Grizzled old war veteran

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A grizzled old war veteran
Status: Alive
Guild: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Gender: Male
Location: The Crossing


The old war veteran's hands and face are worn from years of exposure to wind and sun, and his once strong body now grows weaker, but a twinkle in his deep grey eyes tells you that there yet exists a fire in his soul. He is dressed in dusty, travelworn leather, with a wide hat atop his head to keep the rain off. At his side is a large broadsword, protected by a tooled leather sheath. Judging from what you can see of the hilt, the sword must be quite extraordinary.

New Player Weapon/Armor Swapping

New characters will find that they can GIVE the weapon and armor they start out with to the grizzled veteran (in the Crossing) or to Sir Robyn (in Riverhaven) and ORDER a replacement. As you grow in skill, you'll find him more reluctant to give you a replacement -- eventually, you'll be on your own.


A grizzled old war veteran says, "So you're looking for a different weapon, huh? Well, let's see what I can offer you..." He rummages in various packs and pouches for a bit before saying, "Okay, you can pick from any of the following items:

Edged weapons -- these tend to be less tiring than blunt weapons

1 short sword light edged, stabby type
2 throwing dagger light edged / light thrown
3 sabre medium edged, stabby type
4 scimitar medium edged, slicing type
5 longsword heavy edged, relatively light weight
6 battle axe heavy edge, powerful but tiring
7 claymore two-handed, powerful but exhausting

Blunt weapons -- tend to be more fatiguing than the edged stuff

8 cudgel light blunt
9 throwing club light blunt and light thrown
10 mace medium blunt
11 morning star heavy blunt
12 maul two-handed blunt

Polearms and staffs -- tend to exhaust you quickly

13 quarterstaff
14 halberd
15 pike

Ranged weapons -- need ammunition for these, and I don't have any

16 longbow
17 light crossbow
18 heavy crossbow
19 short bow

"Think about it, then just ORDER the item you want. Make sure you're still holding the one you want to swap with me when you do."

[ORDER # FROM veteran]


A grizzled old war veteran says, "So you're looking for a different kind of armor, huh? Well, let's see what I can offer you..." He rummages in various packs and pouches for a bit before saying, "Okay, everything I can offer will cover your chest, arms, back and abdomen. You can get accessories from Tembeg's on the town green to cover your legs, head and hands. You probably won't need all that right away, though.

For body armor, you can take your pick from any of the following items:

1 a cloth gambeson cloth armor
2 a cuirbouilli coat leather armor
3 a chain shirt chain armor
4 a bone shirt bone armor
5 some half plate plate armor

Each type has advantages and disadvantages. The cloth stuff's very easy to move in, but doesn't offer much protection. The plate is hard to learn to maneuver in while you're wearing it -- you'll get hit a lot more -- but it cuts a lot of the damage.

"Think about it, then just ORDER the item you want. Make sure you're still holding the one you want to swap with me when you do."

[ORDER # FROM veteran]