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ItemSource isRare item
Item:AthlomiShoiya's Gems
Item:Band (2)Shoiya's Gems
Item:Bejeweled slippers glimmering with all the hues of fresh watersNatural Beauty (2)
Shield:Blackened steel oval shield inlaid with an angry vixenTerrific Turnip (1)
Shield:Blackened steel target shield inlaid with an angry wolfTerrific Turnip (3) Terrific Turnip (2)
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options
Item:Bronze hip-chain supporting a fringe of bells shaped into tiny stylized sunsCommotion! (1)
Item:ChokerSvra'an's Fine Jewelry Shoiya's GemsGrisgonda's Gems and Jewels (obsolete)Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels
Item:Chubby clay piggy bank with gemstone eyesBreaking and Entering/Bedroom loot