Post:Crafting Storage - 08/08/2013 - 01:04

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Crafting Storage · on 08/08/2013 01:04 AM CDT 43
Hey folks -

I'm pleased to announce the Crafting Storage system. There are two parts to crafting storage:

Deed Storage

You can ask for a REGISTER from crafting repair clerks. You can then PUT existing crafting deeds in this book, and it will add the deed to your storage. When they're in storage, they will not take up item count.

Once a deed is in a book, you can WRITE a note on the deed, which will show up on the table of contents. With this, you can use your own shorthand to notate things about the item (up to 128 letters). The note stays even if the deed is removed, which means it can be transferred to another player. Because of this, all notes are signed by the writing player, and are subject to vulgarity policies. Take note!

Deed registers are bonded to the you, and work more or less like vault books. They aren’t transferable or losable (you can always ask for another one).

You can store 50 deeds in your deed book.

Tools Storage
You can also store tools with this system. To do this, you must set a tool down on a counter near the repair clerk. The clerk will then store the tool.

To get tools back, you can ASK CLERK FOR LIST. From that list, you can see all of the tools stored. You can then ASK CLERK FOR {TOOL}. The clerk will find the tool that matches the words you used (you can specify just a noun or adjective and noun). If he finds that tool, he’ll give it back to you. If multiple tools match your description, he’ll give them to you in a large sack. That same sack can be used to fill with tools and store them all at once.

Some Q&A

How do I get a deed register? You need to ASK {CLERK} FOR REGISTER

Where can I get a register or store tools? All of the societies have repair clerks as of now, so you can do it in any existing society.

What happens if I lose my register or give it to somebody else? Your register is bonded to you, but you can get another to replace it and still have all of your items (just like vault books)

This will go to TF in the next few days provided everything works right.


This message was originally posted in Lore \ GameMaster Announcements - Lore, by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.