S'sugi malchata
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Alien in appearance, the s'sugi malchata could be mistaken for a humanoid at a great distance. However, up close there's no room for uncertainty. An insect-like head and slitted yellow eyes cap a sinuous three part body. Long, segmented appendages protrude out of the creature's back, hooked around its torso like an extra set of ribs. Short, jagged claws cap its humanoid-hands, and wavering antennae probe the air. Oddly, the s'sugi malchata's multi-jointed legs don't make contact with the ground, it appears to hover above the sand on an invisible cushion.
- Skin Type: A Malchata Rib
- Max skin value: ?
- Max arranged skin value: ?
- It drops coins. Range: "x" to "y"
- It drops boxes. Skill Range: "???" to "???"
- It drops gems.
S'sugi Malchata are confirmed to live in Remcli Amarcen on Ranik's Map 66b and in Korgi on Ranik's Map 97a.