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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Black spidersilk robe intricately embroidered with an assortment of flowering plants
Item:Blue silk ribbon embroidered with purple jadice flowers
Item:Bunching of silk jadice flowers
Item:Cambrinth circlet with gemstone jadice flowers
Item:Cloak depicting a proud unicorn standing in a field of jadice flowers
Item:Crimson silk gown edged in black lace
Item:Crimson silk slippers embroidered with jadice flowers in black thread
Item:Delicate glass jadice flowers
Item:Fine satin pouch embroidered with open hands holding healing herbs
Item:Gold-dipped jadice petal suspended from a leather cord
Item:Golden mail belt with dangling gold flowers
Item:Handcarved teak herbalist's case clasped with a crystal jadice flower
Item:Leather bound apothecary's herbal with a crystal jadice clasp
Item:Light blue floor-length caftan embroidered on the sleeves with golden jadice flowers
Item:Pale foraging sack adorned with a jadice charm closure
Item:Pierced ivory fan dangling an amethyst jadice flower charm
Item:Pure white choker made from finely embroidered silk
Item:Purple glass mortar etched with a ring of jadice flowers
Item:Ruby signet ring etched with a jadice flower
Item:Sapphire-blue robe embroidered with the crest of the Empaths' Guild