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Chakrel is a unique reddish-orange gemstone found in/near old and inactive lava tube. It can be substituted for a flame when Barbarians MEDITATE on their Inner Fire. Chakrel is a hard material and extremely difficult to work with; only Vishlan is known to be able to work chakrel.
Chakrel has three forms: rough, perfect, and weapons grade.
Rough Chakrel
Meditating on rough chakrel shows the status of your Inner Fire. As when meditating on a real flame, there is a delay.
Look: the lump of uncut reddish-orange stone contains slender black streaks and a white flame-shaped inclusion at its heart
Perfect Chakrel
Meditating on perfect chakrel instantly shows the status of your Inner Fire.
Look: the carefully shaped reddish-orange stone contains slender black streaks and a perfect white flame-shaped inclusion exactly centered inside the stylized flame.
Weapons Grade
Meditating on this chakrel will fully restore your Inner Fire. This type of chakrel is found in the rare chakrel-embedded weapons.
Look: The reddish-orange stone from which this large faceted chakrel orb is cut contains slender black streaks surrounding a large white flame-shaped inclusion at its heart.
Barbarians may use chakrel in place of a flame to perform meditations to learn of their Inner Fire level. Chakrel jewelry requires that it be held, and either a five-second round time penalty while standing or the user be kneeling.
In addition, certain very rare items have a form of chakrel that will increase a Barbarian's Inner Fire regeneration rate.
While chakrel may be altered by very rare merchants (Vishlan and Snidley are the only ones currently known), regardless of the form it finally takes, it must retain the reference to the "reddish-orange stone contains slender black streaks and a white flame-shaped inclusion at its heart." As of this update, chakrel is not allowed to be placed into anything but jewelry type items.
Items Using Chakrel
- Agonite dragon's talon clutching a chakrel globe
- Arced chakrel comet hung from a blackened iron chain
- Brass and chakrel spike
- Buffed chakrel war hammer amulet hung from a twisted leather cord
- Burrowing chakrel armadillo amulet hung from an anlora-avtoma chain
- Chakrel ale mug amulet hung from a brass chain
- Chakrel amulet carved to resemble a bonfire
- Chakrel amulet depicting a severed foot riddled with teeth marks
- Chakrel amulet shaped like a burning corn-cob pipe
- Chakrel amulet shaped like a carved pumpkin
- Chakrel amulet shaped like a jack-o-lantern
- Chakrel badge clumsily carved with the words "Work Harder, Not Smarter"
- Chakrel blade-warrior amulet suspended from an agonite chain
- Chakrel blood drop amulet hung from a length of sinew
- Chakrel bracer carved with a sleeping dragon
- Chakrel brandy snifter amulet hung from a brass chain
- Chakrel fist hung from a thick rope
- Chakrel funnel cloud amulet hung from a blackened silver chain
- Chakrel gear attached to a curving metal band
- Chakrel key hung from a thin leather strip
- Chakrel necklace with a pendant resembling an open eye
- Chakrel rat hung from a braided leather strap
- Chakrel smith's hammer amulet hung from a chain of glaes links
- Chakrel spider suspended from braided spidersilk
- Chakrel stone amulet with the Barbarians' Guild Crest hung from a damite chain
- Chakrel teardrinker brandishing a Be'ort scission blade
- Chakrel toe-ring wrought like a tiny spider
- Chakrel volcano amulet hung from a black iron chain
- Chakrel whirlwind suspended from silvery chainmail
- Coiled chakrel cobra amulet hung from a black iron chain