Stealing list

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Revision as of 19:40, 11 December 2008 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (Moved notes to correct column)
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How difficult an item is to steal is based only on appraisal price and weight.

If you add other provinces, use the monetary conversion factors to put the app price in lirums or dokoras into kronar.

Triviality rank is the minimum rank at which an item will no longer teach. This is based solely off of unbonused base stealing (exp steal). I have added a few triviality ranks but these might not be the minimums. If you are able to verify a minimum triviality ranks (can steal and learn at X, at X+1 I get the trivial message) please add it.

City Shop Item Name App (K) Weight Triviality Rank Notes
Crossing Bathhouse scraping reed 37 3 96
Crossing Bathhouse various soaps 100 2 steal soap in basin
Crossing Bathhouse thin bathrobe 1500 3
Crossing Bathhouse rough white bath towel with a thin woven edge 1375 2 491
Crossing Bathhouse thickly looped fluffy yellow bath towel edged with a wide hunter green ribbon 1375 2
Crossing Bathhouse dingy grey bath towel with a worn tatted edge 1625 2 468
Crossing Bathhouse sumptuous sapphire bath towel with bright yellow ducks embroidered across the hem 2250 2
Crossing Bathhouse beige hand towel 125 1
Crossing Bathhouse grey hand towel 125 1
Crossing Bathhouse white hand towel 125 1
Crossing Tanner hide scraper 350 5
Crossing Tanner tanners' shears 531 10
Crossing Tanner bone bodkin 250 3
Crossing Tanner stout thread 156 3
Crossing Tanner leather lotion 2187 10
Crossing Tanner pelt potion 2187 10
Crossing Tanner various patterns 812 5 376 (all appear to be identical)
Crossing Alchemist large bowl 150 20
Crossing Alchemist small jar 0 5
Crossing Alchemist large jar 187 6
Crossing Alchemist large cauldron 125 100
Crossing Alchemist mortar 125 20 225
Crossing Alchemist pestle 125 3
Crossing Alchemist mixing stick 0 5 25
Crossing Alchemist wayerd pyramid 2750 5
Crossing Alchemist portable stove 312 80
Crossing Alchemist ulonchai bucket 3125 20
Crossing Alchemist tincture jar 1250 5
Crossing Alchemist candle mold 0 2 < 29
Crossing Alchemist water 4 1 29
Crossing Alchemist seolarn weed 1250 2
Crossing Alchemist glaysker flower 937 1
Crossing Alchemist tukai stones 125 10
Crossing Alchemist dracon crystals 125 10
Crossing Alchemist oil 93 15
Crossing Alchemist grain alcohol 25 4 59
Crossing Herbalist Jadice Flower 406 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Plovik Leaf 406 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Nilos Salve 406 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Hulnik Grass 406 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Nemoih Root 406 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Georin Salve 437 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Sufil Sap 437 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Yelith Root 437 6 263
Crossing Herbalist Ithor Potion 468 12
Crossing Herbalist Muljin Sap 468 5
Crossing Herbalist Junliar Stem 468 6
Crossing Herbalist Blocil Potion 468 5
Crossing Herbalist Riolur Leaf 500 5
Crossing Cobbler Hip Boots 375 12
Crossing Cobbler Thigh Boots 343 10
Crossing Cobbler Riding Boots 343 9 251
Crossing Cobbler Snowshoes 312 8 242
Crossing Cobbler Half Boots 250 9
Crossing Cobbler Hobnail Boots 250 9
Crossing Cobbler Jack Boots 250 9
Crossing Cobbler High-Button Shoes 250 8 219
Crossing Cobbler Galoshes 218 9
Crossing Cobbler Work Shoes 218 5
Crossing Cobbler Shoes 218 3 can't steal these b/c of parser
Crossing Cobbler Silk Stockings 218 1
Crossing Cobbler Wooden Clogs 187 5
Crossing Cobbler Pattens 187 3
Crossing Cobbler Field Shoes 168 5
Crossing Cobbler Slippers 156 3
Crossing Cobbler Brogans 125 5
Crossing Cobbler Moccasins 125 3
Crossing Cobbler Boothose 125 1
Crossing Cobbler Tights 125 1
Crossing Cobbler Hose 93 1
Crossing Cobbler Knee Socks 93 1
Crossing Cobbler Sandals 50 20
Crossing Cobbler Anklets 62 1 119
Crossing Cobbler Socks can't steal these b/c of parser
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Various Flowers 18 1 <16 (all are identical)
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Bouquet 625 1
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Wreath 625 2
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Crown 625 2
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Corsage 625 2
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Wristlet 625 1
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Boutonniere 625 1
Crossing Orielda's Blossoms Preservative Potion 625 2
Crossing Weapons Sling 31 10 91
Crossing Weapons Dagger 100 10
Crossing Weapons Foil 187 16
Crossing Weapons Short Sword 156 18
Crossing Weapons Rapier 250 18
Crossing Weapons Cudgel 31 20 128
Crossing Weapons Short Bow 112 20
Crossing Weapons Cutlass 125 24
Crossing Weapons Scimitar 262 31
Crossing Weapons Longsword 281 33
Crossing Weapons Broadsword 287 35
Crossing Weapons Gauntlet 50 35
Crossing Weapons Longbow 175 35
Crossing Weapons Bo Stick 43 40
Crossing Weapons Composite Bow 343 40
Crossing Weapons Hunting Sword 250 40
Crossing Weapons Hand Axe 187 41
Crossing Weapons Ball and Chain 300 44
Crossing Weapons Mace 156 44
Crossing Weapons Arrows 37 45
Crossing Weapons Crossbow Bolts 56 45
Crossing Weapons Long Arrows 93 45
Crossing Weapons Barbed Arrows 125 45
Crossing Weapons Battle Axe 350 46
Crossing Weapons War Hammer 156 46
Crossing Weapons Quarterstaff 56 50
Crossing Weapons Spear 187 50
Crossing Weapons Flanged Mace 312 51
Crossing Weapons Flail 406 56
Crossing Weapons Staff Sling 50 60
Crossing Weapons Two-Handed Sword 437 60
Crossing Weapons Halberd 281 62
Crossing Weapons War Mattock 406 71
Crossing Weapons Light Crossbow 312 75 661
Crossing Weapons War Club 62 75
Crossing Weapons Pike 312 80
Crossing Weapons Heavy Crossbow 500 150
Crossing Weapons Large Rocks 0 150
Crossing Weapons Small Rocks 0 150
Crossing Armory Double Chain Mail 1375 500
Crossing Armory Half Plate 1875 500
Crossing Armory Chain Hauberk 1125 400
Crossing Armory Leather Cuirbouilli Coat 262 350
Crossing Armory Leather Coat 175 300
Crossing Armory Metal Breastplate 1250 300
Crossing Armory Ring Mail 500 300
Crossing Armory Chain Lorica 1500 250
Crossing Armory Chain Shirt 656 250
Crossing Armory Full Chain Helm 81 100 435
Crossing Armory Bascinet Helm 187 170
Crossing Armory Visored Helm 218 170
Crossing Armory Chain Helm 56 100 376
Crossing Armory Robe 62 90
Crossing Armory Leather Breastplate 112 150
Crossing Armory Hooded Cloak 62 80
Crossing Armory Scale Aventail 50 90
Crossing Armory Scale Greaves 50 90
Crossing Armory Scale Vambraces 50 90
Crossing Armory Chain Vambraces 37 100
Crossing Armory Chain Aventail 31 100
Crossing Armory Cloak 50 60
Crossing Armory Reinforced Greaves 25 60
Crossing Armory Reinforced Vambraces 25 60
Crossing Armory Mail Gloves 37 45
Crossing Armory Leather Reinforced Aventail 18 60
Crossing Armory Leather Reinforced Helm 37 40
Crossing Armory Chain Greaves 37 30
Crossing Amory Leather Greaves 18 40
Crossing Armory Leather Vambraces 18 40
Crossing Armory Leather Aventail 12 40 133
Crossing Armory Leather Jerkin 93 100 459
Crossing Armory Reinforced Gloves 25 25 131
Crossing Armory Leather Helm 25 20 119
Crossing Armory Leather Gloves 18 15 91
Crossing Armory Gloves 10 10 62
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods hip pouch 62 10
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods clippers 250 3 219
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods envelope 21 1 36
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods large box 5 75
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods small box 5 56
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods sack 56 20
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods canvas sack 56 30
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods herb pouch 52 10
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods coin purse 30 1 <22
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods knapsack 93 1
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods backpack 106 60
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods leather sheath 112 30
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods dagger sheath 100 20
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods embossed quiver 125 40
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods ornate scabbard 112 30 259
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods reed torch 62 20
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods protable stove 312 80 685
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods heavy rope 93 3
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods small spade 100 3
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods trowel 81 3 <= 133
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods ice pick 68 18
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods bundling rope 0 5
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods dried meat 10 1
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods acanth bark 1 10 36
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods mixed teffelberries 1 10 36
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods woven handkerchief 60 1 116
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods lace handkerchief 62 1 119
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods tinderbox 62 10 <= 119
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods flint 81 1 133
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods charcoal 1 4 32
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods hair brush 0 5
Crossing Berolt's Dry Goods razor 250 3
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Ring 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Band 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Signet Ring 250 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Pendant 250 5 219
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Lavaliere 281 5 231
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Necklace 218 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Chain 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Choker 156 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Barrette 62 5 119
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Circlet 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Crown 281 6 231
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Hairpin 50 6 111
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Bracelet 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Armbands 218 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Anklet 56 5 113
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Brooch 187 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Clasp 156 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Pin 135 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Earrings 125 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Stud 100 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Wedding Ring 312 5
Crossing Grisgonda's Gems and Jewels Engagement Ring 343 5 251
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Dress 312 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Flared Skirt 312 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Caftan 250 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Smock 250 30
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Blouse 218 25
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Shawl 218 15
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Bonnet 218 8
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Vest 218 5
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Fur Muff 218 3
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Hat 187 8
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Straw Hat 187 7
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Long Gloves 187 2
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Cloche 156 5
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Stole 156 5
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Hood 125 6
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Beret 125 5
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Cap 125 5
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Leather Belt 125 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Gloves 125 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Ribbons 125 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Sash 125 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Scarf 125 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Hair Bow 93 1
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Frock 281 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Gown 625 50
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Robe 250 30
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Shirt 312 30
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Tunic 281 30
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Culottes 281 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Skirt 250 40
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Hoop Skirt 343 50
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Tiered Skirt 312 45
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Leggings 218 30
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Slim Pants 250 35
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Burnoose 375 50
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Cloak 250 25
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Hooded Cloak 250 35
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Jacket 375 35
Crossing Marcipur's Stitchery Long Coat 500 60
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Silver Bell 1250 3 468
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Silver Vial 250 2 219
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Holy Habit 112 70
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Chasuble 96 60
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Coffer 87 60
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Red Wine 125 5
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Basin 75 50
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Buskins 62 30
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Clerical Collar 62 20
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Vessel 62 20
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Skullcap 50 20
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Sandals 50 20
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Chalice 62 5 <= 119
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Incense 62 1 119
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Small Grey-brown Feather 31 1 <=22
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Lavender 25 6 65
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Chamomile 25 5 65
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Sage 25 5
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Sirese Flower 25 5
Crossing Brother Durantine's Cleric Shop Blue-grey Plume Feather 87 1
Crossing Card Collector Case 1250 10 468
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Bodhran 625 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Six Gut Strings 460 2
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Repair Kit Refill 415 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Four Silk Strings 375 2
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Four Gut Strings 363 2
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Bodhran Skin 312 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Bow 312 6
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Flute 250 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Small Case 250 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Tipper 250 5
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Tambourine 187 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Tin Whistle 187 6
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Ocarina 187 5
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Bones 187 2
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Cloth 153 6
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Tambourine Skin 112 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Rag 112 5
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Pick 31 2 48
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Case of Silver 1875 20
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Drum Pouch 500 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Fiddle 937 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Long Pouch 250 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Lute 312 10
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Lyre 187 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Mandolin 625 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Medium Case 250 15
Crossing Bard D'Or, Fine Instruments Repair Kit 691 20
Crossing Ragge's Locksmithing slim lockpick 62 1 119
Crossing Ragge's Locksmithing ordinary lockpick 62 1 119
Crossing Ragge's Locksmithing stout lockpick 62 5 138
Crossing Herilo's Artifacts talisman 0 5
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Doublet 312 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Surcoat 375 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Jerkin 250 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Shirt 250 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Breeches 312 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Buckskins 343 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Braies 312 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Kilt 281 15
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Overalls 375 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Trousers 312 20
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Coat 562 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Greatcoat 656 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Jacket 500 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Capote 562 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Tabard 500 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Tail Coat 750 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Waistcoat 625 30
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Beret 158 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Calotte 187 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Felt Hat 187 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Hood 125 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Peaked Cap 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Skullcap 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Tam 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Tricorne 218 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Ascot 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Belt 218 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Bowtie 125 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Cravat 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Cummerbund 187 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Kid Gloves 281 3 231
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Sash 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Tie 156 3
Crossing Brisson's Haberdashery Vest 250 3
Arthe Dale Quellia's Thread Shop needle 125 1
Arthe Dale Quellia's Thread Shop bobbin 250 2
Arthe Dale Quellia's Thread Shop Guild Patterns 1250 2 468 (all are identical)
Arthe Dale Quellia's Thread Shop Animal Patterns 1000 2 (all are identical)
Arthe Dale Quellia's Thread Shop embroidery pouch 62 1
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Starless Eyes Scroll 375 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Swift Runs the Blood Scroll 375 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Winesong's Tale Scroll 375 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Silverlock Scroll 1250 5 468
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Wonder Scroll 375 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Song of the Gods Scroll 750 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Chant of the Dark Gods Scroll 625 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Song to Lost Children Scroll 625 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Seasealm's Song Scroll 500 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Valor Song Scroll 375 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Peri'el's Song Scroll 1875 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads Itharr's Song Scroll 1000 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads rag 112 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads cloth 153 5
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads repair kit 691 20
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads repair kit refill 415 15
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads six strings 460 2
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads four strings 363 2
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads bodhran skin 312 15
Arthe Dale Barley Bulrush, Bardic Ballads tambourine skin 112 15
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends long hooded cloak
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends worn hooded cloak
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends shimmer shawl
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends shimmer cloak
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends shimmer scarf
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends shimmer ribbon 37500 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends silk fan 250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends floppy hat
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends wide-brimmed hat
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends leather hat
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends steel-rimmed monocle 3125 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends bone-rimmed monocle
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends steel-rimmed spectacles
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends bone-rimmed spectacles
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends various dolls 2500 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends crocodile tooth earring 1250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends slaughskin chocker 1250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends boobrie feather hairpin 1250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends spider-silk hair net 1250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends troll tooth necklace 1250 5
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends grendle-skin belt pouch 1250 1
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends silk-lined bodice purse 1250 1
Arthe Dale Odds 'n Ends arbelog claw pendant 1250 5
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions smock 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions frock 375 30
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions overalls 312 35
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions jumper 312 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions pinafore 343 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions smoking-jacket 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions sweather 312 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions shirt 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions blouse 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions dirndl 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions knickers 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions trousers 250 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions shawl 187 20
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions cape 218 25
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions vest 187 18
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions apron 156 18
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions muffler 156 12
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions neckerchief 156 12
Arthe Dale Phoebe's Fashions snood 93 12
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Odd Bodkin 100 8
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Butcher's Knife 50 9
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Curved Long Knife 250 15
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Hatchet 187 41
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Gleaming Short Sword 250 18
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Short Hunting Spear 218 20
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Sling 187 10
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Wicker Vest 125 60
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Stiffened Linen Cuirass 156 100
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Tooled Leather Coat 187 175
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Soft Doeskin Corselet 125 60
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Bezainted Leather Breastplate 250 140
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Quilted Ring Mail 625 200
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Stout Buckler 75 70
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Small Round Shield 75 70
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Hide-Covered Wooden Shield 75 60
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Turtle Shell Shield 187 120
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Braided Wicker Shield 162 80
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Cooking Pot Lid 18 40
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Soft Leather Hood 37 15 116
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Kitchen Pot Helm 25 35
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Mini Leather Vambraces 25 25
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Mini Leather Legguards 25 25
Arthe Dale Bobba's Arms and Armor Smooth Rocks 3 150
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge plain short sword 156 18
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge tiger-toothed morning star 625 55
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge hooked battle axe 350 46
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge massive double-bladed broadaxe 5000 80
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge heavy war hammer 156 46
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge sturdy mace 156 44
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge tiger claw mace 312 51
Tiger Clan Havor's Forge war mattock 406 71
Tiger Clan Herb Shop jadice pollen 406 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop ojhenik potion 468 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop nuloe stem 468 5
Tiger Clan Herb Shop cebi root 250 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop qun pollen 406 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop genich stem 468 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop hulij elixir 468 6
Tiger Clan Herb Shop hisan salve 300 6
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Trousers 375 5
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Tunic 375 5
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Robes 500 10
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Cloak 437 8
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Hood 312 1
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Knapsack 312 5
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Bundle 250 1
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Bag 312 1
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Pouch 250 10
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Tiger-Engraved Scabbard 437 40
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Tiger-Embossed Quiver 437 40
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Tiger Medallion 437 5
Tiger Clan Peddler's Wagon Albreda Breastpin 437 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods vest 93 100
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods armbands 62 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods legbands 62 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods neckguard 62 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods tasset 62 50
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods leathers 1875 550
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods helm 50 70
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods armor 1250 400
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods breastplate 150 200
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods brigandine 168 250
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods coat 6250 20
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods jacket 6250 20
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods cloak 6250 20
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods tunic 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods waistcoat 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods skirt 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods Pants 1250 5 468
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods gloves 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods hat 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods boots 1250 20
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods belt 1250 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods right eyepatch 62 1 119
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods shawl 62 5 119
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods sash 18 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods bandana 18 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods scarf 18 5
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods sheath 112 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods pouch 43 10 < 119
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods sack 0 2
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods backpack 62 60
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods quiver 125 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods scabbard 112 40
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods backtube 1000 45
Wolf Clan Brigetta's Tanned Goods harness 625 40
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy skinning knife 125 10
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy bronze knife 175 10
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy iron knife 200 15
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy steel knife 225 10
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy carving knife 125 9
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy hunting knife 250 12
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy sun blade 312 16
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy steel shriike 375 18
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy curved kythe 375 18
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy stiletto 150 18
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy bronze throwing dagger 200 10
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy iron throwing dagger 225 15
Knife Clan Tobb's Smithy steel throwing dagger 250 10
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks supple leather jerkin 750 90
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks full leather coat 2250 340
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks tanned leather breastplate 1250 130
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks double leather breastplate 1750 220
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks reinforced cuirbouilli coat 3250 450
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks tasseled leather gloves 25 25 131
Knife Clan Burkor's Leatherworks tanned leather helm 50 70
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Working Gloves 62 10 119
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Tarp 137 30
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Feathered Charm 250 5
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Bracers 87 60
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Skinning Knife 250 9
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Woodcutter's Hatchet 375 41
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Small Barrel 250 125
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Small Chest 250 5
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Large Chest 437 10
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Pouch 25 10 85
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Sturdy Backpack 62 60
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Smock 250 25
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Shirt 218 25
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Breeches 218 25
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Coat 312 30
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Cloak 218 40
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Boots 62 20
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Socks 25 3 51
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Hat 50 8 111
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Belt 25 8 76
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Sirese Garland 6 4
Kaerna Village Grek's Food and Supplies Various Foods 1 10 (all are identical)
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Spiked Jerkin 500 120
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Heavy Leather Breastplate 562 350
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Cuirbouilli Vest 186 150
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Heavy Ring Mail 937 400
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Mail Jerkin 625 275
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Laminated Chain Mail 2500 320
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Wrought Breastplate 1875 275
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Spiked Breastplate 750 325
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Massive Plate Armor 6875 650
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Goatskin Helm 12 10 68
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Heavy Leather Helm 62 40
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Barrel Helm 150 56
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Bascinet 62 170
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Banded Aventail 56 110
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Articulated Aventail 12 120
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Chain Greaves 37 30
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Articulated Greaves 8 35
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Chainmail Armguards 18 100
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Articulated Armguards 18 90
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Strong Leather Shield 187 160
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Target Shield 37 70
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Heavy Dagger 125 30
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Stout Short Sword 156 20
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Vicious Rapier 250 25
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Hand Axe 187 41
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Reinforced Longsword 531 50
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Dwarven Battle Axe 1875 96
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Ironhill Greatsword 1875 150
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Ironhill Stiletto 93 16
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Heavy Bludgeon 62 75
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Dwarven Hammer 500 55
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Spiked Mace 625 75
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Spiked Ball Chain 562 60
Dirge Iron Mountain Weapons Ironhill Mattock 656 150
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Cap 187 7
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Goathair Robe 250 3
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Simple Robe 375 3
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Lined Cloak 375 60
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Hooded Cloak 437 80
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Backpack 312 60
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Goatskin Pouch 93 1
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Small Sheath 125 20
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Hip Pouch 62 10
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Long Sheath 187 40
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Sack 187 2
Dirge Ahnglor's General Store Leather Belt 125 5
Shard Demiciil's Armory Great Helm 200 dok 200
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Waistguard 27 150
Shard Demiciil's Armory Armet Helmet 150 dok 90
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Armguards 27 100
Shard Demiciil's Armory Mesh Handguards 67 50
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Balaclava 58 dok 100
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Veil 100 dok 58
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Mail Choker 22 dok 100
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Belt 22 70
Shard Demiciil's Armory Reinforced Greaves 18 60
Shard Demiciil's Armory Reinforced Vambraces 18 60
Shard Demiciil's Armory Mail Gauntlets 27 45
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Mask 36 dok 70
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Coif 36 dok 70
Shard Demiciil's Armory Chain Legguards 27 30
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Legbands 13 40
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Armbands 13 40
Shard Demiciil's Armory Wide Leather Collar 9 40
Shard Demiciil's Armory Leather Gloves 13 15
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Shield 225 d 150
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Buckler 108 d 100
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Two-Handed Warring Axe 902 d 85
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Two-Fisted Marauder's Blade 2706 d 80
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Targe 45 d 50
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Razor-Edged Cutlass 1353 d 35
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Cross-Strap Handled Hatchet 902 d 35
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Elothean Cup-Hilt Rapier 902 d 30
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Acid-Etched Sabre 1353 d 29
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Darkly-Tinted Oben 902 d 18
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Polished Elven Telo 902 d 16
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Swept-Hilt Fencing Foil 902 d 16
Shard Fiona's Fine Swords and Shields Slender Stiletto 902 d 10
Shard Genevive's Sweet Tooth Anything on first 2 pages 0 10
Shard Genevive's Sweet Tooth gift box 0 5
Shard Genevive's Sweet Tooth <color> Cookies 0 1
Shard Genevive's Sweet Tooth <color> Crackers 0 1
Shard Genevive's Sweet Tooth gift bag 0 1
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Twelve Strings 498 2
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Recorder 270 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Four Strings 262 2
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Bodhran Skin 225 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Bow 225 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Tipper 180 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Fife 135 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Bones 135 2
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Tambourine 126 10
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Lyre 396 d 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Cloth 110 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Tambourine Skin 81 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Ocarina 90 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Pick 22 2 48
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Rag 18 5
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Bodhran 451 10
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Case of Gold 4510 d 20
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Gittern 902 d 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Violin 811 d 10
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Mandolin 451 d 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Repair Kit 498 d 20
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks Repair Kit Refill 299 d 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks SmallCase 180 10
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks MediumCase 180 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks LongPouch 180 15
Shard Malik the True Bard, Instruments and Picks DrumPouch 360 d 15
Shard Kilam's Locks stout bronze lockpick 135 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks bronze lockpick 225 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks slim ivory lockpick 721 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks slim copper lockpick 1353 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks quality copper lockpick 5412 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks slim diamondique lockpick 10824 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks ivory keyblank 766 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks soft iron keyblank 90 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks bronze keyblank 135 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks copper keyblank 180 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks snakeskin wrist sheath 225 d 20
Shard Kilam's Locks simple silver bracer 541 d 1
Shard Kilam's Locks black calfskin hipboots 315 d 20
Shard Kilam's Locks engraved gold locket 1082 d 5
Shard Kilam's Locks ruby signet ring 1353 d 5
Shard Meek's Stitchery Shirt 135 30
Shard Meek's Stitchery Tunic 112 30
Shard Meek's Stitchery Skirt 90 40
Shard Meek's Stitchery Pants 90 35
Shard Meek's Stitchery Trousers 90 35
Shard Meek's Stitchery Cloak 90 25
Shard Meek's Stitchery Leggings 67 30
Shard Meek's Stitchery Blouse 67 25
Shard Meek's Stitchery Hat 67 8
Shard Meek's Stitchery Bodice 67 5
Shard Meek's Stitchery Vest 67 5
Shard Meek's Stitchery Beret 45 6 119
Shard Meek's Stitchery Cap 45 5
Shard Meek's Stitchery Hood 45 5
Shard Meek's Stitchery Gloves 45 1
Shard Meek's Stitchery Shawl 67 d 15
Shard Meek's Stitchery Gown 270 d 50
Shard Meek's Stitchery Coat 180 d 60
Shard Meek's Stitchery Jacket 135 d 35
Shard Meek's Stitchery Dress 135 d 40
Shard Meek's Stitchery Robes 90 d 30
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Seolarn Weed 902 d 2
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Glaysker Flower 676 d 1
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Tukai Stones 157 d 10
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Dracon Crystals 180 d 10
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Water 4 d 1
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Oil 67 d 15
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Large Bowl 108 d 20
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Small Vial 0 5
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Large Vial 135 d 5
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Large Cauldron 90 d 100 pitted bronze cauldron
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Mortar 90 d 20 ball-footed mortar
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Pestle 90 d 3 bone-handled pestle
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Mixing Stick 0 5 split-reed mixing stick
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Wayerd Pyramid 1984 d 5 bone-trimmed wayerd pyramid
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Portable Stove 225 d 80 portable bronze stove
Shard Osut'vie (Alchemist) Unlonchai Bucket 2255 d 20
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom junliar stem 676 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom muljin sap 676 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom yelith root 676 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom eghmok potion 676 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom nemoih root 631 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom jadice pollen 451 6
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom cebi root 451 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom qun pollen 405 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom genich stem 405 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom riolur leaf 297 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom georin salve 631 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom sufil sap 631 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom plovik leaf 586 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom nilos salve 586 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom jadice flower 586 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom hulnik grass 586 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom hisan salve 541 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom nuloe stem 451 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom hulij elixir 451 d 5
Shard Osut'vie Stillroom ojhenik potion 451 d 5
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop platinum anklet 36869
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop mosaic plate 18592
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop temple globe 14432
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop museum globe 14432
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop mammoth globe 14432
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop volcano globe 14432
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Kerenhappuch globe 14432
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop immortals plate 13748
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop polychromatic skirt 12500
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Eluned plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Hodierna plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Kertigen plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Tamsine plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Glythtide plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Faenella plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Everild plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Damaris plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Meraud plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Urrem'tier plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Truffenyi plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Hav'roth plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop Chadatru plate 9779
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop amber pendant 9572
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop silver bracelet 8146
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop amber earrings 6397
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop silk blouse 5449
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop amber earring 3718
Shard Scholars' Museum, Gift Shop black slippers 3173
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Simple Talisman ? 5 (can't appraise)
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Large Talisman ? 5 (can't appraise)
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Ilmenite-Tipped Wand 9020 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Scheelite Rod 9020 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Indakar Rattle 4510 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Cambrinth Ring 5412 d 2
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Axinite Runestone 5412 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Azurite Runestone 5412 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Calavarite Runestone 1353 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Celestite Runestone 13530 d 5 this app price looks like a bug, but is correct
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Elbaite Runestone 1353 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Rhodonite Runestone 1353 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Selenite Runestone 5412 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Xibaryl Runestone 2706 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Imnera Runestone 2706 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Asketine Runestone 2706 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Avaes Runestone 2706 d 5
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Naphtha 2164 8
Shard Sierack's Reagents, Showroom Belradi Potion 2706 5
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Holy Oil 541 15
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Votive Candle 108 2
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Vial 90 2
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Vessel 45 20
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Wine Goblet 45 12
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Chalice 45 10
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Incense 45 1
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Chamomile 18 3 45
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Sage 18 3 45
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Lavender 18 2 45
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Sirese Flower 18 2
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Mobar Blood
Shard Sister Imadrail's Emporium Golden Bell
Shard Tannery sling pattern 586 5
Shard Tannery tanners' shears 383 10
Shard Tannery hide scraper 252 5
Shard Tannery bone bodkin 180 3
Shard Tannery stout thread 112 3
Shard Tannery thin mask pattern 5
Shard Tannery moccasin pattern 5
Shard Tannery leather lotion
Shard Tannery pelt potion
Shard Tannery Reinforced Pattern
Shard The Straight and Arrow Barbed Arrows 90 45
Shard The Straight and Arrow Long Arrows 67 35
Shard The Straight and Arrow Crossbow Bolts 40 45
Shard The Straight and Arrow Flight Shears 22 8
Shard The Straight and Arrow bodkin arrowhead 18 2
Shard The Straight and Arrow Wood Shaper 0 10
Shard The Straight and Arrow bishop arrowhead 0 2
Shard The Straight and Arrow barbed arrowhead 0 2
Shard The Straight and Arrow warhead arrowhead 0 2
Shard The Straight and Arrow broad-tip arrowhead 0 2
Shard The Straight and Arrow Fletching Pouch 0 1
Shard The Straight and Arrow Feather Flights 0 1
Shard The Straight and Arrow Flight Glue 0 1 17
Shard The Straight and Arrow Steel Short Bow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Leather Wrapped Longbow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Iron Tipped Longbow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Ivory-Inlaid Composite Bow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Elothean Silverwillow Crossbow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Onyx-Inlaid Light Crossbow
Shard The Straight and Arrow Blackened Ironwood Crossbow
Shard Zerek's General Store full plate armor 700
Shard Zerek's General Store full leather armor 180 350
Shard Zerek's General Store weapon strap 451 5
Shard Zerek's General Store full chain armor 450
Shard Zerek's General Store scimitar 189 31
Shard Zerek's General Store great helm 200
Shard Zerek's General Store enameled bronze clippers 180 3
Shard Zerek's General Store steel-bladed brass razor 180 3
Shard Zerek's General Store mace 112 44
Shard Zerek's General Store heavy crossbow 150
Shard Zerek's General Store short sword 112 18
Shard Zerek's General Store quiver 90 40
Shard Zerek's General Store scabbard 99 30
Shard Zerek's General Store full leather helm 36 70
Shard Zerek's General Store short bow 81 20
Shard Zerek's General Store throwing dagger 90 10
Shard Zerek's General Store full chain helm 100
Shard Zerek's General Store reinforced leather shield 45 50
Shard Zerek's General Store crossbow bolts 40 45
Shard Zerek's General Store light crossbow 75
Shard Zerek's General Store knapsack 31 30
Shard Zerek's General Store two-handed sword 60
Shard Zerek's General Store backpack 60
Shard Zerek's General Store shoulder sack 36 20
Shard Zerek's General Store torch 45 10
Shard Zerek's General Store carving knife 36 9
Shard Zerek's General Store reinforced gloves 18 25
Shard Zerek's General Store hip pouch 31 10
Shard Zerek's General Store arrows 27 10
Shard Zerek's General Store broadsword 35
Shard Zerek's General Store javelin 35
Shard Zerek's General Store longbow 35
Shard Zerek's General Store flint 9 5
Shard Zerek's General Store charcoal 0 4 31
Shard Zerek's General Store hairbrush 0 1
Shard Zerek's General Store backtube
Shard Zerek's General Store gelfurjaal unguent
Muspar'i Sho'hh Mig cambrinth tailband 18750 2
Muspar'i Stone Bones divination bones 13858 5
Muspar'i Laskaf's Alchemy blue mortar 5203 20
Muspar'i Olgoidan's Eggs egg 5125 20
Muspar'i Neidle's Patterns desert pattern 1875 2 580
Muspar'i Almalne's Festive Wear kamis 3750 5
Muspar'i Naarti'hh'naartin mantle 6250 30
Muspar'i a dim shop gor'tog doll 1617 10 570
Muspar'i a dim shop pirate doll 2378 10 585
Muspar'i S'hhrkith's Instruments yarghul 9375 15
Muspar'i Ishanmik's darje 6250 10
Muspar'i Uramih's Perfumeries black bottle 1875 5 570
Muspar'i Uramih's Perfumeries red bottle 1750 5 570
Muspar'i Adaashjah's Perfumes decanter 6250 10
Langenfirth Leather Goods leather baldric 405
Langenfirth Leather Goods leather harnes 433
Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues fiddle bow 256
Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues fiddle 405
Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues violin 445
Riverhaven Cleric shop holy oil 442
Riverhaven General store scraper 253
Riverhaven Gift shop back room skeleton card 405 All cards cap at same rank?
Rossmans Landing General Store dagger 416
Riverhaven Clothiers jerkin 250 10 242
Rossmans Landing Forge hilt 800 419
Therenborough Tarsha's emporium breeches 312 10 242
Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues rebec bow 259
Riverhaven Enfermine's Dry Goods scabbard 259
Riverhaven House of Bardic Blues violin bow 263
Riverhaven Fine Leaf's End olvio pipe 263
Riverhaven Noel's Arms silvered rapier 263
Riverhaven Clothiers robes 263
Therenborough Cleric Shop small corked jar 263
Raven's Point RP Gen Store battle axe 6314
Raven's Point RP Gen Store hammer 5412 55
Raven's Point RP Gen Store shears 2255
Raven's Point RP Gen Store scimitar 1894 31
Raven's Point RP Gen Store strap 902 5
Raven's Point RP Gen Store carving knife 360 9
Raven's Point RP Gen Store Wood Shaper 112 10
Raven's Point RP Gen Store arrows 90 10
Raven's Point RP Gen Store bolts 94 3
Raven's Point RP Gen Store flights 45 1
Raven's Point RP Gen Store Skinning Knife 36 9
Raven's Point RP Gen Store arrowhead 40 2
Raven's Point RP Gen Store glue 31 1
Raven's Point Smoke Shop pouch 1136
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Hunter's tobacco 360 1
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Pass tobacco 360 1
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Miner's tobacco 360 1
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Warm tobacco 360
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Frosty tobacco 360
Raven's Point Smoke Shop Wintergreen tobacco 270 1
Raven's Point Smoke Shop pine pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop blackwood pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop mikkhalbamar pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop stone pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop cherrywood pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop white pipe 202 7
Raven's Point Smoke Shop applewood pipe 202 7
Hibarnvidar Drangvold's Sundries scrimshaw knife
Hibarnvidar Drangvold's Sundries oak-hafted hatchet 1307 41
Hibarnvidar Drangvold's Sundries pitted steel broadsword 1804 35
Hibarnvidar Drangvold's Sundries battered bronze bastard sword 108240 47
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal triangular sipar 405 70
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal ash-blackened sipar 608 70
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal jagged-edged kwarf 3382 150
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal red kite shield 17110 150
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal oval shield 10282 140
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal iron valnik shield 13530 150
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal Dwarven warrior's shield 2706 140
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal black tower shield 5412 200
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal Target Shield 304 70
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal silver curved shield 6783 100
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal circular valnik shield 5989 100
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal eight-sided kite shield 6268 150
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal eight-sided medium shield 1623 100
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal eight-sided oval shield 2706 140
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal eight-sided curved shield 1623 100
Hibarnvidar Hvairn's Showldh Stal Diamoned-shaped kwarf 20069 150