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Angel Sacredstorm
Race Elothean
Gender Female
Guild Moonmage
Instance Prime



You see Prophetess Angel Sacredstorm, Ledgendary Moon Mage of the House of the Grey Storm, an Elothean.

She has elegant arched eyebrows and thick-lashed crystal green eyes. Her honey-streaked blonde hair is long and fine, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over her shoulders. She has tanned skin and a curvaceous figure.
She is average height for a Elothean.
She has a tattoo of a white tiger standing guard over a beautiful Faerie Enchantress with tattered ethereal-blue wings spanning the words "Fallen One" on her back.

She is wearing a pair of white feathered wings dusted with flecks of silver, a slender glass bottle labeled "Padaxes Babe", a brooch depicting a nightingale with crystal tipped wings, a sunstone Warrior Mage charm, a thumb ring bearing the Sacredstorm crest inset with an alexandrite nightingale, a heavy leather jacket embossed with a spill of colorful painted stars, a low-cut cotton blouse accented with black ribbons, some low-riding black leather pants buckled with a breathtaking heartstone, some snug black suede boots with silver inlaid high-heels, and exquisite nightsilk handbag, an ice-white hauberk inlaid with a nightingale perched upon a panther's nose, and a black velvet badge stamped with, "Death happens!"

Research into current events:

The research below is a first draft, taken from my varied notes. In the future it should become more finalized. It is a compilation of recent events from the end of year 391 and the beginning of 392. It includes fact, witnessed accounts, conversations and theories.

Table of Contents: Fynes Urvkil Lady Adisla Throrom Kargoth Tungal Ealuik Vecuto, the Cleric Guildleader Skilair Rience Primeval - founder of one of the original glowing fragments in Crossing Patre - first cleric of record to study this fragment the glowing iron fragments - Moon Mage study - Cleric study - testing

I like to start my presentation with something funny so on that note…. For those of you who find yourself disruptive tonight, we have some special guests... Mark of Arhat, Horn of the Unicorn and of course Nissa’s Binding.. Now let’s get started shall we?

What I have to offer you tonight is informational, and meant to create a sense of brainstorming if you will. I would like to present all I have as well as allow others I have asked to come to speak, if they choose and then have questions at the end. I have quite a bit of information to give you in a wide range of people and events, so bear with me as we trudge through this.

I realize that not all of you may know backgrounds or history of things I may mention, so and I will give some information as I go to help it make sense and connections.

Also, keep in mind this is a combination of gathered information, stories from witnesses and my own witnessed events. It is in no way meant to be informational and I would encourage you all to think of these things and add them to the wealth of information you already have and draw some inferences, connections and/or conclusions. It is Lady Wyndz’s hope as well as all of us here speaking tonight, that we would stand stronger and more confident, given more information.


I’ll start by mentioning some things I’ll speak about. Visits by Fynes, Urvkil, Tungal, Guildleader Vecuto, Ealuik. Lady Adisla and entourage and of course the meteor shower-specifically the glowing fragments that dropped from the skies.

--- People

Fynes Moryson, is an Elven Cleric who recently visited Theren, and with a drop of his blood, as an offering is rumored to have started a Plague Wraith invasion. He offered anyone in Theren to come and speak with him. A summary of his message: Watch the stars, he has noticed one of them fading, and he feels that if the stars are fading the gods are growing weak. He was stern about the fact that if the heavens are troubled, it could only be that the immortals are. He also called Urvkil a blasphemer.

Urvkil, is a Kaldaran Moon Mage who was banned is known for his predictions and was banished from the Kaldaran people long ago for consorting with Voidspawn. Of note, when I met him, he had no last name—which I believe when I speak of Tungal, it will shed some light to a connection. His message was: The Nightingale is what influences our lives; it protects us from the plans of the Weasel. The Nightingale is the true influence and he told us to study it to lend it strength. He also answered a question of someone in the group regarding visions and stated his reason for being here was not the two elves vision, the tome is not important, and the battle in the temple vision was actually a “contest”.

When Urvkil awoke his first contact was Skilair. They had a detailed conversation, I’ll let her explain and if she does not make it this evening, I’ll get the notes on it and give it at the end. But one note I’d like to mention is that he referred to Lady Adisla, whom I will speak about next. When he visited he seemed to always leave with a rogue moongate summonsing shadow masters, voidspawn and tenebraelings.

During one of his visits, in Shard, someone, and I will not mention who, assisted him by way of dropping pearls and creating devourers which congeal into shadow masters. He then casted a rogue moongate.

Also of note, which Skilair will detail for you is his grave contents. All that was in his sack were clues to what he is really here for. They all seem to follow the thread that I am creating with this presentation.

Lady Adisla Lothar is a Kaldaran bardess who visited Shard recently accompanied by her bodyguard Thororm, also Kaldar. She was accompanied by Kargoth on this visit. The night prior to her arrival in Shard Kargoth was attacked. And when her and her body guard arrived, there was an invasion. They believe it was to kidnap her. Her connection to Urvkil is that he was the advisor to her father years ago, but was banned due to his consorting with voidspawn. When she was asked quietly if the man she spoke of was Urvkil, she got nervous and asked how Skilair knew that name. She quickly quieted her bodyguard Thororm stating any information. They retired shortly after that. They were not to speak of him and that it was too soon to give

Tungal is a Dwarvan Moon Mage and a gifted ring crafter from Hib that we encountered. He stated to us that he knew of an Urvkil from when he was young that was reputed to be the greatest prophet in the lands and among the Kaldar. When describing Urvkil however, he mentioned he was well groomed, finely dressed and had a tattoo of a cute tenebraeling, and he also told us of how he was a royal advisor to the Kaldar. This is not the way Urvkil looked to us in recent visits and we told him that he had been banned from the Kaldar, so he questioned whether or not this one calling himself Urvkil was an imposter.

He mentioned visions that bothered him: The Weasel stalking the Nightingale, the cheating men with the sword under the table and the shapeshifter. Now for those of you who are curious, I have compiled notes on everything I am explaining tonight, so there will be a full detail of all the visions I mention this evening.

Ealuik is a Human Moon Mage who is a high-ranking member of the Children of Kalestraum and is third Scion in Command. He was also concerned of the stars and wanted to speak with Urvkil.

Cleric Guildleader Vecuto, who resides in Forfedhdar, was approached by Skilair and Rience and they were told of a vision the leader was concerned with. I will quote him. Vecuto had a vision of a massive army marching into an unrecognizable city on a starless night. He warned that if the stars fade, the swords won’t be of much good. He went on to say he felt the gods were angry with us, and the void may be enveloping all that we know.”


As you may know, glowing fragments dropped from our skies over the past week or so on several occasions during Meteor Showers. Quick connection - Fynes is a Cleric and Urvkil is a Moon Mage. The fragment when studied could only be discerned by Clerics and Moon Mages.

First a quick blurb on the Immortals I’ll mention.. Tamsine is the goddess of home and hearth, Phelim strew the stars into the sky by gathering some of Tamsine’s tears and setting them into the heavens and Huldah, a dark god of magic, is known as the trickster, and can cause terrible storms which are actually composed of magic.

This glowing fragment was studied by a War Mage, Paladin, Ranger and Empath and they did not find what the Moon Mage or Cleric found. I will give you both of those findings.

What I discerned with this fragment is resonant of a vision that I, along with others, have received upon predicting Events. I’ll quickly summarize that vision before proceeding with the description of the item.

In this vision a cook sobs over a spilled pot, an artist wipes her tears with his brush, turns to his canvas and begins to paint. A shadowed figure comes from behind the canvas, steals the sparkling bits and puts them into a pouch. The figure sees you and throws one towards you and your face is seared with pain as the bit explodes …. Much like when the fragments struck folks I imagine? Be interesting to hear from Empaths what type of wounds they endured. I know that when I handled it without armor, I got frostbite.

The first thing, as a Moon Mage that I detected upon the fragment, was that it had an enormous charge of celestial energy. I noted that this magic within the fragment was drawn down from the planets and stars far removed from Elanthia.

Celestial Energy in an unstructured form is highly unusual and bears detailed study. When I researched this, I found that a possible reason for Grazhir’s demise was a catastrophic celestial event – such as a meteor strike, which caused the moon to explode. “Because Grahzir no longer crossed the skies, it caused the obelisk to melt after a dramatic outburst of celestial energy, killing many people around it.”

Focusing on the fragment, I also noticed there was that there was a connection between Tamsine and Phelim, suggesting it was a star fallen from where it was suspended by Phelim and it had the manifestations of Huldah’s influence, in that it was capable of turning divine tears into something deadly.

When I studied the fragment I noticed there was no spell pattern or enchantment upon it, but it appeared to be and “exaggerated example of meteoric iron”. There was a massive charge of celestial magic upon it from it’s time in the heavens, as stated before, but it’s time here on Elanthia was diminishing this magic. The bitter cold and frostbite surrounding it was much like the results we get with our Starlight Sphere spell.

Its composition suggested meteoric iron, and its magic was of an origin of cold and distant stars. It’s possible that one could view this as a star, but I feel, from studying it, this is not the case. In conclusion, whether it is just a scrap of iron –or- a small piece of stellar fragmentation, it was certainly akin to Stellar Magic.

Keep in mind this fragment fell during the first meteor shower, not the recent one. And sadly, tonight when I studied this same fragment which once held such massive celestial energy, it had in fact turned into an iron scrap with no magical pattern.

And now I will quickly summarize the notes of a Clerical colleague and his findings with this glowing fragment. He is present here tonight to answer your questions as well as the Barbarian who found it.

The Cleric detected an enormous charge of Lunar magic. He too noticed the power was diminishing. He noted that although it appeared to be nothing but a Moon Mages “curio” I believe was the word he chose, he detected it had a trace of divine meaning hidden within it. He also noted the Lunar magic “polluted it”. He sensed three gods within the fragment and told me it was connected with Tamsine, Phelim and Huldah, much like my findings. Also he reasoned that if the “star” was to be left as it is, then Huldah’s influence over it would dominate it.

One last comment he made while studying this fragment was that “despite its fallen state, he concluded that it was still an important relic of Phelim and outside of whatever purpose the gods had set for it, he could likely amplify the Phelim’s Sanction spell with it.”

For those of you not familiar with Phelim’s Sanction, I understand it to be a spell Phelim used to put the World Dragon to sleep, by using a handful of silvery sand. It is meant to stun the target with a divine light and it is thought to be especially useful when dealing with the Undead.

By my hand, a first draft ~Angel Sacredstorm