Inventory command

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Inventory is a command used to check what you are currently wearing:

 INV        - Shows a description of all of the items you are currently wearing
 INV CHECK  - Get a rough estimation of how many items are in your inventory.
 INV LIST   - List ALL items in your inventory, similar to reading a vault book.
 INV SHOW   - Does the same thing as INVENTORY by itself.
 INV SLOTS  - Gives a summary of your inventory slots, showing how many items you're wearing in each.
 INV SLOTS LIST - Lists the names of your inventory slots.
 INV [slot] - Shows you which items you are wearing that match this slot.
 INV SEARCH [word] - Searches all of your inventory for items that have the word present.
 INV [ARMOR | WEAPON | FLUFF | CONTAINER | COMBAT] - Shows you the items of this type that you're wearing.
 INV HANDS  - Shows you what you have in your hands.