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Status: Alive
Race: Gor'Tog
Gender: Female
Location: Sazu's Dyeing Chamber (Ranik Map 4a)
Type: shopowner
Relatives: Kerk

Sazu owns the Dyeing Chamber in Tiger Clan.


Sazu's light brown skin is liberally traced with a criss-crossing of wrinkles, particularly about her neck and eyes. Her china blue eyes are kindly, if a little vague in expression, and she peers about her surroundings through a pair of thick coral-rimmed spectacles.

Atmospheric Messaging

  • A very large Gor'Tog with dark brown skin tromps into the room. He places a basket of what looks like dried flowers beneath the table then gives Sazu a kiss on the top of her head before tromping back out again. "My grandson." Sazu says happily to no one in particular, a proud little smile playing about her mouth.
  • Sazu places a basket of roots on her table and begins to sort through them as she hums a traditional Gor'Tog love song to herself, stopping every once in awhile to catch her breath before continuing where she left off.
  • Sazu straightens her apron.
  • Sazu hurries over to her kettle and tosses in several leaves.
  • A loud crash beneath your feet causes Sazu to start and she moves slowly over to the ramp that descends to the basement below. "Kerk, do be careful down there!" She calls out. "Yes Grandmama," a low-pitched rumbling voice calls back in an embarrassed tone.
  • Sazu glances at you with a quizzical expression, "Did you need help with something?"
  • Sazu wanders over to the ramp that descends to the basement below and calls out, "Kerk, I'm running a bit low on cochineal powder, talk to the trader about that the next time you go into the village?"
"Yes Grandmama," a low-pitched rumbling voice calls back.