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Trail markers are used for the Ranger Trail System to point a Ranger with enough skill to the trail, and also give an idea of where the trail leads to.

Trail Marker Trail Destination
the sign of the horned horse Kaerna Village
the sign of the rolling wave Crossing-Haven ferry south side.
the sign of the broken mountain Dirge
to form an X Crossing
the sign of the upright dagger Knife Clan
the sign of the great tree Leth Deriel
the sign of the swift cloud Gondola
the sign of the flat wave formed of raised ridges Leth-Crossing Ferry South Side
the sign of the fenberry bush Gwendalion Fens
the sign of the mountain gorge Seord Kerwaith
the sign of a stocky miner ??
the sign of the tall spire Shard
the sign of the standing horse Gilen Otso Steppes
the sign of the crenellated wall Blackthorn Canyon
the sign of the two-handed tankard Langenfirth
the sign of the deer antler Rossman's Landing
the sign of the crested shield Therenborough
the sign of the shepard's crook Rossman's-Shepard's Meadow
the sign of the noble gate Riverhaven-North gate
the sign of the eastern tower gate Riverhaven-East gate
the sign of the western tower gate Riverhaven-West gate