Allye/Picnic Basket Madness

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It's a completely normal number of picnic baskets to have. Don't worry about it.


  • a jellyfish-shaped picnic basket with silvery tentacles of ruffled whisperlayne (a glistening blue-tinted silveress picnic cloth stitched with fanciful marine life )

Baskets of Unknown Origin

  • bright red apple-shaped picnic basket (a checkered linen cloth)


  • an artfully woven glitvire picnic basket lined in dusk-hued spun glitter (a darkly glimmering spun glitter picnic cloth)
  • a spacious Ilithic applewood picnic basket with twin handles (a sumptuous Elven wool picnic cloth dyed in softly blended hues)

Other Festival Shops

  • a polished ribbon-stripe picnic basket strung with tiny pink loveglass hearts (an ivory damask picnic cloth with a delicate pink heartstring lace overlay)
  • a woven reed picnic basket painted with briar roses (an expanse of pale green cotton embroidered with briar roses)
  • a square picnic basket covered in green velvet (a lace-trimmed linen picnic cloth)
  • a round picnic basket swathed in elegant black watersilk (a soft expanse of cloth-of-silver trimmed with pale amber beads carved into stylized suns)
  • a grey picnic basket with a beaded handle (a soft blue cotton cloth embroidered with tiny fish and water plants)
  • a pale spiritwood picnic basket strung with miniature glaes spatulas (an elaborate storyplait picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas)
  • a Siksrajan applewood picnic basket embellished with miniature glaes spatulas (an opalescent moonsilk picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas)
  • a burnished smokewood picnic basket trimmed with miniature glaes spatulas (a shimmering firesilk picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas)
  • a delicate e'erdream picnic basket adorned with miniature glaes spatulas (a wispy lace picnic cloth patterned with fanciful dancing spatulas)

Order and Mentor Event Prizes

  • an asymmetrical picnic basket dangling loveglass apples (an expansive verdant picnic cloth)
  • an asymmetrical driftwood picnic basket displaying a frosted seaglass starfish (a colorful beach cloth)
  • a silvery grey picnic basket with braided leather wrapping around the handles (regular basket template, no cloth)

Order And Mentor Event Gifts

Tavern Troupe

  • an artistically woven applewood picnic basket adorned with Rakash charms (a luxurious picnic cloth resembling an apple blossom in bloom)
  • an adorably plump frog-shaped picnic basket (a misshapen felt picnic cloth splattered with shades of green)
  • a beribboned caravan-shaped picnic basket crowned with a pair of small plush donkeys (an expansive gingham picnic cloth checkered in summery shades of lemon and lilac)
  • a barrel-shaped picnic basket adorned with tiny monkey-shaped charms (a crimson firesilk picnic cloth with golden bananas embroidered along the edges)
  • a small keg-shaped picnic basket (a simple cloth splotched with red wine stains)
  • a flamewood picnic basket boasting a profusion of golden firesilk ribbons (an oversized flame-shaped cloth trimmed with red and orange silk)
  • a cheery yellow lemon-shaped picnic basket (a plush lemon-yellow cloth edged with bands of white)
  • a silverwillow picnic basket festooned with a riot of colorful blossoms (a broad picnic cloth dyed with a vibrant array of blossoms)
  • an oblong picnic basket resembling a teetering stack of historical books (a picnic cloth)
  • a spacious black walnut picnic basket painted with a pair of dancing swans (a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold)

Iron Circle

  • a marine-hued picnic basket with a seaglass lid shaped like a cresting wave (a crimson picnic cloth encircled by images of toothy sharks )

Dragon Shield

  • a coarsely woven applewood picnic basket decorated with fragrant blooms (an apple-green picnic cloth embroidered with images of farm life)


  • a black willow picnic basket with a ruby star clasp (a shield-shaped picnic cloth with a ring of red stars)

Black Fox

  • a silverwood picnic basket tied with colorful fox tails (a black picnic cloth with the image of a grinning fox)

Lorethew Society

  • a snowy white picnic basket painted with silvery snowflakes (a picnic cloth)

MT Event Incidentals

  • an Ilithic applewood picnic basket lined with Elven silk (an Elven silk picnic cloth embroidered with silvery thread)
  • a smokewood picnic basket trimmed with heartstring lace (a gingham picnic cloth edged in heartstring lace)
  • a finely grained osage picnic basket (a vibrant red satin picnic cloth)

Hollow Eve Game Prizes

  • a latticed aganylosh'a picnic basket tied with ametrine sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed modwir picnic basket tied with topaz sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed lacewood picnic basket tied with golden beryl sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed cocobolo picnic basket tied with fire agate sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed balsa picnic basket tied with alexandrite sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed glitvire picnic basket tied with winter opal sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed ban-minahle picnic basket tied with shadow emerald sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed osage picnic basket tied with damaryn pearl sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)
  • a latticed ban-minahle picnic basket tied with alexandrite sea otters (a watersilk picnic cloth with a scalloped border of sea otters holding hands)