The First Land Herald/450-01-38

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Article Number: 97
Dateline: 450-01-38

Casual in attendance, the Paladin Unaka of Boar Clan appears to truly love helping the community and eating the free snacks at meetings, but above all else she is attuned to Holy Magic and deeply aligned with her god, Truffenyi. Unaka has been stalwart in her support of the Immortals and a beacon of consistency in the chaos of the wild magic conundrum.

[A delicate ink sketch rests between paragraphs. It features an adult female Gor'Tog on the taller side for the race, with dark eyes and a symmetrical nose. She is well-muscled, pierced and tattooed by a ring of horn through her septum and tribal markings on her face. Tusks and oxen symbols complete the look from head to toe, and additional horns jut up from atop thick pauldrons. Difficult to identify due to the lack of colored ink, the remainder of her outfit seems to consist of cloth and some type of fur.]

She has visited the Eye of Truffenyi in search of the heart of civilization. When asked why she chose the Eye as a possible destination, she proposed the logic, "So, Zoluren is at the center of all the provinces, the ones we can get to anyway. The Crossing is at the center of Zoluren. And this Temple is at the center of the Crossing... And on top of that. Everywhere Truffenyi has gone, or will go, is holy, right? Makes me wonder if they built here because that's what he wanted. Father of civilization, and maybe they put his altar right at the center, because he's the one who wanted it. Truffenyi is the one who really cares about people, if you ask me."

Her rationalization ended with, "Oh, yeah, and he also showed me a vision of this place. That might have had something to do with it too." This piqued the interest of those around her. Unaka said it would take some time to fully interpret all of the visions she received, five at once she claimed. She described little pieces as an ox head that came out of the sky and spoke right to her, "Only maybe he was also my father, at the same time." Unaka walked her thoughts back a moment and said that it was more like an experience than a vision, and that she was left with more abilities than she had before.

When Unaka added that she was sitting outside tending her fire, admiring a lavender flower, people were reminded of a recent vision Clerics were given of a Gor'Tog. They saw a campfire in a clearing freshly cut in the center of thick brambles. A lavender blossom grew despite the unsuitable rocky ground. The Gor'Tog carefully cleared branches from the growth and placed them on the fire, before looking upward to the open night sky. (See FLH article from 449-10-33.)

Unaka agreed it certainly sounded like her and what she was doing when she received her visions. Elaborating further onTruffenyi, Unaka said, "He wants us to survive, and apparently there's some dangerous things going on. He wasn't exactly clear on what. He was pretty clear that we shouldn't be listening to everyone who has something to say, though." She passed on his views regarding sorcery - that low sorcery was fine, high sorcery and necromancy were bad. She knew that she was sent to protect and uphold, was drawn to the Temple knowing multiple new languages to communicate with others and the ability to cast other guild spells using Holy mana( not just Paladin ones), but the common threat she is destined to protect against remained vague at this time. She warned that everything and everyone is at risk.

The group from the Eye traveled together to visit the Overhealer's Anonymous meeting. Unaka encouraged listening to the meeting's host, Kethrai, first. She dined and listened, slyly storing some extra food in her satchel for the road. Unaka then recounted her story and advice to those who had not yet heard it. This time she included a flitting weasel and maybe a magpie in her vision descriptions, and compared them to looking into soup and trying to see the ingredients.

Unaka revealed a personal mission of her own, and as a Paladin. She is aware of the Bulwark and the damage it suffers. Unaka would also like to be able to help with that as an aside. The remainder of the meeting was Unaka eating a variety of new foods and talking with her mouth full. However, she did have an explanation to share for that as well, she's simply bored of eating boar and turnips every day.

This interest in the Bulwark drew Unaka to attend the meeting at the Paladin Guild. She discussed the Bulwark and what she heard about it during the Basalt Isle attacks, even from afar. Lately, Paladins have gotten sensations or feelings about it, cracking, shaking loose. (See FLH article from 449-10-29.)

At this meeting, after the Bulwark discussion, in an impressive display, Unaka was able to prove her visions were real by sharing one with the room. Everyone reported seeing and feeling the following:

Thunderous steps approached, and an ox snorted loudly.

Spirit sung and all felt a comforting weight squeeze their shoulder, a stern but encouraging hand pushed them forward.

A kind and deep voice echoed all around, "The security you seek is forged in sacrifice and tempered in purity. Those that threaten our world cannot and do not diminish your achievement."

A massive ox muzzle snuggled against the cheek, nearly knocking people over, the enormous horns stretched out above. Entirely black eyes gazed down upon all, and the ox snorted amicably before it turned and vanished.

A brilliant flash of light momentarily blinded the room. When the vision cleared, a confused looking Gor'Tog woman stood nearby, radiant and proud.

The voice echoed, "She will guide you."

After this, attention was rapt while Unaka recounted her story and answered more questions. Of course, she had chicken for dinner while speaking.

Next time, shamelessly baited with snacks at the Cleric Guild a few days later, Unaka was invited by gwethdesuan to a Holy Magic meeting, hosted by Maintain and Nawain, where she may or may not have also wanted to play Togball. Maintain was heard saying to Unaka, "Apologies, Paladin. This fearful monk believes the Guildleader Esuin would not be pleased if we played Togball in here." Despite that, I am now under the impression Unaka is eager to share her views and support, so she may have shown up to this discussion either way without ploys.

Nawain and Maintain took turns lecturing specifically on the consequences of wild magic on the mana streams, and on people. Maintain theorized about possible metaphysical causes and effects in play. Nawain alluded to possible benefits of harnessing and controlling the power of rampant mana surges, while others confessed they were uncomfortable with some of the feelings that arose while interacting with them - particularly greed.

It was a quick meeting, but provided valuable thought-provoking ideas to be discussed and mulled over later. Nawain and Maintain hope to discover how Truffenyi's aid can influence the anomalies and the true role sorcery has to play in all of it.

That is all I have for now - but keep the chicken, cupcakes and coffee pot ready, you never know when this visitor might be showing up at your next party.

Shaylynne Kendialahle
Reporter of the First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date
Wild Magic