimacing with extreme discomfort, Name struggles mightily to pull the chain gloves over her hands. After several seconds of tugging on the material, she finally manages to get the gloves on her hands. She doesn't look very comfortable wearing them, however.


  • RUB: The silvery sigils on your leather gloves glow with an intensely bright sickly brown light before fading again.
  • CLENCH: You raise your hand and slowly curl your fingers into a clenched fist.
Pitch black tendrils of essence sinuously emerge from the sigil on Name's gloves and swirl around her hand in a malevolent dance before slowly dissipating.
  • PINCH: You lace your fingers together and loudly crack your knuckles. As you do so, a shower of sickly brown sparks erupts from the sigils on the backs of her leather gloves.
  • RAISE: You thrust your gloved hand into the air over your head while muttering a foul-sounding phrase. A stream of ebon black essence shoots forcefully upwards from the sigil on her glove!
  • SLAP: You clap your gloved hands sharply together, sending crackling clouds of putrid brown and grey embers gushing suddenly from the sigils on the backs of her leather gloves!.
  • WAVE: Muttering a foul-sounding phrase, you slowly wave your hand in an arc through the air. A faint trail of sickly umber energy streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving a short wavering tail like a comet behind it.
  • WEAR: You manage to slide your hands into your chain gloves without much difficulty. Tugging them slowly, you wiggle your fingers inside until they are snug. Though not as comfortable as you had hoped, the gloves still fit well.
Name slides her hands into her chain gloves without much difficulty, and tugs them slowly while wiggling her fingers to secure them snugly.