Post:Player-run events -- was Re: Events Calendar, relocated - 12/14/2014 - 07:12

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Re: Player-run events -- was Re: Events Calendar, relocated · on 12/14/2014 07:12 AM CST 2530
Folks, this is a dead horse and continued beating of it needs to move on over to or be directed to Feedback.

Nobody on staff has dug in their heels, nobody on staff is refusing to listen, nobody on staff is removing anything from anyone. What we've done is explain how things are right now, give suggestions on how to work with things currently, and tell you that we are already currently developing systemic changes to address the issues at hand. They are just not yet ready.

Like with many systems, releasing bits and pieces of it or making ad hoc band-aid changes while other parts are still being worked on at very fundamental levels is not at this time something intended, because, frankly, approaching this like that is very likely to end up with us having to roll back certain things or change other things again when we are done with what we're working on. That's not very great game design or customer service if it can be avoided, and is pretty much the exact last thing we want to do with this project.

I understand that it does not necessarily seem like a big deal for GM staff to just do announcements for anyone whenever possible, or for events that get in on time for the calendar, but what you do not understand is that this, like many other things, is not as simple a thing as it might seem on the player end.

All of the issues brought up here have already been evaluated, and are part of what's being worked on. Me saying that isn't a brush off, it's an acknowledgement that your concerns are heard. I know nobody likes waiting, but nobody likes poorly implemented things that have to be endlessly reworked or changed a million confusing times either.

I'm the Events Team Lead, and I think it's pretty safe to say that I have an understanding of the importance to this game that events of all kinds have, and share the passion for and focus on them that many of you do. In fact, the bigger picture of these things is a pretty big part of my job description. I have exactly zero intention of rolling anything out related to this until it is in a fair, equitable, useable, and sustainable state. I would expect no less as a player, and I will put my mark on no less as a GM, not because I want to ignore anything anyone is saying, but precisely because these issues are that important. They deserve to be handled well and fully. They deserve to be part of an integrated whole. They deserve to be something that players can expect to be in place for the foreseeable future so that they can plan and plot and carry out the hard work of the player-run end of things confident that they understand and can expect consistency in what the GMs can offer them.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ General Discussions - Events in General (OOC), by DR-PERSIDA on the forums.