Allye/Performances/The Great Apple Windfall

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Real Date 2021-10-12
Game Date 439-07-37
Event Sfek Vaun Arotru's Apple Harvest Moot
Point of View Character Unknown

(Allye flounces forward, swinging her apple-shaped picnic basket as she approaches the front of the gathered group.)

Allye perks her ears up in delight.

Allye pulls a checkered linen cloth out of her picnic basket, setting the basket aside as she spreads the cloth out on the ground.

Allye excitedly exclaims, "Apple harvest moot!"

Allye flashes a wide grin.

Allye says, "The variety and volume of apples in Kermoria is, frankly, inspiring."

(Allye motions to the picnic cloth spread across the ground. Atop the plush fabric, a veritable mountain of apples of every size and color ascends to an impressive, if precarious, height.)

>look on cloth The brilliant crimson linen is embroidered with small golden cupcakes at each corner. Spread out on the picnic cloth you see a deep red apple, a deep red apple, a deep red apple, a deep red apple, a deep red apple, a Berengaria harvest apple, a blue apple, a purple apple, a small yellow apple, a large green apple, a purple apple, a purple apple, a purple apple, a purple apple, a small yellow apple, a small yellow apple, a small yellow apple, a small yellow apple, a tiny purple Ilithic apple, a tiny purple Ilithic apple, a tiny purple Ilithic apple, a tiny purple Ilithic apple, a tiny purple Ilithic apple, a Berengaria harvest apple, a Berengaria harvest apple, a Berengaria harvest apple, a Berengaria harvest apple, a golden apple, a golden apple, a golden apple, a golden apple, a golden apple, a large green apple, a large green apple, a large green apple, a large green apple, a black apple, a black apple, a black apple, a black apple, a black apple, a blue apple, a blue apple, a blue apple and a blue apple.

Allye exclaims, "To that end, please allow me to sing you all a song that I like to call 'The Great Apple Windfall.'" She arcs her arm outward to motion to her two fellow performers who stand at either side of the apple pile. "With gracious and essential accompaniment from Siendra and Almarius!"

Allye smiles cheerfully, giving Siendra and Almarius a big nod to indicate she's all ready.

(Siendra bows her head to Allye with a smile. Then, holding up a pair of applewood claves in her hands, she smartly raps one upon the other, creating a brightly resonant rhythm. The infectious pattern establishes itself and is soon partnered with a melodic counterpart as Almarius joins in.)

(Almarius brings her ocarina to her mouth and starts to pipe an animated refrain. The notes skip and bound along, keeping time with the pace of Siendra's claves.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "The air starts to chill and orchards bear fruit,
   Oh, what a thrill: It's time for a moot!
   Harvest them all, the sweet and the sour,
   A great apple windfall, all ours to devour!"

(Allye sweeps around the picnic cloth with a light, dance-like skipping motion. She kneels down to scrutinize the colossal pile of apples assembled on the cloth, nodding to herself.)

(Siendra steps neatly to one side to avoid being bowled over by Allye's effusive movements. The rhythm of her claves never falters, however, driving the song ever forward.)

Allye gets a large green apple from atop a checkered linen cloth.

(Allye uses both of her hands to lift up a surprisingly large green apple, climbing back to her feet and displaying it for the gathered crowd.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "Shrouded in mist, in a valley village by a river,
   The Green Tog-Fist will set your heart just aquiver.
   Tiger Clan's pride packs a flavor so bright,
   Several spans wide, what a really big bite!"

Allye puts a large green apple on a checkered linen cloth.

(Almarius spins in a jaunty little circle as she continues playing the chipper tune on her instrument. The Gnome narrowly avoids being knocked over by the giant green apple as Allye rolls it back onto the picnic cloth, only to lift another apple into the air.)

Allye gets a small yellow apple from atop a checkered linen cloth.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "Wow, here's a treat!  It's fair Arthe Dale's prize:
   Chopped onto sweets and baked into pies.
   The Olvi Sweet and Tart, it's tiny perfection,
   A true work of art in any confection!"

(Siendra's catchy cadence propels the song into the chorus once again. She taps her foot in time with the rollicking tune.)

Allye puts a small yellow apple on a checkered linen cloth.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "The air starts to chill and orchards bear fruit,
   Oh, what a thrill: It's time for a moot!
   Harvest them all, the sweet and the sour,
   A great apple windfall, all ours to devour!"

(Almarius launches into the next verse, a flurry of chirpy notes flowing from her ocarina as she improvises high-spirited variations upon the central motif of the tune.)

Allye gets a purple apple from atop a checkered linen cloth.

Allye indicates her purple apple with a smile.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "Here's a strange pleasure, a most acquired of tastes,
   Thin skin by most measure surrounds tart, mushy paste,
   The Elothean Purple Priss, with a wink and a nudge,
   Whoever named this must bear some kind of grudge!"

Allye grins wryly.

Allye puts a purple apple on a checkered linen cloth.

(Siendra's claves strike each other with a rich, sonorous timbre. The tempo maintains its spirited pace as Allye sets the purple fruit back onto the towering apple pile.)

Allye gets a blue apple from atop a checkered linen cloth.

Allye raises a blue apple high into the air for all to see.

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "Battered and bruised by the harsh desert winds,
   This hardy blue fruit grows thick, scaly skin.
   The S'kra Mur applaud, for it's dear and auspicious,
   The skin's a bit odd, but inside it's delicious!"

(Almarius blinks curiously at the rugged blue apple in Allye's hand as she sets it atop the apple pile. Trilling notes flutter forth from her instrument as the song barrels toward its conclusion.)

Allye puts a blue apple on a checkered linen cloth.

Allye gets a deep red apple from atop a checkered linen cloth.

Allye tosses her deep red apple from hand to hand.

Allye brightly sings in a soprano voice:

  "With joyous accord, my song finds its end:
   This fruit so adored by my dear Rakash friends
   Is a rainbow unfurled, from sour to sweet,
   It mirrors our world, and all the people we meet."

(Allye twirls back once more, standing behind the picnic cloth and its hoard of apples with her arms dramatically outstretched. She takes a deep breath and dives into the final chorus.)

Allye sings in a soprano voice:

  "The air starts to chill and orchards bear fruit,
   Oh, what a thrill: It's time for a moot!
   Harvest them all, the sweet and the sour,
   A great apple windfall, all ours to devour!"

Allye gives her deep red apple a hug!

(Siendra knocks her claves together in a final iteration of their pattern, ending with a slight flourish. She subtly rubs her wrists as the tune winds down.)

(Almarius pipes a final few twittering notes as the song comes to an end. She joins the others as the trio takes a collective bow.)