Item:Lustrous seasilk wedding gown with embroidered design

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lustrous seasilk wedding gown with embroidered design
Look: A row of tiny melir blossoms with gold-rimmed cobalt petals are embroidered on the delicate sweetheart neckline wrap around to flow down the back and along the entire length of the lengthy train. The vibrant hue of the embroidery contrasts magnificently against the glossy silk that holds a deep golden sheen over the fabric. Tiny atulave buttons up the back provide a snug fit that accentuates the wearer's form.
Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
Dimensions: 12 length x 6 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Natural Beauty (4)

Commands to interact with gowns are: Touch, Wear, Clean, Pull, Shake, Turn, Tease, Dance, Remove