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Xibar's Library

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Xibar's Library
Province Town Building Map Number of Books
Zoluren Crossing Jadewater Mansion RanikMap0 9
'Book Categories'
(abbr. I)
Instructional or tutorial in nature, teach how to do certain things.
Fiction and Folklore
(abbr. F)
The written stories and traditions of a people or invented stories meant for entertainment.
Contemporary and Historic Accounts
(abbr. H)
Events or places from the past, from a current viewpoint or a historical analysis.
Myth and Religion
(abbr. M)
Mythical tales or religious ideas.
(abbr. R)
Written specifically to provide instruction or resource material.
(abbr. B)
A book detailing the life of an individual.
Performance Art
(abbr. P)
Books containing songs, plays, ballads, poems, etc


HafSPT A Study of the Progeny of Tezirah
BxxFP Fortune's Path: the Crossroads
HscPR Prophetic Reflections
HrhIMWP Interpreting the Mirror Wraith Prophecy
BsaPIMSA Profiles in Magic 6: Sanyrsen Astoshe
BkdPIMKD Profiles in Magic 4: Kir Dir'na'torna
BtPIMT Profiles in Magic 17: Tiv
HtbTCC The Celestial Compact
HkkHGMM A Brief History of the Moon Mage Guild