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Harrel Coldwine is the warden of Leth Deriel

Harrel is knowledgeable in all things elvish, and is quite the historian.

Was lieutennant to Regent Mayor Anbreith of Leth.


You see Harrel Coldwine, an Elven Warden. He has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and blue-green eyes. His flaxen hair is short and thick, and is worn in a simple, loose style. He has weathered skin and a lean build. He is tall for an Elf. He is clean shaven. He is in good shape.

He is wearing a crisp white linen shirt with silver cufflinks, a dark leather sword belt trimmed with small silver thorns, some light cashmere trousers, some dark leather bucket-topped boots with generous upturned cuffs, a hand-tooled leather case and a long black firecat skin cloak clasped with a silver chain.