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Caelumia Y'laeth
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Moon Mage
Instance Prime


  • <a href="#Facts_and_Tidbits">1 Facts and Tidbits</a>
  • <a href="#Early_Life">2 Early Life</a>
  • <a href="#Past_Affiliations_and_Events">3 Past Affiliations and Events</a>
  • <a href="#Current_Doings">4 Current Doings</a>
  • <a href="#Personal_Life">5 Personal Life</a>
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[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Caelumia&action=edit&section=1" title="Edit section: Facts and Tidbits">edit</a>] Facts and Tidbits

Full Name:Caelumia Ekshyl Y'laeth
Date of Birth: 4th day of Moliko 320AV
Caelumia's favorite color is blue.

<a name="Early_Life"></a>

[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Caelumia&action=edit&section=2" title="Edit section: Early Life">edit</a>] Early Life

Born just outside of Leth Deriel in 320AV to the Mountain Elf Silindiel Y'laeth and Jaeryc Kyern. Her father severed ties with his family when she was five after murdering her mother's lover and the facts of her heritage were never revealed to her by her mother.

At age twenty-five her mother was murdered by an unknown (to her) assailant, leaving her on her own and without guidance for the first time in her life. While traveling aimlessly around the border of Ilithi and Zoluren, she crossed paths with a band of traveling entertainers and soothsayers. For nearly a decade she traveled with them, learning the ways of basic Lunar magic while pulling income for the clan as an entertainer.

In 356AV, following the death of her mentor, Caelumia and the clan parted ways in Therengia, where she began working at Mother Gorin's orphanage. It was here she met Mikiri Kyern, only five at the time, and discovered items bearing her father's surname among the things Miki was left with as an infant. Unsure of the connection between the temperamental Human and the father she hadn't seen in over thirty years, she kept a close eye on the child as she grew into a young woman, eventually leaving with her for Zoluren and the grand city of River Crossing in 368AV. Mikiri, being born naturally Empathic joined the guild of Empaths to be taught how to control her abilities; Caelumia, already a proficient user of Lunar mana by way of small tricks and illusions as well as an experienced fortuneteller was taken under the wing of <a href="/wiki/Kssarh" title="Kssarh">Kssarh</a> and shown the ways of the Moon Mage.

<a name="Past_Affiliations_and_Events"></a>

[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Caelumia&action=edit&section=3" title="Edit section: Past Affiliations and Events">edit</a>] Past Affiliations and Events

At one time affiliated with <a href="/wiki/The_Sanguine_Eye" title="The Sanguine Eye">The Sanguine Eye</a>, a group that was ostensibly dedicated to knowledge, learning and more secretly to bringing back <a href="/wiki/Teiro" title="Teiro">Teiro</a> and promoting Elven rule over areas such as <a href="/wiki/Zoluren" title="Zoluren">Zoluren</a> and <a href="/wiki/Leth_Deriel" title="Leth Deriel">Leth Deriel</a>. After being removed from the group after a disagreement with the leader, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Meanne&action=edit" class="new" title="Meanne">Meanne DeIridescence</a>, Caelumia busied herself later causing trouble for the Cleric guild, in the form of having theological discussions.

The discussions, which often brought the ire of guildleader <a href="/wiki/Esuin" title="Esuin">Esuin</a>, culminated in a long drawn out conversation with High Priestess <a href="/wiki/Tallis" title="Tallis">Tallis</a> one evening. While we have no exact record of the event at present, it was very painful to watch and listen as <a href="/wiki/Tallis" title="Tallis">Tallis</a> declared the <a href="/wiki/Immortals" title="Immortals">Eastern Gods</a> to be nothing short of heathen while several <a href="/wiki/Prydaen" title="Prydaen">Prydaen</a> and <a href="/wiki/Rakash" title="Rakash">Rakash</a> clerics were present. This subsequently led to a very, very long ban from the Cleric's guild for Caelumia.

<a name="Current_Doings"></a>

[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Caelumia&action=edit&section=4" title="Edit section: Current Doings">edit</a>] Current Doings

Presently, Caelumia works (though secretly) for <a href="/wiki/Chelia_Redthorne" title="Chelia Redthorne">Chelia Redthorne</a>. In her works, she has found that she has done some good; namely the building of the <a href="/wiki/Ain_Ghazal" title="Ain Ghazal">Ain Ghazal</a> docks. This effort was supported by <a href="/wiki/Chelia_Redthorne" title="Chelia Redthorne">Chelia</a>, and Caelumia was charged with bringing people in to help with construction.

Caelumia proved helpful during fundraising events for the <a href="/wiki/Zoluren" title="Zoluren">Zoluren</a> Orphanage benefits that were given by <a href="/wiki/Ysselt" title="Ysselt">Ysselt</a> for Princess <a href="/wiki/Arilana" title="Arilana">Arilana</a>. She provided ideas, organization and was instrumental in raising a large amount on her own by selling off the right to slaughter her.

More recently, she was bidden to bring weapon material (arrows, wires, etc) to Chelia. Although Chelia remained silent on what exactly these materials were for. With either presence of mind or just for sheer amusement, Caelumia dyed the arrows raspberry pink. The delivery was made with <a href="/w/index.php?title=Karanoi&action=edit" class="new" title="Karanoi">Karanoi</a> picking up the delivery. At this time, <a href="/w/index.php?title=Karanoi&action=edit" class="new" title="Karanoi">Karanoi</a>'s affilation was not known.

Later, reports of raspberry pink arrows started popping up during the crusade led by <a href="/wiki/Tallis" title="Tallis">Tallis</a> in the province of <a href="/wiki/Forfedhdar" title="Forfedhdar">Forfedhdar</a>, much to Caelumia's horror. As many arrows as possible were collected and destroyed.

<a name="Personal_Life"></a>

[<a href="/w/index.php?title=Caelumia&action=edit&section=5" title="Edit section: Personal Life">edit</a>] Personal Life

Caelumia is married to <a href="/w/index.php?title=Sapphyr&action=edit" class="new" title="Sapphyr">Sapphyr</a> Bright-Eyes, a notorious flirt and self-proclaimed ladies man.

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