Item:Scented oil marked with a rose

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Revision as of 22:51, 6 November 2024 by CRYPTODYNAMIC (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |noun=oil |look=There appears to be something written on it. Some scented beard oil reads:<br> "Rose." |MTag=oil |STag=rose |ptype=other |verby=Yes |pcrystal=No |atmos=No |istone=No |wearloc=generic |type=feature |metal=no |weight=5 |appcost=7,500 |rarity=festival |lsize=1 |wsize=1 |hsize=1 |enchanted=No |feature-change=No |generator=No |sourcetype=- |fname=No }} When worn:<br> You arrange your beard with some scented oil marked with a rose, resulting in: You hav...")
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scented oil marked with a rose
Look: There appears to be something written on it.

Some scented beard oil reads:

Weight: 5 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: 7,500 Kronars6,000 Lirums <br />5,412 Dokoras <br />7.5 LTBpoints <br />7.5 Tickets <br />7.5 Scrips <br />
Properties: This is an item.
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
  • This item is worn in a generic slot.
  • This item alters the appearance of the user.
Dimensions: 1 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Beard In Action

When worn:
You arrange your beard with some scented oil marked with a rose, resulting in: You have some oil worked into your beard, pulling the hairs into a sleek, elegant look with a glistening shine. The faint scent of roses wafts around you.

Verb Actions
PUSH First Person: You push lightly on some scented oil marked with a rose, rearranging the parts of your beard that are held in place.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
PULL First Person: You tug on the ends of some scented oil marked with a rose, making sure each part is firmly in place in your beard
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TURN First Person: You lightly twist some scented oil marked with a rose, making the arrangement glint slightly in your beard. Stylish!
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.
TAP First Person: You tap lightly on your beard oil, making your beard sway slightly back and forth.
No messaging for second person.
Third person messaging needed.