Khri Flight

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Revision as of 21:41, 21 October 2008 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs) (adapted to GuildAbility template)
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Thief thumb.jpgThief Guild
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: khri, khri / Unknown
Use Cost: 17 Concentration
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Ivitha sighs before saying, "When all else fails, sometimes it's time to cut your losses and run. There's a way to focus the mind so that every avenue of escape is clearly visible, augmenting the chance you'll be able to get to it. Hopefully it will serve you as well as it has me."
Effect: , , , , If the avoidance meditation helps the Thief survive the trouble they've gotten into, flight helps them get out of it. Escaping from even the trickiest situations becomes that much easier with the right mindset.
Messaging: Knowing that a dose of paranoia is healthy for any aspiring Thief, your mind fixates on every possible avenue of escape available to you.