Dantia/Storylines/Mana Surges & Wild Magic/Phase 7: Heralds vs Immortals

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Player Story: By Nawain

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Aug 31, 2024
Nawain is exhausted and despondent, as the crushing weight of divine displeasure overwhelms her. Tormented by her failure and the destruction it caused, she struggles to reconcile her devotion to the Gods with their abandonment. As despair consumes her, she quietly laments the loss of a thousand souls and her own powerlessness. Full story on Discord

Player Story: I Think by Dantia

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Aug 31, 2024
Dantia waits for something uncertain, though she believes she'll recognize it when it happens. Although time blurs together, her senses are sharp, and she spends her time thinking over old battles, hoping to find a pattern to guide her. Despite the uncertainty, she clings to her identity as a survivor, determined to endure. Full story

Liraxes at Grassland Road

Date Summary Link
Aug 31, 2024
Summary pending.

Visit the Sorcery Messengers page for more info about this messenger and their interactions during this event.


Upcoming Player Event: Investigating Hrendh Skogar

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Jun 15, 2024
Some suspect that an unknown malevolent entity is at work amidst the ongoing Wild Magic crisis, either as the underlying cause or simply taking advantage of the situation. Perhaps striking at the plague wraiths that ushered in the worst effects may offer some clue as to the nature or point of entry of this entity, or force it to prematurely show its hand. Bioexorcist Karthor invites interested adventurers to join an expedition to that end. If nothing else, the destruction of these undead menaces may help to shift the balance in a direction favorable to Life. Participants are encouraged to abstain from using sorcery in this endeavor.

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