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ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Item:Carved dragonwood abacus with faceted amber beadsPremium raffles Menger Andutrue
Item:Carved flamewood abacus with polished vardite beadstreasure map, Menger Andu Item:Worn and tattered maptrue
Item:Elaborately carved glitvire abacus with polished eventide moonstone beadstrue
Item:Fine black ironwood abacus with faceted crystal beadsTools of the Tradertrue
Item:Fine wooden abacusMenger Andutrue
Item:Carved dragonwood abacus with faceted amber beadstrue
Item:Carved flamewood abacus with polished vardite beads
Item:Fine black ironwood abacus with faceted crystal beadstrue
Item:Fine wooden abacustrue
Item:Polished maple abacus with frosted glass beadstrue
Item:Lacquered abacus strung with polished beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Item:Moonstone-beaded watered steel abacus etched with complex sigilsFocus on the Past (2) Focus on the Past (1)true
Item:Ornate blued moonsilver abacus with faceted oceanic orichalcum beadsLimited Treasures (5)
Item:Polished maple abacus with frosted glass beadsTools of the Tradertrue
Item:Small zingana abacus with turquoise beadstrue
Item:Smokewood abacus with carved howlite beadsPrison Riot: The Aftermath/End loot Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loottrue