Koror's Office

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Private area for GM Koror that is periodically available to players at the GM's discretion.

Gates to the City




[Gates to the City, The City]
To the north, the towering stone and steel palisades of the City cut a clean line against the sky stretching endlessly to the east and west, interrupted periodically by crossbow-wielding soldiers carrying torches. To the north, the massive gates are halfway lowered, and tense looking customs agents with lanterns scan late arrivals. Only the occasional traveler seems to approach. A weathered message board stands to one side of the road.
You also see a mechanical portal and a massive gate.
Obvious exits: none.

  • A message board reads:
A mess of posters provide snippets of the needs of passerby's, with ''Skilled Hunter, Large Prey'' and ''Miners Inquire at Garrams'' and ''Cheapest Ale in the Bone Quarter'' appear to be the most recently added.

The City, Intersection


[The City, Intersection]
The main thoroughfare splits in several directions dividing the City districts. A number of blockades have been established preventing traffic from moving down most roads. A fountain sits in the center of the crossroads, its multitude of underlit monstrous forms spraying water at a central figure that resembles a friendly looking dog. A large sinkhole appears to have opened, jagged pavement crumbling away to reveal the sewer beneath. To the northwest, the enormous glass and steel Conservatory gleams, and to the east, an open Trading Temple seems to attract most of the foot traffic. You also see the Conservatory, a massive gate and a park bench.

Obvious exits: east.


[The City, Intersection]
The main thoroughfare splits in several directions dividing the City districts. A number of blockades have been established preventing traffic from moving down most roads. A fountain sits in the center of the crossroads, its multitude of underlit monstrous forms spraying water at a central figure that resembles a friendly looking dog. A large sinkhole appears to have opened, jagged pavement crumbling away to reveal the sewer beneath. To the northwest, the enormous glass and steel Conservatory gleams, and to the east, an open Trading Temple seems to attract most of the foot traffic.
You also see the Conservatory, a massive gate and a park bench.
Obvious exits: east.

Active Items

  • fountain
A strange sculpture made of some kind of dark stone, the fountain bears numerous bizarre forms that resemble humanoid animal hybrids, a howling man with a wing for a left arm, a screaming woman with bird talons for feet, and a kneeling body with a long coiled scorpion tail. Each figure appears to be in anguish, either recoiling from or in supplication to the central figure, an enormous Raven made of pure white alabaster, its beak held open as it caws defiantly at the sky.
  • dog
Easily standing 10 feet tall, the onyx carved dog appears very happy sitting in the foundtain. It winks at you.
  • sinkhole
A large hole in the ground leads to the inky blackness of the sewer.
  • bench
A simple park bench, it appears comfortable and inviting.

The City, Trading Temple


[The City, Trading Temple]
The din of the market ebbs and flows like a tide, as countless market stalls display goods and wares for sale. Suspended from the ceiling, crisscrossing chains loft a network of idols, presiding over every coin earned and lost. The delicious smell of burnt fat wafts from somewhere nearby. You also see a stall giving away free meat with a couple of things on it.

Obvious exits: west.


[The City, Trading Temple]
The din of the market ebbs and flows like a tide, as countless market stalls display goods and wares for sale. Suspended from the ceiling, crisscrossing chains loft a network of idols, presiding over every coin earned and lost. The delicious smell of burnt fat wafts from somewhere nearby.
You also see a stall giving away free meat with a couple of things on it.
Obvious exits: west.


  • With a flourish of flashing steel, a few scraps of crispy meat fall from the rotating spit, and the stall owner hands the sample off with the smile of a man counting on an imminent sale.

Active Items

  • idols
Hung from a network of chains, idols of all manner of shape and form are chaotically suspended overhead, with no seeming pattern or motivation to their placement or orientation.  Animal totems, humanoid figures, and abstract shapes all gently sway in the various errant market space breeze, some ancient and pitted, some looking newly carved.
  • stall
Numerous rotating spits hold roasting meats of all kinds, the stall subtly constructed to allow the sound and scent of dripping fat sizzling on charcoals to waft in all directions.  The owner is a large man, constantly in motion as he checks his wares and shouts at passersby.  The main attractions are the samples of meat and the kabobs, offered for free to all.
On the stall
Item Price Done
sliced meat 0   
lamb kabob 0   





[Sewer, Below the Streets]
Murky water sloshes through and around assorted rubble scattered within the wide tunnel, gently flowing north. Whatever caused the roof to collapse appears to have also left tufts of fur and scales matted to the bits of loose masonry. Light from the street lamps barely illuminates long claw marks notched into the brick. Absolute darkness engulfs in both directions, though loud skittering echoes can be heard to the south.
You also see the gouged wall.
Obvious exits: none.

Active Items

  • tuft
Glistening with thick oozing liquid, the dark coarse hair bears a few torn silvery scales. The scales are roughly an inch across and oblong, terminating in a blunt point.
  • darkness
The darkness gazes back at you.
  • wall
The rough brick wall bears a number of gouges which seem easy enough to climb.  Vague light from the street above can be seen.

Conservatory, Entrance


[Conservatory, Entrance]
Warm and humid air carries a veritable menagerie of scents, while distant bird calls can be heard echoing along the open space. A split cobblestone walkway bends deeper into the building, both paths disappearing behind a bank of thick foliage. Along either side of the walkway, rich mulched soil is packed with creeping vines, staghorn, maidenhair, and holly ferns. Running water can be heard in the distance, and a welcome kiosk stands near the entryway. You also see a welcome kiosk and some double glass doors that lead outside.

Obvious exits: northeast, northwest.


[Conservatory, Entrance]
Warm and humid air carries a veritable menagerie of scents, and a symphony of frog chirrups and croaks can be heard echoing along the open space. A split cobblestone walkway bends deeper into the building, both paths disappearing into the shadowy foliage. Along either side of the walkway, black soil is packed with densely packed ferns. Running water can be heard in the distance, and a brightly lit kiosk stands near the entryway.
You also see a welcome kiosk and some double glass doors that lead outside.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest.

A welcome kiosk reads:
"Welcome to the Conservatory in the City!  Originally constructed in the year of the Barefoot Wanderer by decree of the Spore Collective, the facility is home to over a thousand varieties of plants, collectives, chloromissiaries, and rootsinks.  Please remain on the pathway to avoid trampling anything underfoot and to stay a healthy distance from our more aggressive varieties!  Enjoy your stay!"

Active Items

  • walkway
WIth no apparent pattern, various rocks appear gently shaped and loosely arranged to make a walkway.  Limestone, granite, gneiss, soapstone, and slate tumble together, each stone worn down from years of foot traffic.
  • kiosk
A gaethzen sheet has been mounted within a carved sandstone frame, gently illuminating a number of displays which advertise the Conservatory's mission and ongoing projects.  Finely carved leaves wrap around the kiosk frame.
There seems to be something written on it.

Conservatory, Alpine Heights


[Conservatory, Alpine Heights]
The air is cold and thin, and scattered pine, spruce, ash, and elm trees reach towards the vaulted ceiling high above, where steel beams frame enormous glass panes. The walkway winds through a large meadow of flowering glory-of-the-snow, monkshood, and a rainbow of snapdragons. A white-furred mountain goat surveys the region, standing adjacent a robed figure. A stream burbles between lichen covered rocks, large spores bobbing gently along the banks. Obvious exits: east, southeast.


[Conservatory, Alpine Heights]
The night air is cold and thin, and the outlines of various trees reach for the vaulted ceiling high above, where beams frame enormous glass panes. The walkway winds through a large meadow of flowering glory-of-the-snow, monkshood, and snapdragons. A strange form gazes at the night sky overhead, while a stream burbles between the rocks below with gently glowing globes bobbing along its banks.
Obvious exits: east, southeast.


  • The robed figure sways and emits a series of rapid clicks and coughs.
  • A flash of scales and a splash betray a creature attempting to move upstream.

Active Items

  • form
Hood thrown back revealing a mass of gently glowing mushrooms where its head should be, the figure appears to be gazing at the stars, arms outstretched. Pits of blue light in place of eyes sweep the sky, while slowly writhing tangles of elongated, outstretched, vine-like hands sway gently in the breeze, as if sampling the air.
  • stream
The babbling brook winds gently between rocks, as spore globes drift along bouncing off rocks and the embankment.

Conservatory, Low Desert


[Conservatory, Low Desert]
Burnt dry air wafts across enormous sand dunes and weathered boulders dragged from ancient floods, shimmering in the heat. Occasional dust twisters sweep rich red and yellow grains of silt and dance chaotically before dissipating. The sharp scent of chaparral, juniper and sage mark the survival of rugged flora, and scraggly yucca trees hunker low to the ground. The walkway curves around itself, a gentle loop encircling an open shelter to provide shade. Six-toed animal tracks crisscross over the walkway, the footprints apparently gathering around a sun-bleached warning sign. You also see a doorway.


[Conservatory, Low Desert]
Cold dry air wafts across enormous sand dunes and weathered boulders dragged from ancient floods. Occasional dust twisters sweep sand and silt along in chaotic dances. The sharp scent of chaparral, juniper and sage mark the survival of rugged flora, and scraggly yucca trees mark strange outlines against the night sky. The walkway curves around itself, a gentle loop encircling an open shelter. Faint animal tracks crisscross over the walkway, apparently gathering around a faded warning sign.
You also see a doorway.
Obvious exits: southwest, west.

A warning sign reads:
Do NOT attempt to feed the Collectives!  They camouflage for a reason!

Active Items

  • dune
Deep crimson and beige bands of sand ebb and flow as the wind shapes gentle hills and valleys.
  • dust twisters
Gathering a column of spinning sand, the twisters race along and dissipate just as quickly.
  • flora
Scrub bushes cling to life, smelling vaguely musty and peppery.
  • tree
Bent at odd angles, the thin trunk is covered in a thick layer of scraggy bark.  The tree sports a tall column of elongated leaves that terminate in sharp points.
  • shelter
A simple wooden lean-to provides shade and meager shelter from the hot desert sun.  A thin silver chain wraps around the support posts, preventing entry.
  • track
Odd six-toed footprints track along the walkway, occasionally crisscrossing over the cobblestones.  Always consistent, they never seem to change in their pace or distance.  New footprints appear, betraying a vague shimmer that seems to be on the move.
  • sign
Sun-bleached from exposure to the elements, the sign can still be clearly read.
There appears to be something written on it.

Conservatory, Koror's Office


[Conservatory, Koror's Office]
More an excuse to house a bunch of plants than an office space, it is fairly obvious nothing much happens in here. Tucked into a corner sits an old desk made of warped wood, atop which sits a positively massive sheet of curved crystal connected to a black cube. A comfortable looking couch is nestled under an arbor of creeping ivy, and some super huge weights sit in a corner, very clearly used all the time. You also see an old hat rack with a couple of things on it and a doorway. Obvious exits: none.


[Conservatory, Koror's Office]
More an excuse to house a bunch of plants than an office space, it is fairly obvious nothing much happens in here. Tucked into a corner sits an old desk made of warped wood, atop which sits a positively massive sheet of curved crystal connected to a black cube. A comfortable looking couch is nestled under an arbor of creeping ivy, and some super huge weights sit in a corner, very clearly used all the time.
You also see a box of festive gifts decorated with eyestalk imagery, an old hat rack with a couple of things on it and a doorway.
Obvious exits: none.

Active Items

  • These items are active in the room but do not have any additional LOOKs or interactions: rack
  • crystal
The pure crystal glows a soft silver and is shaped into a perfect cube, and is reinforced by thin lines of silver in a complex lattice.
  • beanie (on rack)
Knit from grey wool, the soft beanie appears comfortable.
  • jacket (on rack)
Huge and bulky, this jacket looks like it could keep the wearer comfortably warm in even the coldest weather.  The pockets are full of snacks.