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  • There will be nothing forcing a Necromancer to create a Risen, though the Necromancer spell lists will be unexceptional. The Risen are the guild's big thing, everything else is either stuff being added for flavor, or a support mechanism to make the Risen even more potent.
  • Risen will cause the most outrage of anything you can do, so it behooves you to pick one and keep it around as long as possible. Letting you learn TM off Risen damage is being considered.
  • Risen will not be able to go look for players, though you are free to move it around remotely by telling it which direction to shamble off in. You will be able to see through their eyes like a familiar, but they will be unable to speak. They will be able to return to you instantly from anywhere by being commanded to follow and moving to an adjacent room. They will be able to drop items you give them, so can be used as a super-awkward, but blissfully impersonal delivery system, since the names will be <creaturetype> Risen, not <yournamehere>s <creaturetype> Risen.
  • Risen will not have the special attacks of whatever you make them from. IE: Dillo Risen will not ambush, etc.
  • Risen 'type' will be determined by the fetishes applied to the Risen. Some types that were discussed: tanks that would taunt creatures away from the necro and have good defenses, dps types ala thieves with no backstab (but maybe ambush attacks), scout types.
  • Risen can use weapons, providing the base creature had hands. They can also possibly carry other items, amount TBD.
  • Risen will deteriorate over time. Spells will either speed up this decay timer (things that heal the Risen shorten the duration of the Risen) or delay it (One spell in particular had this as its main function)
  • The duration/decay timer on the Risen stops when you are logged off.
  • When you log off, your Risen logs off where it is and will return there when you log back on. If had items on it, it will still have them upon return - no vomiting them up like Shadow Servants.
  • Risen will be able to be moved around independently from their creator, but this will be manual movement on the part of the player. You can't send your Risen to 'find Character' or 'follow Character' and have it move around on its own. You CAN have it return to you automatically (instantly?), regardless of the distance between necro and Risen. Risen don't need ferries.
  • Risen don't talk, but they can show their creator what they see, provided that the necro used whatever command to be able to see through the Risen.
  • It is far, far less outrage and time intensive to heal or rez your Risen than it is to create a new one.

See also: