Abalone shell

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Abalone shell at a Glance
Material Type Shells
Colors Silvery white, Pink, Red, Green-red, Blue, Green, Purple
Rarity Common
Cultural Relevance None
Required for Alterations No

Abalone shells have a low, open spiral structure, and are characterized by several open respiratory pores in a row near the shell's outer edge. The thick inner layer of the shell is composed of nacre (mother of pearl), which in many abalone species is highly iridescent, giving rise to a range of strong, changeable colors. The iridescent nacre that lines the inside of the shell varies in color from silvery white, to pink, red and green-red to deep blue, green to purple.

Alteration Rules

This material is not required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources


ItemSource isRarity is
Abalone-inlaid walnut crossbowZareen's Fortune (1)
Black dagger inlaid with mother of pearlHollow Eve Festival 410/Raffles
Chestnut-hafted greataxe inlaid with abalone shellHollow Eve Festival 410/Raffles
Item:Oval pendant depicting a sinuous abalone sea drake in a lapis ocean
Item:Polished abalone shell necklace suspended from a cord of braided seaweed
Lustrous watersilk thigh bag clasped with an abalone shellDrogor Shrinefestival
Oval pendant depicting a sinuous abalone sea drake in a lapis oceanPaper LionDark NighttrawlerDusktide RisingMoveable Feast
Polished abalone shell necklace suspended from a cord of braided seaweedHermit's Shack
Weapon:Abalone-inlaid walnut crossbow
Weapon:Black dagger inlaid with mother of pearl

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