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ItemSource isRare itemIs incomplete
Item:Alerce burin topped with an orange pumpkinSkyward Crafting (7)true
Item:Bronze burinXathvier's Curios and Odditiesfalse
Item:Bulbous-boned burin held together with slender animite bandsSkyward Crafting (7)truetrue
Item:Charred felwood burin with a slender crooked handleSkyward Crafting (7)true
Item:Diamond-hide bound burin fixed with a Zoluren white sapphireDroughtman's Challenge 441/End loot Droughtman's Challenge 437/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 433/End loottrue
Item:Eyeball-topped burin with a stiffened optic nerve handleSkyward Crafting (8)true
Item:Fey-bone burin wrapped within a lattice of steelsilk knotworkDroughtman's Challenge 441/Incidental loot Droughtman's Challenge 437/Incidental loottrue
Item:Ivory burinXathvier's Curios and Odditiesfalse
Item:Larch burin with a soft jaspe-wrapped handleSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental loot Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental lootSu Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loottrue
Item:Oak-handled burinXathvier's Curios and Odditiesfalse