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Crystal City Players/Logs/A Sojourner's Love Story

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A Sojourner's Love Story was the tenth performance by the Crystal City Players, and was performed at the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater in Shard. It was a lighthearted romantic drama mixed with comedy and song written by Shaylynne Kendialahle.

The performance was held in the year 451 on the 332nd day. (The 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine. Year of the Amber Phoenix.)


Director/Charlotte - Ayrell Evyntine

Playwright/Gabriella - Shaylynne Kendiahle

Addam - Ezerak Evyntine-Vershir

Phaenna - Siendra Vauns'Arotru

Lennan - Senthic Heru'Armiarma

Ryley - Nyrhin Essrotha

Special Note

This production was the first performance by The Crystal City Players following the rescue and return of five adventurers who were abducted and held captive by the Heralds in a Null Prison for a year. Ayrell Evyntine, director of The Crystal City Players, was among those five. For that reason, the return of The Crystal City Players to the stage on this night was a momentous occasion to have the troupe together again.


Lady of Elamiri Ayrell came through a thick dark curtain.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Ayrell smiles softly, yet welcomingly out at the crowd.

Ayrell softly says, "Good evening..."

(Ayrell pauses for a moment, taking in a steadying breath as she draws her shoulders back, forcing herself to look out over the crowd and raise her voice to be heard.)

Ayrell says, "Good evening, and welcome back to the Shoan a Sidelkuloa. We, The Crystal City Players, are pleased to host you here once again, after so long."

Ayrell says, "Tonight, we have a special performance planned. A play, titled "A Sojourner's Love Story" that was written by our very own, extremely talented, Shaylynne."

Ayrell says, "So, without further ado," she gestures toward the stage wings before smiling softly out at the crowd, "we hope you will enjoy the show."

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

(Ayrell moves with graceful, yet somewhat quickened steps to disappear into the shadows offstage.)

Act One

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The curtains open and the stage is delightfully set to resemble the inside of a bridal boutique.  White dresses hang on mannequins and from clothing racks across the floor, with three women - one made up to look older and two younger - standing near a freestanding curtained dressing closet filled with mirrors."

(Shaylynne squirms about in a figure-hugging white lace dress covered in tiny seed pearls.)

Shaylynne says, "I don't know Mother, I just can't imagine being comfortable in this for hours. It's itchy."

Siendra exclaims, "We'll keep searching until we find the -one-. It's fine. Everything's fine!"

Shaylynne grumbles.

(Shaylynne enters the dressing booth and closes the curtain.)

Shaylynne loudly says, "I wish you felt the same way about who my betrothed would be, instead of 'It will be Ryley. You grew up together, and his family is so well to do'." Gabriella raises her pitch and volume on the final few words, mimicking her mother's cadence. She finishes her statement with an exasperated "Pft!."

Ayrell groans.

Ayrell says, "This is the one hundred and twentieth gown we've tried on, or at least it feels that way."

Siendra says, "Ryley was a fortunate suitor for you. Imagine being paired up with your father, and he had none of those qualities. I hardly knew him and we lived on barely any money... at least he was so very handsome..."

(Siendra's voice trails off and a glazed, daydreamy countenance slowly spreads across her face.)

Shaylynne says, "Ew! I don't want to think about you and dad like that."

Ayrell says, "Double ew, Mother. We don't need to know. Let's just get Gabriella married off already so I can claim the bigger bedroom."

Shaylynne says, "Still jealous about that, I see. I can't help being the oldest, and perhaps someday that envy will afford you the same fate of an arranged marriage as well."

Shaylynne rolls her eyes.

Ayrell says, "Triple... Ew..."

Siendra holds a single finger up to her closed lips and gives her head a slight shake while leveling a firm stare at Ayrell.

(Ayrell begins to toy absent-mindedly with a locket hanging from a delicate chain around her neck.)

Shaylynne asks, "What's in that thing anyways, Charlotte?"

Ayrell says, "Oh you know," she laughs awkwardly, "just some old picture from our childhood. I hardly ever even open it."

(Ayrell gets shifty-eyed and waves her hand dismissively.)

Siendra says, "Girls, or ladies should I say, it's really not all that bad. You get married and have a few kids, you're taken care of."

Shaylynne says, "I'd much rather take care of myself, but...."

(Shaylynne comes out of the dressing room, turning and twisting in front of a mirror.)

Shaylynne says, "I suppose I don't entirely -hate- this dress."

Ayrell says, "Oh, thank the gods, finally... only the one hundred and twenty first..."

Siendra says, "It is quite flattering, dear. I recall when I could fit into something that small of a size."

Siendra smiles warmly, but a hint of sadness in her eyes and expression betrays some alternative underlying feelings.

Ayrell says, "Sis, we'll be in the lounge sampling the mimosas while you change back into your *usual attire*."

(Ayrell takes her mother's hand, and she and Phaenna exit the stage, whispering and giggling at one another as Gabriella slips back into the dressing room.)

(Shaylynne emerges onto the stage once again, this time alone. She is wearing a comfortable airy cotton shirt and some simple khaki trousers with utility pockets down each side.)

Shaylynne mockingly says, "Your usual attire...nothing wrong with this."

Shaylynne smirks.

(Shaylynne admires herself in the mirror again before turning to the audience with a soft sigh.)

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "White dress dreams, confetti in the breeze,
    A Fairytale ending, he got down on one knee.
    But the rhythm is shifting, I can't quite feel the beat,
    And this picture perfect life is feeling incomplete."

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "What if I don't walk the aisle in white
    I didn't need diamonds to hold my love tight
    Maybe forever is not for me
    My heart is a lighthouse guiding me home
    Should I follow its light even if I'm alone."

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "I dreamt cozy mornings, curled up by the fire
    Two mugs of coffee, sharing desire
    But tradition whispers, tick-tock on the clock
    Two point five kids, a caravan and a flock."

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Perhaps I can bring him, if fate would abide
    He knows I crave freedom, with nothing to hide
    We love the unknown, and a love undefined
    Forever's an endless road, with him by my side."

Act Two

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The curtains close when Charlotte ends her song.  Rustling can be heard backstage as the next scene is set up with the distinct sound of furniture being dragged across wood floors.  When they reopen, a small bleacher has been set upon the stage, and three men rest upon one of its benches."

Senthic says, "Ryley, I'm afraid to ask what it cost you to get these seats."

Senthic says, "Ryley, I'm afraid to ask what it cost you to get these seats."

(Senthic nonchalantly adjusts the cushion he brought to sit on until it appears more agreeable.)

Nyrhin says, "I wish I could take the credit, Lennan, but it was my brother here who scored them for us."

(Nyrhin claps Addam on the back.)

Ezerak says, "What can I say? The guild bonuses were generous this year."

Nyrhin asks, "Isn't that every year for you Traders?"

Nyrhin just nudged Ezerak.

Ezerak chuckles.

Ezerak asks, "Pretty much, but you don't rake in much less than in the... what Guild are we pretending to be this week?"

Nyrhin winks and flashes a sly grin.

Nyrhin quietly says to Ezerak, "Shhh! My future father-in-law doesn't know what I do for a living. And it's Bard and patron of the arts when we are in his company, by the way."

Nyrhin winks at Ezerak.

Senthic says, "Sounds like healthy profit sharing and tips for the troubadour from here."

Senthic shrugs.

Senthic says, "You won't hear me complaining about a free chance to see the Tigers play the Boars."

(Senthic grabs an ale from an ice box at his feet.)

Senthic says, "Anyone care for a Biiskbowr brew? Supposed to be bad luck for the opposing team if you drink beer from the homeland of the enemy. I dunno, but it sure tastes good as victory to me."

(Senthic gulps down some of the foamy beverage and licks his lips.)

Ezerak says, "Sure, I'll have one or two, maybe three if Ryley can't finish his."

Ezerak mutters something into the air about lightweights.

Nyrhin glances at Ezerak.

Senthic says, "Hey, how is my daughter, anyways, Rye? I haven't seen her much with all this last minute wedding planning."

Nyrhin scratches his head.

Nyrhin says, "Truth be told, I haven't seen or heard much from her either. I should go check on her in a bit."

Ezerak says, "Pardon the intrusion of my opinion here, but, we've known Gabby our whole lives. It's still hard to imagine she's enjoying all this attention and fuss, let alone having to wear a dress."

Ezerak snickers.

Ezerak says, "I mean, I can't even picture it seeing as how I've never seen her in one, ever. At all."

Ezerak ponders.

Ezerak says, "Not once, nope."

Senthic says, "She always was different, wasn't she? Special, that one."

Senthic chuckles.

Senthic says, "Probably rather be at this game than out shopping with her mother and sister."

Ezerak quietly says, "Pretty sure *I'd* rather be out shopping with her sister, though."

(Ezerak twists a ring bearing the Trader's Guild crest around his finger. Cheering and clapping erupts from behind the backdrop indicating a team has scored. The men join in the celebratory applause and Addam's comment about the sister is lost in the moment.)

Senthic asks, "Sorry, you were saying something Addam?"

Ezerak says, "Oh, it was nothing."

Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

(Nyrhin looks pensive.)

Nyrhin asks, "You know my brother had a point earlier, maybe I should go check on her sooner than later. Forgive me if I excuse myself early?"

Senthic shrugs.

Senthic says, "More drinks and popcorn for me."

(Ezerak grins and lets Ryley by to leave the stands.)

Ezerak asks, "Tell Charlotte I said hello, will ya?"

Nyrhin laughs!

Nyrhin says, "Sure thing, brother."

(Nyrhin moves out of sight into the stage wing. Meanwhile, Lennan barely notices he's gone, shouting out loud WHOOP WHOOPS and hollering GO TIGERS with a pennant in one hand and his Biiskbowr in the other.)

(Ezerak begins to stamp out a staccato beat, his boots echoing on the acoustic wooden footboards of the seating ensemble.)

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "Togball thumpin', boots pumpin',
    Adrenaline rush, this game is jumpin'.
    Stomach a flutter, but nothin' to fear,
    We're here to conquer, victory is near."

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "Sweat drippin', muscles burnin',
    Push the limits, the tide is turnin'.
    Boos and jeers to high fives and cheers,
    A symphony of sound carries over the ground."

(Senthic joins Addam's unique beat with a series of rhythmic and complementary claps.)

Senthic chants in a tenor voice:

   "Go Tigers, go! Let the team spirit flow
    Hustle and heart, watch the scoreboard grow
    Defense is tight, the offense takes flight
    We're a single unit, gonna win it tonight!"

Senthic chants in a tenor voice:

   "Down by a point, clock tickin' away
    But in our eyes, there's nothin' but play
    One last shot, a chance to prevail
    Together we rise, never gonna fail."

Ezerak chants in a baritone voice:

   "Victory roar, rips through the air
    Champions standin', beat the Boars fair and square
    Go Tigers, go! We showed what we're worth
    Forever connected, the best on this earth!"

Ezerak holds his hand out towards Senthic for a highfive.

Senthic and Ezerak highfive each other.

Act Three

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "You hear Lennan chattering "Great game, what a great game..." as the pair walk off stage and the curtains draw together once again.  Someone huffs and puffs behind the dense fabric, and the sound of heavy objects are heard being pulled to and fro.  When all is quiet once again, the curtains slide apart revealing Gabriella sitting near a small mound of dirt next to a small storage shed.  The backdrop beautifully illustrates some stables in the foreground with the sun setting on a sprawling farm behind them."

(Shaylynne picks up a small pile from the dirt, letting each grain fall between her fingers and into her lap.)

Shaylynne says, "I wonder what that dress would look like in brown."

Shaylynne giggles a little oddly.

(Nyrhin walks out from behind the shed.)

Nyrhin says, "I heard that, you know."

Shaylynne gasps!

Shaylynne asks, "Always so sneaky. Did Dad figure out you're a thief yet?"

Shaylynne grins evilly.

Nyrhin says, "Only a sweet thief of your heart, darling. He still thinks of me as the innocent country boy with a side of chanteur, at the moment. More likely he sees my brother the Trader as the real thief, what with all his hemming and hawing about inflation when he reads the newsletters."

Shaylynne says, "Hasn't stopped him from accepting those complimentary tickets to the Togball field."

Shaylynne chortles softly at some secret joke.

Shaylynne asks, "How was the game?"

Nyrhin says, "Oh, I didn't stay too long."

Nyrhin furrows his brow.

Nyrhin says, "I got a little distracted by wondering how -you- are. I was struck with a nagging feeling that you might not enjoy all this arranged marriage business as much as your mother."

Nyrhin grins impishly.

Nyrhin says, "No disrespect meant to her. She's a lovely woman."

Shaylynne smiles with a hint of sadness given away by her eyes and voice.

Shaylynne says, "That she is..."

Shaylynne says, "Honestly, and it's not because I don't love you, you're my best friend and the only person who really sees me for who I am..."

Nyrhin says, "But..."

Shaylynne says, "But..."

(Shaylynne fidgets awkwardly and struggles with her words for a moment.)

Shaylynne says, "I don't want to go through with this just to follow in her footsteps. I'm more than her daughter and these time-worn traditions."

Nyrhin asks, "I understand. So what is it you *do* want?"

(Shaylynne glances back over her shoulder towards the stables.)

Shaylynne says, "Right now? To hop on one of those horses and ride."

Nyrhin asks, "Destination?"

Shaylynne says, "Unknown."

Nyrhin asks, "Shall we then?"

Shaylynne says, "Really, Ryley, it's a crazy idea."

Nyrhin says, "It's not so crazy. I steal a lot of things, but someone's life dreams are not one of them. I've always loved you just the way you are."

Nyrhin taps Shaylynne's nose.

Nyrhin softly says, "Boop."

Nyrhin says, "Besides, not everyone's happily-ever-after has to look the same, you know. That's in the eyes of the beholder."

Shaylynne frets.

Shaylynne hopefully says, "Oh, but could we? I'm just not ready to be married, or have children, if ever. I try to envision it, I really do, but that story ends with me sitting here staring at the sky and imagining I'm seeing question marks in the clouds."

Nyrhin says, "I only ask that if you're going to be a runaway bride, let me come with you. At least until you meet someone else, or don't want me around anymore. I'd like to know wherever you end up, you got there safe and sound."

Shaylynne asks, "I thought you'd never ask. Is that fair to you, though?"

Nyrhin says, "Could be. Time will tell. I enjoy a good adventure, too, though. Living on a farm plot next door to your parents wasn't exactly my end game desire, either."

(Nyrhin pauses thoughtfully.)

Nyrhin says, "However, If I were to end up married, or with children, I would still want it to be with you. If we didn't do either of those things, I would still want it to be with you and happiest for it... and... if I may be so bold to say it maybe sounds like I still have that chance, just on our own terms."

Shaylynne asks, "What about... my Mother?"

Nyrhin says, "I think she'll find a way to forgive you... eventually. Your father might not unless she lets him get into that smorgasbord of catering they had picked out for us."

Nyrhin grins.

Shaylynne laughs!

Shaylynne asks, "If we don't get married, will you ever call me darling again?"

Nyrhin says, "I will never stop calling you darling, even if your other lovers hate me for it. Besides, what if we end up in some sort of espionage situation and I have to play the part of a convincing husband."

Nyrhin waves dismissively.

Shaylynne says, "Oh, now *that* sounds exciting."

Shaylynne rubs her hands together.

Shaylynne asks, "How do we tell them and when do we go?"

Nyrhin says, "We don't, and now is as good a time as any. If there's a rebellious point to be made about living life as we see fit, then I'd start by not asking for permission."

Shaylynne says, "And then the guilt would be walking me down the aisle instead of my father."

Nyrhin says, "Mhmm. Everything will be okay Gabby. I won't let it end any differently than that for us. Consider that my vow to you. I don't need a Priest as my witness or any paper certificates to make it real."

Shaylynne says, "Let's go then. But first I want to leave my family a little wedding present."

(Shaylynne opens the shed door and withdraws a large canvas, stubbornly struggling to carry it off stage on her own.)

(Nyrhin begins to follow Gabriella, but stops short and turns to the audience with his hand over his heart.)

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "I went to the jeweler's, picked a sparkler bright,
    I even paid him for it, this time."

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Diamonds danced, catching light, was sure to win her heart that night.
    Got down on one knee, rehearsed the perfect line,
    But the words got caught up, tangled in a knot of "why?""

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Why won't you marry me? For years we've built this thing,
    A love story whispered, on a promise and a ring.
    Is it cold feet, darling? Or something I don't see?
    Why won't you say "I do," and walk down the aisle with me?"

(Nyrhin sways back and forth as he sings, placing both hands over his chest.)

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Maybe it's the future, blurry and unknown,
    The weight of forever, like a heavy stone.
    We'd talked about children, a house with a picket fence,
    But your eyes held a question, a silent dissonance."

(Nyrhin drops down to his knees, clasping his hands together in front of him and gazing upwards.)

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Maybe marriage isn't the key, maybe love's enough.
    Just two souls entwined, weathering life's rough stuff.
    Tell me what you're thinking, let's untangle this mess,
    'Cause a love like ours deserves more than a simple "yes"."

Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Let's talk it all through, beneath the open sky,
    Maybe marriage isn't the answer, but together how we'll fly."

Act Four

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Ryley dashes off stage and the curtains come together so the stagehands can prepare for the next act.  When it opens, the floor supports a small altar supporting a painting that is  draped in a sheet, concealing the art upon it.  Charlotte and Addam flank the entry to each stage wing, and Gabrielle's parents - Phaenna and Lennan - pace center stage with the mother anxiously wringing her hands."

Senthic says, "Phaenna, calm down, please! You're turning everyone else into a nervous wreck."

Siendra says, "If they were only a little bit late, Lennan, I would be much calmer. But now... the ceremony should have been ending and it hasn't even begun."

Senthic asks, "I would think if anything happened to them we would have received notice by now. Maybe they eloped?"

Siendra mutters to herself.

Siendra says, "Perhaps. Why am I even surprised? Her feet were so cold about this wedding they would make Asketi envious."

Siendra sighs.

Siendra asks, "Does anyone know why there's a painting on the altar?"

Senthic says, "I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything to take a peek."

(Senthic lifts up one corner of the dust cover and lets it fall back into place. He freezes in place, his face going pale.)

Siendra asks, "Well, what is it, Lennan?"

Senthic says, "Phaenna, I don't think you want to..."

(Siendra walks over to the painting and yanks the sheet quite aggressively, causing it to fall to the floor in one fell swoop.)

Senthic says, "See that..."

Senthic groans.

Siendra clutches her chest with an anguished expression.

Siendra gasps!

Ezerak says, "Oh, dear..."

Ayrell exclaims, "Oh...My!"

(Ayrell clasps her hands over her mouth as she eyes the portrait. It depicts a bride and groom with their backs facing the viewer, mounted upon two horses with comically large rear ends. They appear to be riding off into a range of sunset mountains, leaving a bouquet in their dusty trail on the ground.)

Ayrell says, "Goodness, I am left speechless."

Ezerak says, "Well, that's a first."

Ezerak grins impishly.

(Siendra turns to face Addam, shaking and flushed. She stamps a foot.)

Siendra asks, "Do you really think this is a time for jokes?"

Senthic says, "Phaenna, I'm sure he's just trying to lighten the mood. No one thinks this is..."

(Siendra begins to laugh maniacally.)

Ayrell asks, "Mother, are you okay?"

Ayrell gazes at Siendra.

(Siendra's wild cackling evolves into a shrill sound before it turns into an anguished scream. Her wail echoes hauntingly throughout the theater.)

Siendra pales slightly, flushed with emotion, and falls to the ground, shivering.

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The lights dim, leaving only a single spotlight to illuminate Phaenna's face.  She squints from her place of collapse, and turns towards the audience, propping herself up on one elbow."

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:

   "Crystal chandeliers cast the glow, a spotlight on my face,
    But where's the bride, the hor devours, the love in this cold empty space?
    I planned out every centerpiece, wrote a masterpiece in vows,
    Yet I'm greeted by this painting, and where is my daughter now?"

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:

   "WoOOooe is me!
    A mother misunderstood.
    She was supposed to leave the nest a Mrs.,
    Now she's flown the coop."

(Siendra stands up slowly, regaining her composure and smoothing out her skirts.)

Siendra stands up.

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Two more spotlights appear, highlighting the silhouettes of Charlotte and Addam.  Their expressions are basked in just enough light to reveal they are gazing at one another across the room."

Siendra raises an eyebrow.

Siendra looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Siendra exclaims, "Why should such hard work and food go to waste. I'll just marry off the other one!"

(Siendra claps her hands together in excitement and moves quickly towards Charlotte, startling her in the process and breaking her eye contact with Addam.)

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:

   "I'll offer up a solution, a golden thread to mend,
    The sordid mess they call their lives, it's a chance to ascend.
    Plus it's too late to fight this fever, this bridal mother itch,
    so rest assured I'll save this day and these two will be hitched"

Siendra says, "And conveniently that gown will be the perfect fit."

(Siendra drags a confused looking Charlotte off into one wing while the men exit through the opposite side.)

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The curtains pull closer together, one creaking rope pull at a time.  Through what's left of the opening between them you can hear Lennan inquiring if this means he still gets his prime rib and cake.  Phaenna gives him a hefty thwap right in the belly with her purse just as the curtains meet to obscure them completely from view."

Act Five

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The stage is set and visible once again.  On it stands Charlotte, now wearing the gown her sister was previously seen trying on, and Addam.  The pair move back and forth together in a graceful waltz, smiling and chatting lovingly with one another."

(Ezerak twirls Charlotte away from him, drawing her back into his arms to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead.)

Ayrell giggles.

Ayrell says, "You are going to kiss all my makeup off if you keep doing that."

Ezerak says, "Fortunately for you, I'm quite familiar with how you look without any, therefore my opinion is expert when I say you don't need it."

Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ayrell blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Ayrell says, "Well, I knew you were a charmer. I have just never been on the receiving end of it."

(Ayrell wraps her arm around Addam's neck as they sway to the music.)

Ayrell says, "I have been trying to get your attention for years, you know."

Ezerak says, "You've had it..."

(Ezerak puts his hand on the small of Charlotte's back and leans her into a slow dip, her hair almost touching the ground before pulling her back up against him.)

Ezerak says, "I'm just not one to steal my brother's spotlight. Thievery is his thing, not mine. I like to pay my own way."

Ayrell asks, "You don't say. I always thought he was so innocent, but thinking on it, maybe too innocent, eh?"

Ayrell grins.

Ezerak says, "Exactly."

(Ezerak pauses and reflects on the conversation for a moment.)

Ezerak nervously says, "Um, just to be clear, I did not mean you of course. Didn't pay anyone off, I promise."

Ezerak uses his index finger to trace an X across his chest.

Ayrell says, "Crossing your heart is sweet but the only thing I want you to do with that is love me."

Ezerak says, "I do."

Ayrell says, "I do, too."

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell says, "Twirl me one more time, then I need a rest. The dress fits like a glove, but I can't say the same about the shoe size. These heels are killing me."

Ezerak says, "Well we can't have that. I was planning to keep you around a little longer. Like... forever."

(Ezerak gives Charlotte one final spin, beaming at the happy sound of her laughter.)

Ezerak exclaims, "Take a break. We'll enjoy the rest of the evening with our families. Then, it is time for both of our favorite thing: shopping!"

Ayrell says, "Oh, yes! Jeweler's first, we're going to need rings."

Ezerak laughingly says, "But of course."

(Ezerak gives her one last lingering kiss, and backs away towards the stage wing, bowing deeply in her direction.)

(Ayrell finally opens the locket that's been a constant around her neck, tracing her thumb over a cameo of Addam within.)

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Sunlight streaks through the dusty blinds,
    Mornin' whisper, "Good morning, sunshine."
    Your messy hair, a sleepy smile so sweet,
    Suddenly the world feels complete."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "'Cause you hold my hand, chase away the doubt,
    Every beat of my heart figures you out.
    You fit like a puzzle piece, perfectly placed,
    There's no doubt anymore, this love can't be erased."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "We'll laugh at silly jokes, secrets we share,
    Walk hand-in-hand without a care.
    Through city lights or country fields we roam,
    The world just as perfect when we're back home."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Maybe forever's a scary word,
    But with you by my side, anything's assured.
    We'll paint our own future, bright and bold,
    A love story written, never to grow old."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "He loves me, I love him,
    So simple and so true.
    A love like this is sure to be,
    Forever brand new."

Act Six

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "The curtains close on Charlotte's song, her last note still hanging in the air.  They reopen to the set converted to the outside of a quaint city cafe.  Gabriella and Ryley are sharing espressos at a table, and unbeknownst to them, her parents and their siblings are walking briskly towards them."

Senthic loudly exclaims, "Ryley! You crafty rogue!"

Senthic hiccups.

Nyrhin asks, "I… mwhat?"

Nyrhin acts puzzled.

Nyrhin quietly asks Shaylynne, "Did you tell him?"

Shaylynne shakes her head at Nyrhin.

Shaylynne exclaims, "I most certainly did not!"

Senthic says, "Stealing my daughter away like that."

(Nyrhin rubs the back of his neck.)

Nyrhin says, "I mean, it was actually her idea..."

Ayrell says, "Oh you know better than to mind Father. He's been in the Biiskbowr again."

(Ayrell brings her hand to her face and tilts her head back, pretending to chug.)

Ayrell exclaims, "Gabby!"

Shaylynne asks, "Lottie!...? What are you guys doing all this way from home?"

(Ayrell begins speaking a bit too fast, excitedly filling her sister in on all she'd missed while she was gone.)

Ayrell exclaims, "... and we honeymooned here and loved it so we brought Mother and Father back to see it!"

Shaylynne asks, "Sorry, you did what? With who?"

(Shaylynne suddenly notices Addam standing in the background, who gives her an awkward little wave.)

Shaylynne slowly exclaims, "Ohhhhh.... Congratulations!"

Ezerak says, "Times two."

Shaylynne asks, "Times two?"

Ayrell says, "He means two congratulations are in order."

(Shaylynne goes slack jawed when her gaze drops from her sister's eyes to her belly, which is showing a prominent baby bump.)

Shaylynne says, "Oh, wow! All the happy news! I guess that leaves no room for you to be upset with us then."

Shaylynne hums to herself.

Shaylynne glances at Nyrhin.

(Ayrell pulls her sister out of her seat to give her a great big hug.)

Ayrell says, "I could never be mad at you. In fact, if I have a girl I hope she's got half your strength, and I'll always know she'll be okay because she loved herself first."

Ayrell smiles warmly.

(Shaylynne wipes a tear away from her eye. Pulling apart from her sister, she lifts her eyes to finally look at her mother.)

(Siendra scrutinizes the area with an appraising gaze, pretending not to notice Gabriella.)

Siendra sticks her nose up in the air haughtily.

Siendra asks, "Cute little city, yes. Very quaint. Much nicer than the resort your father and I stayed at. When they say ocean views you have to be sure they don't mean the edge of the Middens, right dear?"

(Siendra looks at her husband, and all around, at anything but her daughter.)

Shaylynne says, "Mom."

Siendra says, "I keep telling you, Lennan, I really need to see an empath about my ears. I keep thinking I hear Gabriella's voice."

Siendra smirks.

Shaylynne sighs.

Shaylynne says, "Mom, I know you're waiting for me to say I'm sorry...but..."

Nyrhin chuckles.

Nyrhin says, "If I've learned anything about you, Gabby, it's that there's always a but..."

(Shaylynne casts Ryley an admonishing glance and shushes him.)

Shaylynne says, "But... I'm not sorry, Mother. I found love, after all, but it was within me all along, not outside in the form of an arranged marriage. I needed the freedom to explore that, and myself. I found my happily-ever-after and it doesn't have a post office box or a permanent address, is all."

Siendra sighs.

(Siendra turns to look at Gabriella, tears welling up in her eyes.)

Siendra says, "I want to be upset with you, but I can't. Everything you just said makes sense - from a perspective I can't personally imagine, but it makes sense just the same."

(Siendra gestures at Charlotte and Addam, with Lennan standing nearby.)

Siendra exclaims, "And it's a good thing I had two daughters, because I got the wedding I dreamt up for you and Lennan got his precious prime rib, and now we are going to be grandparents!"

Shaylynne beams at Siendra!

Shaylynne says, "And the best grandparents you will be, I'm sure of it."

Siendra shakily says, "Can we hug? It's been too long."

(Shaylynne runs to her mother and they embrace for what feels like an eternity, until Ryley starts whistling and looking around.)

Shaylynne says to Nyrhin, "Nice save, but not needed this time."

Shaylynne winks at Nyrhin.

Nyrhin says, "Just doing my job, miss."

Nyrhin winks at Shaylynne.

Nyrhin dreamily asks, "Just a regular old knight in shining... leather?"

Senthic loudly says, "Now, I don't know about this forgiveness you guys are doing around here. I'm still hungry and I'm still one wedding meal short."

Senthic glances at Nyrhin.

Nyrhin chuckles.

Nyrhin says, "Why don't you all come over? We've got plenty to share and Gabby's become quite the cook this past year."

Senthic says, "So long as none of the groceries are shoplifted. Speakin' of jobs, you know how I feel about that sorta thing."

Nyrhin gasps!

Nyrhin exclaims to Shaylynne, "He did know! Are you suuuure you didn't tell him?!"

(Nyrhin shoots Gabriella an accusatory glance.)

Senthic says, "Son, when you get to be my age you'll know a lot, without being told, and you won't always be letting people on to ya either."

Senthic grins.

Senthic says, "I'll accept the invite to dinner, and if it lives up to your braggadocio I might even find it in my heart to forgive you."

(Senthic gives a crinkly-eyed smile, all around, but the last person he looks at is Gabriella.)

Senthic says to Shaylynne, "We're okay, my dear, but let's eat soon or I might not be."

(Senthic clutches his belly and makes a dramatic show of doubling over in agony.)

Ayrell glances at Senthic.

Ayrell says, "Father, one would think you've never had a bite to eat in your entire life."

Ayrell rolls her eyes.

Ayrell asks, "Wait, don't we have to sing a song to close the scene?"

Senthic says, "Wait wasn't the word I wanted to hear, but I suppose we do. We can make it a quick one."

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "And They"

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:


Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:


Ezerak happily sings in a baritone voice:


Nyrhin sings in a countertenor voice:

   "Ever. "

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:


(Shaylynne completes the short jovial tune by drawing out her lyric while her surrounding family leans in and their ranges join her voice to finish in an impressive acapella.)

You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

   "Lennan's voice can still be heard after the final drop of the curtain, the actor proclaiming how truly hungry all this talk of food has made him.  He loudly exclaims, "Maybe we can have the real thing now" followed by the familiar thud of Phaenna's bag landing a blow against his torso."

Curtain Call

(Ayrell makes her way gracefully back out onto the stage, smiling out at the crowd.)

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Ayrell exclaims, "Thank you all again for joining us this evening. Before we go, I would like to bring the cast out one last time. I present our writer and actress, Shaylynne! Senthic! Nyrhin! Siendra! And Ezerak!"

Ayrell gestures at Nyrhin.

Ayrell gestures at Ezerak.

Ayrell gestures at Senthic.

Ayrell gestures at Shaylynne.

Siendra sinks into a deep curtsy.

Ayrell gestures at Siendra.

Ezerak bows.

Shaylynne curtsies.

Senthic bows.

Nyrhin bows.

Nyrhin points at Ayrell.

Nyrhin exclaims, "And Ayrell!"

Shaylynne grins.

Siendra exclaims, "And a round of applause for Ayrell! So wonderful to be back on stage with her!"

Nyrhin grins at Siendra.

Shaylynne looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Senthic looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Ayrell blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Siendra flashes a quick grin at Nyrhin.

Ezerak smiles at Ayrell, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ezerak looks at Ayrell and applauds!

Siendra joins Ayrell's group.

Ayrell says, "Thank you all again, and we hope you enjoyed the show! We will be in the lobby briefly, for anyone who wishes to stop and say hello before heading to Zoluren for the training."

Nyrhin bows.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Siendra smiles.

Ayrell waves.

Lady of Elamiri Ayrell's group went through a thick dark curtain.