The First Land Herald/450-04-02

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Article Number: 105
Dateline: 450-04-02

-- Prayers for Tamsine --

At a gathering of the faithful, Briaen and Nawain hosted prayers and recitations at Tamsine's Rest in Crossing. Unaka arrived looking serious, weary, and without her usual appetite. People spoke of meteors striking the clans now encased by towering spires, their once warm hearths now broken and cold.

Nawain handed out lit candles to hold and the first to speak seeking the comfort of Tamsine were Gragnel and Tirost. Their somber words were followed by a moment of silence, broken by invocations to the Immortals from Allye and Nawain. Unaka asked to speak next.

Unaka pleaded, "There are people out there who still live, suffering after these... encasements. The Traders who were away on business. Those visiting family. A few yet remain. Tamsine, I bid you protect these people. Lend them the warmth of your fire, a small sense of peace. They feel lost. Without their homes, without their people. Tamsine, grant them a small piece of home, though you cannot fill this wound." She finished with a slight nod.

When she finished, time slowed and the air took on a golden light. Everything went silent. Suddenly, we smelled the scents of cinnamon and cloves, and felt a gentle firm squeeze on our shoulders, though when we looked around no one was there. The air felt heavy and honeyed, and a sense of warmth pervaded the area, as if we sat in front of a cozy fire. We all heard the tinkling sound of laughter around us.

A shimmering, silvery cat materialized, padding softly across the ground. Looking aimless at first, it wandered its way toward Unaka and slipped around her ankles, then luxuriously pulled itself between and around both her feet in little circles. Unaka bent down to scratch the cat's ears, but it skipped behind her legs and vanished without a trace.

Unaka looked surprised a moment when the cat appeared again, its tail brushed against her calf. It casually extracted itself and walked through the area, wending its way around the gathering. Looking down, I found myself staring into the cat's eyes, and for a moment I saw a glimmer of stars. We collectively heard a voice, "You are seen, and welcome. Continue on the path you have chosen. Right this world. Trust in Us." The cat sat for a moment and purred, as if inviting all to pet it. However, before we could reach it, it slipped off and faded away entirely into the air.

Unaka, always empowered by visions from the Immortals, claimed to be ready to fight for us, whatever we decide. In light of the Heralds' involvement, there was talk of Waydren's most recent foray into wild magic and the visions that ensued. They revealed some history and images from the Herald's past and the creation of Elanthia. (See FLH article from 450-02-07.)

When probed for her thoughts, Unaka admitted she doesn't trust Asildu. She did not speak ill of Miraena. She went on to announce her plans to meet with Valenal, who previously condoned the act of sorcerous casting. Folks informed her of his many "personalities" and wished her luck on this endeavor.

-- A Vigil for Meraud --

Aaiyaah hosted a vigil at the Eye of Meraud in the Crossing Temple. Unaka attended once again, arriving just at the opening prayer by Gragnel. Gragnel stated that he hails from Wolf Clan, is a preacher of Damaris, and reverent of all thirty nine. He sadly named well-known residents of his home, "Crolin... Brigetta... Randal... Wolfjaw... Suza..."

Knight Penitent Briaen stepped up and prayed, asking for guidance. Tirost, devout of Meraud, stood up and spoke after him. After weeks of visiting similar vigils, I began to find the praise sounded almost poetic at times. Saragos, husband of Navesi, came forward to offer a recitation to Meraud. He asked for a blessing upon his work to save her and others, pleading with a reference to Navesi's cultural pantheon, "The Kaldar see you not only as a god of magic, but also of passion, and love, so I hope you can understand the demands of both which require I focus my attentions on them. I intend some of the most creative spellwork that we've ever done in that pursuit. I beg that you bless these undertakings."

Valynn, a Ranger and follower of Kuniyo and the Huntress, offered a wolf figurine at the altar. Ezathiel sought to hear Meraud's great wisdom, and Aerilia searched for a clear path to follow. Nawain requested enlightenment and truth, Istercal asked for a vision, and Kethrai wished for not only knowledge but deeper understanding.

Unaka went last, "Meraud, god of knowing and understanding. I am trying to understand. Truffenyi needs this, and so do we. Please, help me understand. Help me understand wild magic, so that I will know what to do, and where to strike. Also, you should know that the people here are good people. I don't know if you care for them the same as Truffenyi does, but they wield your magic well, and they worship you well. If you ask me, you should help them."

Unaka bowed her head before Meraud's statue, shutting her eyes and taking on a countenance of serenity. Her breathing slows. At this moment, the braziers flared red with silvery flames and the massive wolf statue flickered. Bizarre shadows streamed along the walls. Time slowed and the air took on a golden light. Everything went silent.

A shaggy black wolf suddenly appeared before us, majestic and full of presence, its eyes pierced as if looking directly into us. Without warning, its mouth broke open in a toothy grin, it panted, trotted over toward a particular spot on a stone floor, and stood next to a familiar worn stone. The wolf gazed around intently, then at the worn stone with the same intensity, then back at us, and it wagged its tail happily. In a flash, the wolf and stone were gone.

Everything went dark for a moment and thirteen saplings sprouted from the ground and began to rapidly grow, leaves unfurled and branches extended. The ground rippled and a gust of dry air washed over me, pulling moisture from the ground and from the young trees. They withered, dropped leaves and bent slightly, but recovered, and continued to grow. After some time, the ground rippled again, and the gust of air returned -- though the trees were larger and more established, still they suffered. The trees continued to grow into mighty, towering behemoths, their canopies intertwined with one another, twinkling stars embedded within them, and their roots glowed in the darkness. The ground rippled once more, the gust of dry air returned, and the trees weathered the storm. The vision faded.

A hooded figure swathed in black robes appeared before us, held his arms wide in front of him, fingers bent in a gesture often used by mages preparing spells. "Watch carefully," he said. Four shimmering streams appeared before him, separate strands stood apart. Slowly, he brought his hands together, and the streams closed in on one another, twining together in an intricate weave. The man drew something that looked like liquid light away, pooling it in his hands, then took a drink. "There. You see?" He turned and suddenly vanished.

Medir broke the silence, quietly proclaiming, "If Meraud wants me to drink, drink I shall." Discussion resumed around the room on the vision, the use of sorcery, and the right course of action. While it was civil, no unified decision was made at this time. Unaka, who has said when we choose a course of action to call on her, took her leave.

Seeking resolution,

Shaylynne Kendialahle
Reporter of the First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date
Wild Magic