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ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Weapon:Grey Raven prisoner's club with a leather wrapped gripItem:Make-shift Grey Raven prisoner's ring Item:Make-shift Grey Raven prisoner's ringtrue
Weapon:Heavy crystal throwing club resembling a rock-studded icicleQuest for Kanton's Dagger
Weapon:Heavy dragonwood throwing club with a braided leather gripSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental loot
Weapon:Horse bone clubOld Elmer's (2) Old Elmer's (1)
Weapon:Iroko club with a rawhide-wrapped handle
Weapon:Iron-capped war club crafted from a large femurTo The Teeth
Weapon:Ironwood throwing club set with a faceted chunk of chakrelGuildfest 398 Auction, Guildfest 398/Auctiontrue
Weapon:Ironwood throwing club wrapped with a spiraling leather bandFlight of Hand (2) Flight of Hand (1)
Weapon:Ivory throwing club carved in the shape of a boar's tuskOver The Edge, Over the Edge (1)true
Weapon:Ivory throwing club carved in the shape of a boar's tusk (2)Over the Edge (2)true