Genie quest triggers: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "These triggers log events to the Log window to help you gauge progress and efficiency. ==Ruins of Ulf'Hara== <pre>#trigger {^Lord Zukir asks, \"Between the Elpalzi, common l...")
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==Drathrok's Duskruin==
These triggers log events to the Log window to help you gauge progress and efficiency.

<pre>#trigger {^An announcer shouts, \"You only have about 30 seconds remaining, \w+!\s+Make your strikes count!\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 arena: 30 seconds left;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] arena: 30 seconds left;#play PowerfulEnemy} {arena2}
==Ruins of Ulf'Hara==
#trigger {^An announcer shouts, \"You've run out of time the (.*) is victorious!\"\s+The.+exits the arena\.$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 time ended: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] time ended: $1;#play Done} {arena2}
#trigger {A pair of surly attendants lumbers in and drags the (.*) out of the arena, ridding \S+ of lodged projectiles!$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 vanquished $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] vanquished $1} {arena2}
#trigger {An iron portcullis is raised, heralding the arrival of an? (.*)!$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 round 1: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] round 1: $1} {arena2}
#trigger {An iron portcullis is raised, heralding the arrival of an? (.*)!\s+The announcers calls out, \"And here's our next foe!\s+Round (\d*), FIGHT!\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 round $2: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] round $2: $1;#send watch} {arena2}
#trigger {The giver flags you over and says, "Here are your winnings, \w+\."\s+The prize giver shows you an arena winner's package containing (.+)\.\s+The prize giver} {#echo >log #00FF00 winnings: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] winnings: $1;#play Done} {arena2}
#trigger {The prize giver shows you an arena winning's package containing (\d*) bloodscrip and (\d*) worth of coins} {#echo >log #FFFF00 earned $1 bloodscrip and $2 coins;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] earned $1 bloodscrip and $2 coins} {arena2}
#trigger {The prize giver shows you an arena winning's package containing (\d*) bloodscrip, (a|an?|some|the) (.*), and (\d*) worth of coins\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 earned $1 bloodscrip, $4 coins, and $2 $3;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] earned $1 bloodscrip, $4 coins, and $2 $3} {arena2}
#trigger {^An announcer boasts, \"Combatant \w+ is triumphant, defeating all those that opposed (him|her)!\"} {#play Victory} {arena2}
#trigger {you could try to (back pedal|pedal back) out of the way!$} {#send pedal} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to (jump over it|prepare to jump)!$} {#send jump} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to bob back and forth!$} {#send bob} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to cower (into a smaller target|out of the way)!$} {#send cower} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to duck down!$} {#send duck} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to lean out of the way!$} {#send lean} {arena1}</pre>

==House of the Revenant Fang==
<pre>#trigger {^Lord Zukir asks, \"Between the Elpalzi, common looters and the undead in and around the ruins, our teams are having a hard time making any progress\.\s+We could use some help thinning their numbers.+Are you up to it} {#send decline task;#echo >log #FFFF00 kill task declined} {UlfHara}

#trigger {^Lord Zukir leans in and whispers, \"Safes and other strongboxes were hidden around the keep, many in plain sight.+Each had a unique combination known only to select guardsmen and royals} {#send accept task;#echo >log #00FF00 safecracker task accepted} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir pauses to catch his breath\. \"The Traders just delivered some supplies, and they're sorely needed\.} {#send decline task;#echo >log #FFFF00 resupply task declined} {UlfHara}
<pre>#trigger {^You have earned merit in the Revenant Fang conflict} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Revenant Fang] task complete} {RevenantFang}</pre>
#trigger {^Lord Zukir points to the side at a rapidly growing group of wounded guardsmen and adventurers alike\.} {#send accept task;#echo >log #00FF00 healing task accepted} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir sighs\.\s+\"Many guardsmen saw to securing the grounds over the years\.\s+Traps were placed in key points in case of invasions.+many of those traps have been moved, altered, and augmented\.\"$} {#send decline task;#echo >log #FFFF00 locksmithing task declined} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Many treasures have been lost to the explosion.+I am confident there are countless others still needing to be recovered\.\"} {#send accept task;#echo >log #00FF00 search and recover task accepted} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Other teams have preceded you, and not all have made it back out\..+Can you do that} {#send accept task;#echo >log #00FF00 escort task accepted} {UlfHara}
#trigger {Can you recover some of these for us\?\s+You'll need to get your hands dirty and KILL the invaders to find them\.\"$} {#send decline task;#echo >log #FFFF00 kill and recover task declined} {UlfHara}
#trigger {We'll be extracting you in (\d*) minutes?\.\s+If you have unfinished business, you'll have to claim another summons to return!\"} {#echo >log #FF0000 Ulf'Hara: $1-minute warning} {UlfHara}</pre>

==Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze==
==Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze==

<pre>#trigger {"Okay!\s+You're all set to go into the Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze!\s+It's a lot of fun!\s+Be certain that you check in with one of the Halflings if you want to do more than just run around in there\.\s+Oh, and the green growth and ripened field are kind of dangerous, so go in there at your own risk\.\"\s+(He|She) whistles merrily and steps toward the gate\.\s+\"Stay close, I'll escort you in\.\.\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 Corn Maze: start} {CornMaze}
<pre>#trigger {"Okay!\s+You're all set to go into the Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze!\s+It's a lot of fun!\s+Be certain that you check in with one of the Halflings if you want to do more than just run around in there\.\s+Oh, and the green growth and ripened field are kind of dangerous, so go in there at your own risk\.\"\s+(He|She) whistles merrily and steps toward the gate\.\s+\"Stay close, I'll escort you in\.\.\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] start} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"It looks like you got lost in the maze!\s+I'm here to escort you out\.\"\s+(He|She) takes your hand and leads you through the twisting passages and brings you to the exit\.$} {#echo >log #FF0000 Corn Maze: out of time} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Hey, just to let you know you've only got (\d+) minutes? of time left\.\s+You can either run to the exit and start over, or use another pass to keep exploring the maze\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] $1-minute warning} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Looks like you've finished the task!\"\s+He dumps (\d+) silver kernels? into your bottle and says, \"Ask me for a task again, and I'll give you another one\.\"} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: earned $1 kernels for task} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"It looks like you got lost in the maze!\s+I'm here to escort you out\.\"\s+(He|She) takes your hand and leads you through the twisting passages and brings you to the exit\.$} {#play Wawa;#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] out of time} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to chase out some of the mice that are hiding in the maze\.\s+I know they might be cute, but they're pests\.\s+You just have to WAVE your hands at them until they run from the maze\.\s+If you chase away about ten that'll be great!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered maintenance task: chase 10 mice} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Looks like you've finished the task!\"\s+He dumps (\d+) silver kernels? into your bottle and says, \"Ask me for a task again, and I'll give you another one\.\"} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] earned $1 kernels for task} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to disarm some of the traps that have been put around the maze by some mischief-makers\.\s+Five will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered maintenance task: disarm 5 traps} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to chase out some of the mice that are hiding in the maze\.\s+I know they might be cute, but they're pests\.\s+You just have to WAVE your hands at them until they run from the maze\.\s+If you chase away about ten that'll be great!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: chase 10 mice} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to find and touch some of the landmarks in the maze!\s+It'll be fun!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered exploration task: touch landmarks} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to disarm some of the traps that have been put around the maze by some mischief-makers\.\s+Five will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: disarm 5 traps} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to forage some corn in the maze and bring it to me\.\s+Make sure it's ripe!\s+Ten pieces will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered search task: forage for 10 pieces of corn} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to find and touch some of the landmarks in the maze!\s+It'll be fun!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: touch landmarks} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go find my fellow Halflings working in the maze and give them a good poke in the ribs for me!\s+There are five of them\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered exploration task: poke 5 Halflings} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to forage some corn in the maze and bring it to me\.\s+Make sure it's ripe!\s+Ten pieces will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: forage for 10 pieces of corn} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go pull some weeds out from between the corn\.\s+It's pretty thick in some areas\.\s+Clearing out ten areas will be appreciated\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered maintenance task: weed 10 rooms} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go find my fellow Halflings working in the maze and give them a good poke in the ribs for me!\s+There are five of them\.\"$} {#flash;#play Help;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: poke 5 Halflings} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go to each section of the maze and let out a good scream!\s+It'll make the corn maze extra spooky\.\s+There are nine sections of the maze, but if you scream in five that'll be enough\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered exploration task: scream in 5 areas} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go pull some weeds out from between the corn\.\s+It's pretty thick in some areas\.\s+Clearing out ten areas will be appreciated\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: weed 10 rooms} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the locusts in the green growth area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 Corn Maze: offered kill task: 10 locusts} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go to each section of the maze and let out a good scream!\s+It'll make the corn maze extra spooky\.\s+There are nine sections of the maze, but if you scream in five that'll be enough\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: scream in 5 areas} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the murder crows in the ripened field area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 Corn Maze: offered kill task: 10 crows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the locusts in the green growth area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] offered kill task: 10 locusts} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to make some scarecrows in different sections of the maze!\s+To do this, find a good spot and BUILD it until it's done\.\s+Five total should do it\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered maintenance task: build 5 scarecrows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the murder crows in the ripened field area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] offered kill task: 10 crows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some golden tokens in the maze\.\s+About ten pieces will do!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered search task: find 10 tokens} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to make some scarecrows in different sections of the maze!\s+To do this, find a good spot and BUILD it until it's done\.\s+Five total should do it\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: build 5 scarecrows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some of the grasshoppers that are running around in the maze, snag them and bring them back to us\. About ten will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 Corn Maze: offered search task: find 10 grasshoppers} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some golden tokens in the maze\.\s+About ten pieces will do!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: find 10 tokens} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^Your current task has been canceled\.\s+You can see a Halfling in the maze for another after five minutes\.$} {#echo >log #FF0000 Corn Maze: task canceled} {CornMaze}</pre>
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some of the grasshoppers that are running around in the maze, snag them and bring them back to us\. About ten will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: find 10 grasshoppers} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^A hissing sound echoes through the Corn Maze as Harawep's Spider makes its appearance!$|^You hear hissing noises as Harawep's Spider freely roams the} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] Harawep's Spider appears in the Ripened Field} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+(the Scarecrow|Harawep's Spider)} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] $1 found in room $roomid ($roomname)} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a carefree Halfling} {#var halfling2 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] carefree Halfling in $halfling2} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a cheerful Halfling} {#var halfling1 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] cheerful Halfling in $halfling1} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a grumpy Halfling} {#var halfling6 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] grumpy Halfling in $halfling6} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a playful Halfling} {#var halfling5 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] playful Halfling in $halfling5} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a tall Gor'Tog} {#var halfling4 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] Gor'Tog in $halfling4} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a tired Halfling} {#var halfling3 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] tired Halfling in $halfling3} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You hear sinister laughter as the Scarecrow invades the Corn Maze!$|^You hear sinister laughter as the Scarecrow freely roams the} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] Scarecrow appears in the Green Growth} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You manage to find (an?|some) (.+)!$} {#log >CornMazeLoot.txt $date $time $2} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You manage to find a corn maze pass!$} {#play MiniFanfare3;#flash;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] free pass!} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You poke a (carefree|cheerful|grumpy|playful|tired) Halfling right in the ribs!$} {#var $1.Halfling $roomid} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You poke a tall Gor'Tog right in the ribs!$} {#var tall.Gor'Tog $roomid} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You quickly scoop twenty of them, stashing them in your bottle\.$} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] earned 20 kernels for boss kill} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^Your current task has been canceled\.\s+You can see a Halfling in the maze for another after five minutes\.$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] task canceled} {CornMaze}
#trigger {should return to one of the Halflings and ASK HALFLING ABOUT TASK again\.$|^You think that you've harrassed the Halflings enough and should return to the original Halfling and ASK HALFLING ABOUT TASK again\.$} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] task complete} {CornMaze}</pre>

==Su Helmas: Seeds of Entropy==

<pre>#trigger {^Your guide enthusiastically greets you as you return, \"Well done!\s+Here, I have something for you!\"\s+Your guide shoves an? (.+) into your left hand\.} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 Su Helmas loot: $1} {SuHelmas}</pre>

==Ulf'Hara: Return to the Keep==

<pre>#trigger {^(\w+) appears to be in need of lockpicks to complete (his|her) mission for Zukir\.$} {#send get lockpick from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^(\w+) appears to be in need of torches to complete (his|her) mission for Zukir\.$} {#send get torch from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^(\w+) is in need of flint to complete (his|her) mission.$} {#send get flint from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^A pair of armored guardsmen take up positions on either side of you\.\s+One of them sternly barks, \"Come along, \S+!\s+Lord Zukir has signaled the relief forces to move in those active such as yourself are being recalled for now\.\s+We're to escort you to the supply wagon\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 Ulf'Hara: run end} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^An armored guardsman checks her paperwork and nods\.\s+\"Right then\.\s+Lord Zukir is expecting you\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 Ulf'Hara: run start} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir asks, \"Between the Elpalzi, common looters and the undead in and around the ruins, our teams are having a hard time making any progress\.\s+We could use some help thinning their numbers.+Are you up to it} {#echo >log #FFFF00 kill task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir leans in and whispers, \"Safes and other strongboxes were hidden around the keep, many in plain sight.+Each had a unique combination known only to select guardsmen and royals} {#echo >log #FFFF00 safecracker task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir pauses to catch his breath\. \"The Traders just delivered some supplies, and they're sorely needed\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 resupply task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir points to the side at a rapidly growing group of wounded guardsmen and adventurers alike\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 healing task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir sighs\.\s+\"Many guardsmen saw to securing the grounds over the years\.\s+Traps were placed in key points in case of invasions.+many of those traps have been moved, altered, and augmented\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 locksmithing task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Something brushes against you, and you spin frantically, flailing blindly into the crimson haze!\s+Dizziness disorients you, and you're not sure of the directions!$} {#play Wawa;#flash;#echo >log #FF0000 Ulf'Hara: sewers shift!} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^The paperwork from your last task has probably been finalized\.\s+You may be able to take on another now\.$} {#send ask Zukir for task} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Many treasures have been lost to the explosion.+I am confident there are countless others still needing to be recovered\.\"} {#echo >log #FFFF00 search and recover task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Other teams have preceded you, and not all have made it back out\..+Can you do that} {#echo >log #FFFF00 escort task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {Can you recover some of these for us\?\s+You'll need to get your hands dirty and KILL the invaders to find them\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 kill and recover task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {We'll be extracting you in (\d*) minutes?\.\s+If you have unfinished business, you'll have to claim another summons to return!\"} {#echo >log #FF0000 Ulf'Hara: $1-minute warning} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^A gleaming chest tumbles down a shattered stone that once formed a wall} {#send tap gleaming chest} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^As .+ thrashes in its death throes, (.+) falls to the ground!$} {#play Award;#echo >log #FFFF00 $1 recovered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {\[ASK \S+ ABOUT TASK COMPLETE.*|\[Your task is complete!.+)|\S+ says, \"You should probably go find Zukir.\s+I hear he's looking for an update from you!\s+Don't keep him waiting!\"$} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 task requirements met} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir hands you \d+ Kronars\.$} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 task complete} {UlfHara}</pre>

Latest revision as of 05:03, 8 November 2019

Drathrok's Duskruin

#trigger {^An announcer shouts, \"You only have about 30 seconds remaining, \w+!\s+Make your strikes count!\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 arena: 30 seconds left;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] arena: 30 seconds left;#play PowerfulEnemy} {arena2}
#trigger {^An announcer shouts, \"You've run out of time the (.*) is victorious!\"\s+The.+exits the arena\.$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 time ended: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] time ended: $1;#play Done} {arena2}
#trigger {A pair of surly attendants lumbers in and drags the (.*) out of the arena, ridding \S+ of lodged projectiles!$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 vanquished $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] vanquished $1} {arena2}
#trigger {An iron portcullis is raised, heralding the arrival of an? (.*)!$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 round 1: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] round 1: $1} {arena2}
#trigger {An iron portcullis is raised, heralding the arrival of an? (.*)!\s+The announcers calls out, \"And here's our next foe!\s+Round (\d*), FIGHT!\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 round $2: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] round $2: $1;#send watch} {arena2}
#trigger {The giver flags you over and says, "Here are your winnings, \w+\."\s+The prize giver shows you an arena winner's package containing (.+)\.\s+The prize giver} {#echo >log #00FF00 winnings: $1;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] winnings: $1;#play Done} {arena2}
#trigger {The prize giver shows you an arena winning's package containing (\d*) bloodscrip and (\d*) worth of coins} {#echo >log #FFFF00 earned $1 bloodscrip and $2 coins;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] earned $1 bloodscrip and $2 coins} {arena2}
#trigger {The prize giver shows you an arena winning's package containing (\d*) bloodscrip, (a|an?|some|the) (.*), and (\d*) worth of coins\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 earned $1 bloodscrip, $4 coins, and $2 $3;#log >Arenalog-$charactername.txt [$date $time] earned $1 bloodscrip, $4 coins, and $2 $3} {arena2}
#trigger {^An announcer boasts, \"Combatant \w+ is triumphant, defeating all those that opposed (him|her)!\"} {#play Victory} {arena2}
#trigger {you could try to (back pedal|pedal back) out of the way!$} {#send pedal} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to (jump over it|prepare to jump)!$} {#send jump} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to bob back and forth!$} {#send bob} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to cower (into a smaller target|out of the way)!$} {#send cower} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to duck down!$} {#send duck} {arena1}
#trigger {you could try to lean out of the way!$} {#send lean} {arena1}

House of the Revenant Fang

#trigger {^You have earned merit in the Revenant Fang conflict} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Revenant Fang] task complete} {RevenantFang}

Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze

#trigger {"Okay!\s+You're all set to go into the Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze!\s+It's a lot of fun!\s+Be certain that you check in with one of the Halflings if you want to do more than just run around in there\.\s+Oh, and the green growth and ripened field are kind of dangerous, so go in there at your own risk\.\"\s+(He|She) whistles merrily and steps toward the gate\.\s+\"Stay close, I'll escort you in\.\.\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] start} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Hey, just to let you know you've only got (\d+) minutes? of time left\.\s+You can either run to the exit and start over, or use another pass to keep exploring the maze\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] $1-minute warning} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"It looks like you got lost in the maze!\s+I'm here to escort you out\.\"\s+(He|She) takes your hand and leads you through the twisting passages and brings you to the exit\.$} {#play Wawa;#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] out of time} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Looks like you've finished the task!\"\s+He dumps (\d+) silver kernels? into your bottle and says, \"Ask me for a task again, and I'll give you another one\.\"} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] earned $1 kernels for task} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to chase out some of the mice that are hiding in the maze\.\s+I know they might be cute, but they're pests\.\s+You just have to WAVE your hands at them until they run from the maze\.\s+If you chase away about ten that'll be great!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: chase 10 mice} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to disarm some of the traps that have been put around the maze by some mischief-makers\.\s+Five will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: disarm 5 traps} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to find and touch some of the landmarks in the maze!\s+It'll be fun!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: touch landmarks} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to forage some corn in the maze and bring it to me\.\s+Make sure it's ripe!\s+Ten pieces will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: forage for 10 pieces of corn} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go find my fellow Halflings working in the maze and give them a good poke in the ribs for me!\s+There are five of them\.\"$} {#flash;#play Help;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: poke 5 Halflings} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go pull some weeds out from between the corn\.\s+It's pretty thick in some areas\.\s+Clearing out ten areas will be appreciated\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: weed 10 rooms} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to go to each section of the maze and let out a good scream!\s+It'll make the corn maze extra spooky\.\s+There are nine sections of the maze, but if you scream in five that'll be enough\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered exploration task: scream in 5 areas} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the locusts in the green growth area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] offered kill task: 10 locusts} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the murder crows in the ripened field area of the maze\.\s+Ten of them will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] offered kill task: 10 crows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to make some scarecrows in different sections of the maze!\s+To do this, find a good spot and BUILD it until it's done\.\s+Five total should do it\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered maintenance task: build 5 scarecrows} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some golden tokens in the maze\.\s+About ten pieces will do!\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: find 10 tokens} {CornMaze}
#trigger {\"Okay, we'd like you to search out some of the grasshoppers that are running around in the maze, snag them and bring them back to us\.  About ten will do\.\"$} {#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] offered search task: find 10 grasshoppers} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^A hissing sound echoes through the Corn Maze as Harawep's Spider makes its appearance!$|^You hear hissing noises as Harawep's Spider freely roams the} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] Harawep's Spider appears in the Ripened Field} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+(the Scarecrow|Harawep's Spider)} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] $1 found in room $roomid ($roomname)} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a carefree Halfling} {#var halfling2 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] carefree Halfling in $halfling2} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a cheerful Halfling} {#var halfling1 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] cheerful Halfling in $halfling1} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a grumpy Halfling} {#var halfling6 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] grumpy Halfling in $halfling6} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a playful Halfling} {#var halfling5 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] playful Halfling in $halfling5} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a tall Gor'Tog} {#var halfling4 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] Gor'Tog in $halfling4} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You also see.+a tired Halfling} {#var halfling3 $roomid;#echo >log [Corn Maze] tired Halfling in $halfling3} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You hear sinister laughter as the Scarecrow invades the Corn Maze!$|^You hear sinister laughter as the Scarecrow freely roams the} {#play BadSurprise;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] Scarecrow appears in the Green Growth} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You manage to find (an?|some) (.+)!$} {#log >CornMazeLoot.txt $date	$time	$2} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You manage to find a corn maze pass!$} {#play MiniFanfare3;#flash;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] free pass!} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You poke a (carefree|cheerful|grumpy|playful|tired) Halfling right in the ribs!$} {#var $1.Halfling $roomid} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You poke a tall Gor'Tog right in the ribs!$} {#var tall.Gor'Tog $roomid} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^You quickly scoop twenty of them, stashing them in your bottle\.$} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #00FF00 [Corn Maze] earned 20 kernels for boss kill} {CornMaze}
#trigger {^Your current task has been canceled\.\s+You can see a Halfling in the maze for another after five minutes\.$} {#echo >log #FF0000 [Corn Maze] task canceled} {CornMaze}
#trigger {should return to one of the Halflings and ASK HALFLING ABOUT TASK again\.$|^You think that you've harrassed the Halflings enough and should return to the original Halfling and ASK HALFLING ABOUT TASK again\.$} {#play MiniFanfare1;#flash;#echo >log #FFFF00 [Corn Maze] task complete} {CornMaze}

Su Helmas: Seeds of Entropy

#trigger {^Your guide enthusiastically greets you as you return, \"Well done!\s+Here, I have something for you!\"\s+Your guide shoves an? (.+) into your left hand\.} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 Su Helmas loot: $1} {SuHelmas}

Ulf'Hara: Return to the Keep

#trigger {^(\w+) appears to be in need of lockpicks to complete (his|her) mission for Zukir\.$} {#send get lockpick from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^(\w+) appears to be in need of torches to complete (his|her) mission for Zukir\.$} {#send get torch from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^(\w+) is in need of flint to complete (his|her) mission.$} {#send get flint from my dirty sack;#send give $1} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^A pair of armored guardsmen take up positions on either side of you\.\s+One of them sternly barks, \"Come along, \S+!\s+Lord Zukir has signaled the relief forces to move in those active such as yourself are being recalled for now\.\s+We're to escort you to the supply wagon\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 Ulf'Hara: run end} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^An armored guardsman checks her paperwork and nods\.\s+\"Right then\.\s+Lord Zukir is expecting you\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 Ulf'Hara: run start} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir asks, \"Between the Elpalzi, common looters and the undead in and around the ruins, our teams are having a hard time making any progress\.\s+We could use some help thinning their numbers.+Are you up to it} {#echo >log #FFFF00 kill task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir leans in and whispers, \"Safes and other strongboxes were hidden around the keep, many in plain sight.+Each had a unique combination known only to select guardsmen and royals} {#echo >log #FFFF00 safecracker task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir pauses to catch his breath\.  \"The Traders just delivered some supplies, and they're sorely needed\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 resupply task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir points to the side at a rapidly growing group of wounded guardsmen and adventurers alike\.} {#echo >log #FFFF00 healing task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir sighs\.\s+\"Many guardsmen saw to securing the grounds over the years\.\s+Traps were placed in key points in case of invasions.+many of those traps have been moved, altered, and augmented\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 locksmithing task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Something brushes against you, and you spin frantically, flailing blindly into the crimson haze!\s+Dizziness disorients you, and you're not sure of the directions!$} {#play Wawa;#flash;#echo >log #FF0000 Ulf'Hara: sewers shift!} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^The paperwork from your last task has probably been finalized\.\s+You may be able to take on another now\.$} {#send ask Zukir for task} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Many treasures have been lost to the explosion.+I am confident there are countless others still needing to be recovered\.\"} {#echo >log #FFFF00 search and recover task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Zukir says, \"Other teams have preceded you, and not all have made it back out\..+Can you do that} {#echo >log #FFFF00 escort task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {Can you recover some of these for us\?\s+You'll need to get your hands dirty and KILL the invaders to find them\.\"$} {#echo >log #FFFF00 kill and recover task offered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {We'll be extracting you in (\d*) minutes?\.\s+If you have unfinished business, you'll have to claim another summons to return!\"} {#echo >log #FF0000 Ulf'Hara: $1-minute warning} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^A gleaming chest tumbles down a shattered stone that once formed a wall} {#send tap gleaming chest} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^As .+ thrashes in its death throes, (.+) falls to the ground!$} {#play Award;#echo >log #FFFF00 $1 recovered} {UlfHara}
#trigger {\[ASK \S+ ABOUT TASK COMPLETE.*|\[Your task is complete!.+)|\S+ says, \"You should probably go find Zukir.\s+I hear he's looking for an update from you!\s+Don't keep him waiting!\"$} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 task requirements met} {UlfHara}
#trigger {^Lord Zukir hands you \d+ Kronars\.$} {#play Award;#echo >log #00FF00 task complete} {UlfHara}